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Archive for the tag “Mexico detox”

Prepared to be blown away! Full Body, mind & soul detox!

I’m SO excited to be hosting a retreat in April at a beautiful resort in Mexico!

For years I have searched for the perfect location to hold my Alkalize with Andrea yoga, juice fasting raw food detox retreats! This never became so important as it did this past year! During the major planetary shifts that occurred in 2017, I was thrust into a spiritual journey! This journey has truly changed every facet of my life! So much so that I knew I had to bring my new spiritual awareness to all of you! The only part missing was a beautiful destination! 

I’m happy & proud to say that my angels, God & The Universe conspired to make this happen! A friend of mine told me about a retreat center their friend built last year! They were looking for a retreat facilitators. And the rest my detox savvy friends is history!

During your detox retreat we do not limit your cleansing experience to just the body! We focus on many spiritual aspects as well!

Chakra alignment ~ This brings your entire body into a higher vibration by opening the pathways for better receptivity & a faster healing process! You can expect better digestion, less foggy thinking and old aches and pains to disappear.

Natal Chart ~ Every guest who attends Alkalize with Andrea detox, yoga juice fasting raw food spiritual retreats gets their natal chart along with an explanation of each element. This helps you to better understand personality traits of yourself that you may have struggled with in the past. Often times we go through flux (ups & downs) of our moods due to planetary alignments.

Crystal therapy ~ Each guest will receive a crystal to balance them. These crystals are based off of their natal charts & planetary placements mentioned above.


Price is all inclusive {massages & spa treatments are available for an additional fee} All food & juices are 100% organic! No need to bring toiletries. In fact, we prefer you don’t! We provide organic soap, sulfite free shampoo’s, conditioner & fluoride free toothpaste! Just bring comfortable clothing, a good book, yoga clothes and your bathing suit!


Questions? E-mail me at

Enjoy the most stunning sunsets in the World!

Enjoy the most stunning sunsets in the World!


The rooms are incredible! Many rooms have ocean views! You’ll be right on the water!


Daily yoga classes are taught by a certified instructor in a beautiful environment with an ocean view! This assists the body in gently letting go of stuck waste, old patterns & addictions! If you are new to yoga, don’t be afraid! Yoga is like a moving meditation!

You will love it!


All recipes are my very own from my book Raw-Licous! The food & juices are made with 100% organic ingredients! These recipes of mine will be prepared by a professional chef on site!

I can’t wait to meet you at our April 29th retreat! 

Anniversary!! Be beautiful without botox!

Over the years I’ve been accused of getting botox, fillers etc! The only “work” I EVER had done was breast implants over 16 years ago (PRIOR to knowing about the dangers of implants)! That being said my implants are saline NOT silacone! Still toxic however I’ve chosen NEVER to go under the knife again!

I will say this to all of you …beauty can be achieved naturally through proper diet and exercise! We should LOVE aging because so many never have the opportunity! They lose their lives FAR to young such as my father did at age 36!

Love yourself! Every last drop of YOU! This my friends is what will make you beautiful!

It’s our anniversary!

Five years ago today I began Alkalize with Andrea Detox, yoga, raw food educational retreats!

We begin & end each day with yoga at our retreats! We cleanse our body with colonics & enemas while FEASTING on fresh pressed juices and Living foods! We educate ourselves on the benefits of cleansing! We utilize healing modalities such as breath work, lymphatic drainage and good old sweating to detox both our minds and our bodies! I can honestly say that work feels like play for me! When you do what you love, there is no work only happiness!

Book your retreat today at (click on retreats)

Fresh juice, fruit, greens and seeds!

I’ve often said “in order to take care of you (my clients and loved ones), I must first take care of myself!

Here is a little sample of the vegan gluten free food both my guests and myself indulge in at Alkalize with Andrea retreats!


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