Andrea cox

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Self Mastery : A Complete Guide to Actualizing Your Potential Spiritual Self – Mastery

Someone needs to hear this today…

In your darkest hour may you find the light

There’s a part of this lock down that is bringing out something deep inside of you that has been hidden. Something deep inside your heart that represents a lost soul part you have long forgotten about. Today and each day moving forward reach down inside and grab those missing soul parts.

You can do this by sitting in silence or practicing breath with movement like I do. Maybe it’s a business endeavor that you sat on for far too long. Maybe you had a dream about becoming a yoga instructor and now is your time. Maybe you’ve always wanted to be a painter but you’ve feared your works of art would be over looked. A few suggestions below on how to remain tapped in and turned on to self mastery during these times of confusion.

Andrea’s Top Tips for self mastery

* Get out in nature ~ Time in nature is vital for me. There are certain days that I find myself only wanting to lay in a spot along local my hike to spend hour laying in the grass. Some of the benefits of spending time in nature are…

  • Encourages Physical Activity and Engagement
  • Reduces Stress.
  • Improves Short-Term and Working Memory
  • Reduces Inflammation
  • Relieves Depression and Anxiety.
  • Grounding

* gentle yoga ~ Yoga has long been my happy place! I discovered hot yoga Bikram Yoga 15 years ago. The first three years that I moved to SoCal (ten years ago) I attended yoga every day! Yes! Every day! Now, I do my own practice daily. I’m actually finding that although I do miss my group classes, I enjoy my nature yoga just as much.

* meditation ~ Meditation has been a learning practice for me. I find that women tend to flow more towards a moving meditation instead of a sitted meditation (who made that rule anyway). 

A few scientific benefits of meditation are …

  • Stress reduction is one of the most common reasons people try meditation
  • Less stress translates to less anxiety
  • Promotes Emotional Health
  • Enhances Self-Awareness
  • May Reduce Age-Related Memory Loss
  • Can Generate a sense of kindness and gratitude
  • May Help Fight Addictions

* Fasting (I tend to do periodic fasting often) People refer to me as the fasting QUEEN! In fact, I have quite a few viral videos on fasting. Here are a few benefits of fasting below. Oh and check out this video I shot on fasting here!

  • Body fat loss
  • Increased fat burning
  • Lowered blood sugar levels
  • Reversal of type 2 diabetes
  • Improved mental clarity and concentration
  • Increased energy
  • Increased growth hormone

* Sun gazing ~ The pineal gland along with the pituitary are considered master glands.  The pineal gland helps regulate our sleep/wake cycle​ and produces two very important hormones; serotonin and melatonin.

Serotonin AKA the “happy hormone” is produced during the daytime. Melatonin also referred to as the “hormone of darkness” is produced in the evening.  It is the production of melatonin that makes us drowsy.  When we are asleep, melatonin converts to DMT or dimethyltryptamine, which triggers dreams and other astral travels.

The scientific fact that the sun helps to decalcify the pineal gland makes this one of the best benefits of sungazing and solar work.  Probably the most well-known and documented sungazer is Hira Ratan Manek aka HRM.​ Dr. George C. Bernard, a leading authority on the pineal gland, was part of a team of scientist that confirmed HRM had significant pineal gland growth and restoration.

I try to sun gaze daily. Another self loving habit I’ve done since the age of sixteen. 

* Writing ~ When I was 10 years old my teacher called my mother in for a “meeting”. To my mothers surprise, my third grade teacher boasted about my writing skills telling my mother that my written stories and ability to be empathetic towards others brought her to tears. That was an awesome day for my mother and I. Since then I’ve been published everywhere including the Huffington Post, Your Tango and The Good Men Project. I find that my best written work is during times of stress. I suggest taking a journal to bed with you. Writing down whatever is stressing you out in order to have a great night’s sleep. Just leave it on paper. 

* Spiritual Baths ~ Ah, I LOVE LOVE LOVE my spiritual baths and have an entire series of them going into my members section found here! Spiritual baths allow the body, mind and especially the soul to release stress anxiety old wounds and patterns. Do them often! 

* Develop a talent that requires daily practice ~ Developing a talent that requires daily practice gives you a goal to achieve and another reason to get out of bed in the morning. My current talent is sound healing! Another membership perk! I was blessed by my sister to be gifted the most stunning singing bowls. They are truly the holy grail for me. a form of relief from every day stress. My chakras have never been so clear calm and free!

I love you, Only want the very best for you.

Please love yourself.


A Daily Mantra!


Yesterday I treated myself to a 90 minute Lomi Lomi massage! This ancient Hawaiian modality allows you to “wipe the slate clean” in order to move forward in any area of your life. Twenty minutes in, the woman performing the massage said, “all of this tightness in your back and neck doesn’t belong to you”. You are carrying someone else’s sh**. She told me this year was my year of transformation!

She then said “you are divinely protected by God, angels & the universe, I feel this”! I won’t argue with her statement. This is how I feel every day. Surrounded with a white light of protection.

The following are questions I’ve been asking myself daily!

How are you showing up in your life?

Have you let someone down? Fix it!

Have you been unkind to another? Apologize!

Have you not been living up to your FULL potential? Step it up!

Has your exercise routine been lacking? Do something different! I’ve been hiking a lot lately!

Everyday is a new day to begin again! Use the quote on my photo as a daily mantra! Move forward with a clean slate! Love you ~ Andrea

Let’s cut the bullshit!


Last week I shared in a live video that I had {for the first time ever} fired or “let go” of a client I was working with. This person was acting as an energy drainer and time sucker! I simply could not allow her to take from my life or my other clients lives.

The sad part of this equation was I had sank more time and energy into this person (double the time actually) than I ever had at any other client!

When it came time to bill her for the second half of her payment, I was met with drama and excuses. Here we had a person who I graciously discounted my program for and allowed her to split the payment into two portions yet, she didn’t value me enough to follow through.

On top of this, the drama was just too much! Instead of our sessions being calm, they were always full of drama that was occurring in this young ladies life. I began to become a part of her life (as I always do when I work one on one with my clients). When I noticed the drama in her life creeping into my sacred mind space during the day, I knew it was no longer a good fit!

Her drama (thank God) was unable to affect me. My boundaries with others are just too strong.

I learned a VERY VALUABLE LESSON in this! NEVER DISCOUNT YOUR SERVICES! This leads to someone not valuing you as a service provider!

Had I said “NO”, from the beginning when I was “worked” for a lesser amount as my fee, she would have known to have her second payment ready! Instead, she disrespected, me and herself by “accidentally over drawing her account”.

Instead of waiting around for her to come up with the second payment she had magically blown knowing about our agreement, I simply said “this isn’t a good fit”, goodbye!

Ya know what, it felt SO GOOD! Later that day I was blessed with a new client! This is how the Universe and God works!

Energetically I drew this girl to me to teach me the lesson of NEVER discounting my services again!


I hope you learn from my mistake. You are worth it, you are valuable and you deserve to be compensated fir the good honest work you do!


The key to happiness that is often overlooked!

I woke in a bed with running water, clothes to wear & food to eat! I am blessed! The majority of the population don’t have the luxuries that you and I do! They aren’t scrolling their news feed! They’re out looking for food for their families! They’re worried about where they will sleep tonight! Don’t ever take life or your health for granted! The Bible says “Do not boast about what you have today for you don’t know what tomorrow will bring”! Life can turn on a dime! Stay humble always!

Enjoy this beautiful day that God has given to you! What a gift! Andrea


I have a confession to make…


My Confession! Never underestimate the following…

“Good Morning”

How was your day?

How do you feel?

How is your family?

What are your plans today?

How did that project go?

Are you keeping up with your goals?

How about your yoga or meditation practice?

Confession ~ I did some deep soul searching last night and realized I hadn’t heard these kind gestures in quite some time yet, I say them from my heart daily. Even to strangers!

The truth is many of us do not ask these very important questions to our loved ones. We don’t take the time or feel we don’t have the time to do so! And most of us would NEVER take time out of our seemingly busy day to greet a stranger!

I’ll admit that sometimes I can get caught up on dwelling in the past or feeling sorry for myself! I tend to give a lot of time and energy to people who quite honestly, didn’t and don’t deserve it! So today I’m asking you to begin to place others before yourselves!

Today I’m asking you in hopes that you will answer below & ask someone else how they are doing in their own life. Always remember, Kindness matters! People will not remember the way you look, how much money you make or how well you were dressed! People will only remember the way you made them feel!


“In the end, your only job on Earth is to turn your struggles into your greatest victory while sharing your story to help others along their path”!  Andrea Cox


Money flows! Just believe! We are all divinely taken care of and provided for at all times!

A simple little reminder for all of you!

Last night I had a talk with a VERY dear friend! He has always had a lot of money. He is going through a struggle that I’m sure many of you can relate to and a few of you cannot.

This discussion  took me back to a little over a year ago when I went through this same struggle for a short period of time. I reached out to a girlfriend who lets just say “married well”. The discussion left me in tears. This was a woman I could share ANYTHING with and often did. I was simply telling her what I was going through expecting her soothing voice to comfort me. She was always a great advice giver as well:) A very good listener. Her response dumbfounded me…”what do you expect me to say”?

We never spoke again. I realized in that moment she was a fair-weather friend. There as long as you were there to keep up the facade.

Now that I’m FLOWING with abundance!!! Not just financially but my health is at an all time high! I can say this! Money flows! Just believe! We are all divinely taken care of and provided for at all times!

I love you! Now go love yourself despite the size of your bank account!

YOU WON’T BE DISAPPOINTED! Watch my video on how to attract more abundance into your life here!

Wearing my favorite color to yoga after getting my work done for the day! I love what I do! So much purpose!

Wearing my favorite color to yoga after getting my work done for the day! I love what I do! So much purpose!






You are a product of the people you are around! Choose wisely!

You are a product of the people you are around! Choose wisely!

Because I love you and because you have always supported and loved me.
Here is your “quick tip of the day”!

Who are you hanging around?
Do they represent the type of person you desire to be?
Are they authentic?
Do they live the type of lifestyle that you strive to live?

Today was a BEAUTIFUL day surrounded by beautiful, loving, caring people every single moment!
THIS IS HOW I CHOOSE TO LIVE! Every moment of every day.

Love you all, 




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