Andrea cox

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Post yoga raw vegan “cereal” with brazil nut “milk”!

Mmm! It’s 3am and I’m already up creating a delicious after yoga breakfast for my girlfriends and I! We are headed to a 5am hot yoga class! I get excited for yoga! I get even more excited over good organic raw vegan food! Wild local blueberries, fresh mint, “nannas” and golden mulberries! I’m topping this with Brazil nut “milk” infused with vanilla bean and cinnamon!


The recipe is simple!

1 Cup blueberries fresh or frozen

1 banana chopped 

4 mint leaves chopped

1/2 Cup golden mulberries 

dash of cinnamon 


For the “milk”

Take 1 Cup of Brazil nuts and blend them in a high power blender with three cups of water. Strain through a strainer or nut milk bag and add fresh vanilla bean!


Pour the Brazil nut milk over the chopped fruit and devour without shame or guilt!

To be a Queen, you must eat like one!♡♡♡ #foodporn #lfrv #rawvegan #fullyraw #wholefoods

Raw vegan "cereal"

Raw vegan “cereal”

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