Andrea cox

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Archive for the tag “Mexico”

5 reasons to drink coconut water & a side of me you haven’t seen!

Hi there beautiful!

I hope all of you had a lovely holiday! I whipped up a lil spread for William & Oliver {our lovely care taker & friend}. The menu consisted of the following. 

  • Fresh squeezed orange juice
  • Young Thai coconuts
  • Jackfruit
  • Fresh watermelon
  • Loquats
  • A big salad 🙂
  • My special anti-inflammatory guacamole
  • Organic salsa
  • Baked root vegetables {butternut squash}
  • Non-GMO corn tortillas
  • Raw chocolate bark

It was a beautiful day with the ocean, Oliver & the doggies!

Today I wanted to share with you my all time favorite way to hydrate! Its with coconut water! Notice that its not one of those white young Thai coconuts! This is do to so many of them being dipped in formaldehyde! Thats right! I avoid them like the plague! Here is why I LOVE to drink coconut water! 

  1. It’s high in beneficial magnesium and potassium!
  2. It contains copper! An essential mineral you don’t hear about to often that everyone needs!
  3. Coconut water contains A LOT of antioxidants to ward off free radicals!
  4. Got cytokines? Whats that you ask? Cytokines are compounds (found in coconut water) that slow the aging process and have been known to fight off cancerous cells.
  5. Its a sweet treat thats actually beneficial and low cal!

I hope this article entices you to begin drinking more coconut water! Just be sure and get it from a reputable source! I never trust a tetra pac or a white coconut unless I’m in the Caribbean!

 Love the Mexican coconuts!

A side of me you haven’t seen! 

I’m hoping you find benefit from the above information. I love coconut water and drink it daily!

I wanted to share with you a place where I am very candid! It’s a side of me you won’t find on my Youtube channel or here in my news letter. Its called Snapchat! Its a free social media platform for sharing 10 second videos and photos! Here is a little clip of a day and a half on my Snapchat show at the bottom of this email! Enjoy!

Oh and of course, here is the link to follow me there! I can’t wait to see you over there! Be sure and send me a message to say hi! 

Heres the link ~

Mini detox getaway in Mexico:)


I love this photo! It was taken the other morning in Mexico when I had just woke from an amazing two person massage! I was standing in a doorway when the man I adore looked at me and said “you look so beautiful Andrea, I love you with no make up on and your messy hair”. He took the photo and I fell deeper for him??? 

I’m not just falling in love…I’m falling into everything that is true, real and honest. I’m falling into what I’ve prayed for my entire life. #‎thisishappiness

 — in Mexico 


Yes Louis (my furry husband) and I packed our bags and went off for a weekend of R&R in beautiful Mexico! I think the photos below say it all! 


Waking up on the water:) 



I was blessed to have a hot bath drawn for me by candle light!



Louis enjoying the view while I had a two person massage!



This home is SO beautiful! I created Instagram videos Galore next to the fire place!



While in mexico my friend prepared me a juice that was SO INCREDIBLE it reminded me of a “skin tonic” juice I designed for a client of mine! Check my last blog entry on for that recipe!



If you are reading this and know someone that can potentially benefit from this, please SHARE this! They will be thankful and so will I!:) Love you Andrea!

Finding even more happiness in Mexico:)


I love this photo! It was taken the other morning in Mexico when I had just woke from an amazing two person massage! I was standing in a doorway when the man I adore looked at me and said “you look so beautiful Andrea, I love you with no make up on and your messy hair”. He took the photo and I fell deeper for him♡♡♡

I’m not just falling in love…I’m falling into everything that is true, real and honest. I’m falling into what I’ve prayed for my entire life. ‪#‎thisishappiness‬

Morning juice:)

Morning juice:)

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