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Archive for the tag “New moon”

Do These six things on The New Moon!

Ah, I LOVE the new moon! New moon energy is incredibly special. It is the one day per month that truly sets the tone for the remaining days that follow. 

You want as much positive juju and creative energy as you can muster so that you set intentions that are vibrationally high for the month ahead! These intentions will be carrying you into the next month! Energy drains contradict this. They put you in a low vibe mindset which can inadvertently affect your ability to manifest. Simply said, don’t let others lower your new moon vibe! 

New Moon Ritual

New Moon Ritual

Today’s New moon!

I started my new moon day off today with a colonic. I followed it by fasting on liquids and I’m about to have a beautiful bath. I’ll follow this with a  warming dinner. On the new moon, I am impossible to get a hold of. In fact, if you message me you probably won’t hear back. If you call me I’m not going to pick up the phone. If you stop by, I’ll probably be out in nature somewhere with my dogs.

Why? Because empaths are highly sensitive on new moons and full moons. I would rather remain in solitude and peace than risk the chance of lowering my vibration in any way.

Tips for the new moon!

Just say NO to anything or anyone that drains you!

Like I said above. Energy drains should be kept to a minimum. If you are empathic like I am the day is best spent alone with your cell phone on silent. Just tell anyone you love that you’ll be available for them on the next day. The new moon is the one day a month that ALL energy drains should be shunned. 

Create a ritual!  

If you’re thinking of fire circles filled with witches over a cauldron, just remember that although these types of rituals do exist, that’s not what we’re talking about today. If you’ve been here with me for any length of time you know I absolutely love to take ritualistic baths! Right now my bathtub is surrounded by lit candles and crystals. In the bath, I have rose petals from my garden along with some sage and Epson salts. I sprinkled a little bit of lavender essential oil in there as well. Bath rituals are excellent but don’t limit yourself! I love a good burning bowl ritual too!

Creating your own ritual is simply using a set of practices or habits that you commit to doing during every new moon or full moon. It could be as simple as meditating, doing yoga, or creating a list. It can even be as elaborate as creating your alter space, making a crystal grid, or taking a cleansing bath as I mentioned above. Whatever it is, make sure it incorporates taking a pause around each month’s new moon to reflect and plant new seeds of intention. 

Create a sacred space in your home Every area of my home is sacred! I have four alters throughout my home. Although I use my ancestral alter the most, I do have a designated new moon and full moon altar I also use during every moon cycle. The new moon is the optimal time for setting a sacred space in your home to make your own magic. Clean and cleanse the energy of a place where you want to create your alter space. Also, don’t forget to spend a bit of time with your affirmations and intentions there as well.   

Start that new project! Send out that package! Build that DIY project!  The new moon is the most fertile day of the moon phase cycle each month. If ever there was the perfect time for initiating any new action it would be under the new moon! Start anything and everything you feel passionate about or, that you think you may not finish!

Make a list! Setting your intentions is key! My new moon goal list is almost always accomplished within the following thirty days! I cannot emphasize this ritual enough! Try it and allow it to work for you!

Light a ritual candle and burn sage, copal, or palo santo for cleansing last month’s debris. Every month we are so fortunate to be given an extra boost of intention setting energy with the new moon. Why not shine a light into your situation with a candle? The practice of lighting candles and charging them with intentions goes back thousands of years. I anoint mine with my ritual oils found here. I also burn my Mexican copal, sage, palo-santo bundles shown below. You can find those here. I call in my ancestors with great intention. Usually my father and my grandparents. I ask them to guide me in the right direction and to show me the things I truly need to see. 



Enjoy this new moon my beautiful witches and warlocks! I know I’m going to enjoy mine

I love you, 

I only want the best for you

Please love yourself and drink your juice

Cilantro Kisses ~ Andrea

How to do a new moon ritual

Tonights new moon is going to be absolutely fabulous! On both New Moon and Full moons I always do a ritual. Both are different as the New moon invites the new, the full moon gets rid of the old (thank goodness).

Cleanse your space ~ Sage Palo Santo or whatever you fancy! Just light and walk around your home saying the following “I only allow loving supportive happy positive people into my home and my life”.

Invite the four elements of Air, water, Earth and Fire into your space ~ I always grab a dish of water, light an incense to represent air, I use a candle for fire and bring in the outdoors in the form of a flower to represent earth.

Write your Intentions for the next 30 days Draw a large circle on a piece of paper with your pink marker . . . make sure it’s large enough for you to write in. Sign and date the bottom of the paper.

Meditate on how you will feel when your intentions come into fruition ~ This is my favorite part of the ritual. I sit and visualize my dreams coming into fruition. ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE during this process! I mean ANYTHING! The point here is to take as much time as you need in order to visualize.

I hope this helps you! It truly has helped me get through some pretty difficult times. It also clears my mind to know what I truly desire!


Full moon in Aries – A poem for release

A few days prior to the full moon I always get creative. I express this creativity through writing. Last night was the full moon in Aries. It is a time to reawaken to self. With all of these astrological changes we’ve been going through since June of last year, it really never has been easier to let go, release and to walk through these portal doors.

Below is a bit of “flow” I wrote for you. Enjoy

Crack open
Wild to see
You were not born to stay silent
You were born to be free

I wait by the ocean
But not for you
I lie here naked
For all that is true

My soul is white now
It used to be gray
I wasn’t living to see the next day

But pain has a way of breaking us free
From obstacles that hold us back of who we are meant to be

So I’ll swim in the ocean
As the dusk hits the dawn
This full moon covers me
Of what I know now to be gone

It was a whirlwind
Of happy and sad
An upheaval of things
that still make you mad

I forgave you long ago
As you can clearly see
It wasn’t my place
To make you see

I’ll run along now
Wild and free
I’ll be this woman
you taught me to be

I hope you’re relaxed now
Not so uptight
We had a lot of love making
Mixed in with those fights

In the end, I know you’ll see
Without your witchy woman
You wouldn’t have found the key

They say before a rebirth
Scorpios will be around
They’ll take you through the ringer
Tossing you to the ground

If you’re reading this and it doesn’t resonate
It’s yet to happen
Your final fate

One day you’ll see
That all along
That I was for you
And this tender love song

When you showed up at my door
You came in weak
But you left as a man
After encountering your Scorpio freak

Crack open
Wild to see
You were not born to stay silent
You were born to be free

I wait by the ocean
But not for you
I lie here naked
For all that is true

My soul is white now
It used to be gray
I wasn’t living to see the next day

But pain has a way of breaking us free
From obstacles that hold us back of who we are meant to be

So I’ll swim in the ocean
As the dusk hits the dawn
This full moon covers me
Of what I know now to be gone

It was a whirlwind
Of happy and sad
An upheaval of things
that still make you mad

I forgave you long ago
As you can clearly see
It wasn’t my place
To make you see

I’ll run along now
Wild and free
I’ll be this woman
you taught me to be

I hope you’re relaxed now
Not so uptight
We had a lot of love making
Mixed in with those fights

In the end, I know you’ll see
Without your witchy woman
You wouldn’t have found the key

They say before a rebirth
Scorpios will be around
They’ll take you through the ringer
Tossing you to the ground

If you’re reading this and it doesn’t resonate
It’s yet to happen
Your final fate

One day you’ll see
That all along
That I was for you
And this tender love song

When you showed up at my door
You came in weak
But you left as a man
After encountering your Scorpio freak


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