Andrea cox

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To enjoy the journey is to find peace!

Today and everyday I am choosing to “enjoy the journey”! This was said to me years ago by my mentor while I was in the depths of my detoxification process as I healed my body on living foods. I can remember calling him in tears asking when “this will end”? When will the old stuff stop coming up? Why was my mind cleansing even more than my physical body? How can I possibly move through so much pain at once?

I’ll never forget his words to me. He said Andrea… what good is the journey if we are not enjoying our walk down the path along the way”? That was the very first moment I began to “relax” into what is in order to allow what was to come.

Its been quite a long road and the road has had many bumps along the way. The one thing I’ve learned beyond all others is that if we don’t allow the pain to come up and FEEL through it, we will never allow for the sunshine and rainbows to come through. 

Today, I encourage each and every one of you to FEEL through your pain! Love yourself along the journey and to allow everything that is meant to flow into and out of your life to do so. I promise you that any pain you are feeling now will soon be replaced with some of the most beautiful sun filled days of your life.

I love you and believe in you! Have the BEST week ever! 


Hiking in Mexico with the love of my life:)

Hiking in Mexico with the love of my life:)

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