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Archive for the tag “motivation”

Why you are Gaining weight while you are in quarantine

Why you are gaining weight while in quarantine…

Hey love Andrea here,

Be yourself! Everyone else is taken.
I’ve pretty much lived the past 2 1/2 years in a quarantine of choice. It has been a time of major spiritual growth for me. A time of starting a second spiritual business that utilizes my greatest gift of intuition combined with my knowlege of health and relationships. A business that thrusted me into self sufficiency and abundance. Although I’ve had several challenges and blocks strategically placed along my path by others, this and they have only elevated me to a higher spiritual state of consciousness. One that in my opinion I wouldn’t trade for the world.
I love how this Quarantine life has gotten me back to my roots! To my ancestral callings. To my sweet open hearted Pisces loving makeup-less uniqueness. I also love how it’s brought out my more masculine Scorpio Moon and rising protective vibe. 
Happiness is not a place, a person or a soverign bank account. Happiness is being perfectly content, at peace and in love with every flower, every green juice, every elixir tonic and every twin soul we meet along the way! 
People will always be challenged when they see you creating magic out of thin air… but hey… I’ve done that since the day I came out of the womb.:) ‬And this my luvs is where the magic is! 
Back to the subject at hand… Why in the heck are so many of you gaining weight during quarantine?! Read below to find out!

Over the past 48 hours I’ve spoke to three different women and one man who reached out to me via social media, set up a phone consultation and told me that they were sick and tired of feeling sick overweight and tired. 

I know what you’re saying “great Andrea… so all of them signed up for coaching with you and all of them are on their way to better health, a sexier healthier body, more energy and an increased immune system”!

The truth is out of all four people only the man signed up for coaching. All three women have either not gotten back to me or, have said it’s just not the right time”. 

Why am I pointing this out to you today? 

Well, first off… let me tell you that I asked for permission from my new client Alexander and he said I could share the following information with you. Alex is an attorney in Houston Texas who is married with two kids. He has an overwhelming schedule, barely finds the time to exercise and often eats standing up while listening to his kids talk about their day and simultaneously going over legal documents. 

Bottom line, he’s busy yet he is still taking the plunge and moving forward with the coaching program.

Alex‘s wife has followed me for years and got a Health Reading in March. She knew when that reading was done that I was the only person that would be able to help her husband lose the weight he needed to get rid of in order to be healthier happier and to give more to their children. 

So why is it that out of all four people only the guy took the plunge? The following is my hypothesis…

Since ancient times men have always gone after what they wanted. They don’t allow finances, other peoples opinions and especially a busy schedule to hold them back. When a man sees something he wants i.e.

a woman

a healthy body

a new job or business idea

or a goal, he goes for it! 

Women often don’t. Which is exactly why I’m sharing this with all of you! 

Now is the absolute perfect time to lose the weight you desire. It’s the perfect time to get the body you have always wanted. To get the man you’ve wanted! It’s the absolute perfect time for you to visualize yourself the way you’ve always wanted to look and feel in order to cultivate the life, home, health and partner of your dreams!

Over the next 48 hours I’ll be accepting one last client for the next 31 days! Not three but one! If you’ve always wanted to fit into those jeans if you’ve always wanted to have a healthy body you can be proud of, heck if you’ve always wanted to have sex with the lights on now is your time to hop on board! 

Shoot me an email at

CC that E-mail to my assistant at

Now is the time for you to get truly healthy and happy in your own skin! 

Remember I only want the very best for you!

Cilantro kisses 

Love you, Isn’t it time you love yourself 

~ Andrea

Copyright (This written material and all other written material on Andrea Cox’s websites and social media are owned by Andrea Leigh Cox and AndreaCox LLC) Copying or using any written material of Andrea Cox’s is punishable by law).

Subscribe to my two YouTube channels below

AndreaCoxTV {Health ~ Raw Vegan Recipes & Detox}

TheDetoxIntuitive {Spirituality, Sound Healing & Astrology}

A Daily Mantra!


Yesterday I treated myself to a 90 minute Lomi Lomi massage! This ancient Hawaiian modality allows you to “wipe the slate clean” in order to move forward in any area of your life. Twenty minutes in, the woman performing the massage said, “all of this tightness in your back and neck doesn’t belong to you”. You are carrying someone else’s sh**. She told me this year was my year of transformation!

She then said “you are divinely protected by God, angels & the universe, I feel this”! I won’t argue with her statement. This is how I feel every day. Surrounded with a white light of protection.

The following are questions I’ve been asking myself daily!

How are you showing up in your life?

Have you let someone down? Fix it!

Have you been unkind to another? Apologize!

Have you not been living up to your FULL potential? Step it up!

Has your exercise routine been lacking? Do something different! I’ve been hiking a lot lately!

Everyday is a new day to begin again! Use the quote on my photo as a daily mantra! Move forward with a clean slate! Love you ~ Andrea

I woke up!

I woke up today with desire in my belly

I woke up knowing how important it is to let go of anything that brings confusion or chaos into my BEAUTIFUL life

I woke up knowing how safe I feel in someone’s arms

I woke up to seeing that a true hero faces his fears

I woke up ready to trust

I woke up to the reminder that love is responsible

I woke up to realizing that love protects

I woke knowing that I’m ready

I woke up to knowing that any man who meets you at the most emotionally devastating time in your life and still finds the beauty in your heart is a man worth honoring with positivity and time

I woke up with a desire to travel

I woke up to the sweet reminder that time heals

I woke up to endless possibilities

I woke up, looked in the mirror and liked the woman looking back at me

I woke up knowing the “girl” I was a few months ago doesn’t hold a candle to the woman I am today!

Growing ~ learning & evolving in every area of life!


A Spiritual Re-Birth!

The only reason any of you stand with me is because you know my heart is pure. Thank you for truly “seeing” me. In a world where so many cut emotions out. In a world where so many are numb to FEELING. In a world where SO many walk hurting inside only to further damage those who have done “the work”. You see my open hearted expression as pieces of you that want to be unleashed. You watch me fall again and again and learn from my mistakes. You see my heart open to love and wait nervously with care as it breaks.

Thank you for your support in every way! I appreciate each of you! As I mentioned around Christmas, I’ve went through an enormous transformation spirituality that has led me to alter my path. As I reveal these new ideas to you {very soon} that are part of me, I am praying you accept them with an open mind.

Without the unconditional love from my small inner circle of friends, my loving supportive family, my two furry husbands, and people just like YOU, I would feel lost in dark times.

Thank you for lifting me out of the ashes once again. I promise not to let you down

Here we go again!


The key to happiness that is often overlooked!

I woke in a bed with running water, clothes to wear & food to eat! I am blessed! The majority of the population don’t have the luxuries that you and I do! They aren’t scrolling their news feed! They’re out looking for food for their families! They’re worried about where they will sleep tonight! Don’t ever take life or your health for granted! The Bible says “Do not boast about what you have today for you don’t know what tomorrow will bring”! Life can turn on a dime! Stay humble always!

Enjoy this beautiful day that God has given to you! What a gift! Andrea


What I want for you in 2017


I want you to find this type of love… bf

I hope you find someone that gets excited every time you walk through the door. I hope you find someone that makes you laugh. I hope you find someone that calls you on their way to work just to hear your voice. I hope you find someone that holds you when you cry. I hope you find someone that never leaves you guessing about how they feel. I hope you find someone who tells you they love you every time the phone call ends. I hope you find someone that knows the purity of your heart and the depths of your soul. I hope you find someone who leaves you with lessons instead of pain. I hope you find someone Who doesn’t give you a few pieces but who completes the puzzle you always dreamed your life to be. I love you~Go find love!

I want you to eat like you give a damn! 

Last nights dinner for one… 16122040_10208482886610377_387129027_o

A big salad~roasted fennel onions & yams!Gluten freeDairy free VeganCrueltyFree

YES, I WANT YOU TO LOVE YOURSELF {and your selfies}! PLEASE, only place food in your body that you would give and aging loved one, a sick friend or a child! THE BEST un processed un pasteurized LIVING vegan foods!

I want you to know what unconditional love feels like…

If you know me, you know where I’m going with this! Please consider adopting an animal this year! I love all three of my rescue dogs like they are children!

Today I had 6 workmen in my home! Two were installing a furnace, two a water heater and there were to electricians. This sweet soul didn’t make a sound! He just sat on my lap out back giving me “puppy kisses”! That is what dogs do, they love unconditionally! YES! They are a HUGE responsibility and they are SO worth it!

Let us take lessons from dogs! They love us more than they themselves! PLEASE ADOPT and rescue or even FOSTER a dog, cat, goat or pig in 2017!


Don’t be foolish, live by the sea!


It’s Monday and most people fret!
Thinking bout how much money they’ll get!

Don’t be foolish, live by the sea!
Find a place for you and me!

I’ll watch the waves come crashing in.
Do some yoga, find my “zen”!

You’ll come home and I’ll nourish you
We’ll take a walk with nothing to do

So keep it simple and keep the ocean near
Before you know it, another year

Will have come and gone away
So let’s find a place where we can stay

Love yourself and love me too
Your a simple man who loves the ocean too!

Andrea Cox💗💖💗

#poetry #flowetry #ocean #surfer #healthyliving

Kindness Matters!

She was fierce yet gentle. When she was excited or upset she didn’t sleep for days. She was courage strength & weakness rolled into one. She is love and wants every one around her both mankind and animal to feel love too. beauty

Be kind to others & to yourself this week. If you need a bit of motivation to encourage you to be kind, check out the detox program I created that actually comes with a gratitude journal here! It may be just the type of inspiration you need to get healthier in body, mind and in spirit!

Your Monday MOJO!

Have you ever wanted to fix something that just seemed “Un fixable”? Maybe it was something simple like a broken door hinge or maybe it was the fact that your daughter wanted to constantly where a short skirt to school that you deemed inappropriate.

Whatever it is, Im here to give you some advice that was given to me just a few minutes ago.This morning I have two kind workmen fixing my garage door. They’ve done work on the house before and to be honest with you, they need the work and I appreciate their craftsmanship.I went out to let them know I needed to leave and to offer them some water.

Both men are in their sixties and Walden is quite a talkative man. He proceeded to ask me how my day was. I told him it wasn’t going as planned and his reply was priceless! He said “just remember no matter how your day is going, always leave others better than you found them”! I was so touched I began to cry. He’s now eating one of my salads. 🙂


Facebook Live Schedule until 2017

WOW! If you’ve been missing my Facebook live shows all I can say is you are missing out on some FABULOUS detox advice and some GREAT healthy vegan gluten-free recipes!

Here is my schedule until further notice!

Tasty Tuesday’s 6pm Pacific

Wednesday’s Wisdom 3pm Pacific

Training Thursday’s 3pm Pacific

Q&A Saturday’s 3pm Pacific

Spiritual Sunday’s 6pm Pacific

Tune in here to watch at the above times!

Have a fabulous week and remember, be kind because you never know what someone else is going through! Love and cilantro kisses, Andrea

LIVE Video – Five Tips to have a Healthy Happy week!

Hi beautiful:)

It’s Monday and I want you {more than anything} to have a happy healthy week!

In fact, I want everything you do this week to turn to GOLD!



So this is my promise to you! On this week long countdown to release my new website ~ I’m shooting my Facebook live show EVERY day this week! 


Here’s a link to today’s show click here On today’s episode I give you five tips on having a happy healthy week! We even do a short meditation at the end! Enjoy!

Oh, one more thing, be sure and hit the “follow” button on my Facebook page so you get an alert as to when the next show is! Heres a hint, tomorrows show is at 6pm Pacific time!

I’ll see you then! 🙂 Have a great day!



If you are reading this and know someone that can potentially benefit from this, please SHARE this! They will be thankful and so will I!:)
Andrea L Cox

Andrea Leigh Cox is a fitness model turned health coach who has written two books on the raw vegan healthy detoxing lifestyle! Known as “The Detox Queen” She has taken the media by storm & has an impressive social media following with her YouTube channel surpassing 2 million views & her personal Facebook page alone having 20,000 people!

Andrea has appeared on numerous news stations TV shows and magazine publications in her hometown of Dayton Ohio and now where she lives in San Diego! She has also had national media coverage! Her retreats have become a destination health vacation for several Hollywood celebrities!

Andrea’s online detox programs may be found at

Andrea’s retreats can be found at


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Motivation and Inspiration for your Week Ahead!

Good Morning sunshine:)

Let s start this week off right, shall we? How about a little “motivation”, with some “inspirational advice” followed by an incredible Q & A video!

Your Motivation! The next time you feel your life is falling apart, remember, the BEST part of your life is about to begin! 


I took this photo while in wine country (Mexico)! The person I was walking with couldn’t understand why I would want to take a photo of a single flower growing amongst weeds! To me, it was a symbol of something so incredibly beautiful! It represented “LIFE AMONGST CAHOS”! Here the flower was able to survive while everything around it seemed to die! That is strength! Each of us has this strength inside of us! Strength to overcome! To nourish ourselves with the things we love in order to be there and BE GOOD to the people we cherish the most! 

Be the strength you want to see in others! Set the example! Always knowing you have the ability to SHINE amongst the weeds!

INSPIRATIONAL ADVICE  Here’s an idea! STOP using another person as your reason to not feel good! It’s a weak excuse to blame your partner, children, boss or anyone who is “showing up” in your life to teach you about yourself for your own unhappiness!


As I always do, I placed your Q & A into a video for you! I think you will REALLY love this one I shot yesterday! We covered SO MUCH! I answered questions about food combining, hydration and skincare! I even show you my wrinkles! 🙂

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Andrea L Cox is the owner of The Healthy Haven & (Detox, Yoga, Juice fast & Raw Food Educational Retreats!) She is known as “The Detox Queen” and is a woman who walks her talk!

Andrea is a fitness model turned health coach who has written two books on the raw vegan healthy detoxing lifestyle! Known as “The Detox Queen” She has taken the media by storm & has an impressive social media following with her YouTube channel surpassing 2 million views & her personal Facebook page alone having 20,000 people!

Andrea has appeared on numerous news stations TV shows and magazine publications in her hometown of Dayton Ohio and now where she lives in San Diego! She has also had national media coverage! Her retreats have become a destination health vacation for several Hollywood celebrities!

Andrea’s online detox programs may be found at

Andrea’s retreats can be found at

I WANT TO CONNECT WITH YOU! Find me at the following Social Media Links!






Snapchat ~ AndreaLeighCox

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