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10 Tips to improve your mental health while keeping you spiritually grounded.

Hey Luv,

Today is the dawn of a new era. I want to ask each of you, do you want to walk the road ahead in peace or in Chaos?

I choose peace and below I am going to share with you a few of the tools that help keep me spiritually grounded and healthy within the mind. Maybe they will work for you too!

Elixir tonics filled with Medicinal mushrooms

These morning tonics add a kick to my early morning tasks. I use a base of certain teas that work synergistically within the body as both a liver detoxifier and an overall body energizer without the caffeine. I have about 15 videos on AndreaCoxTV via YouTube of my elixir tonics so go check them out!

The Elixir Queen

Andrea Cox is known for her elixir tonic recipes found on her YouTube channel AndreaCoxTV

Crystals, palo-santo, Mexican copal, and sage

My home is full of crystals. Crystals hold energy and they have a real balancing affect on myself and my clients. I use a variety of sage, Copal and Palo-santo. Be mindful of how often you burn these items. Sage and especially Copal (the authentic real kind) Can also get rid of positive energy so try to only use these items once per month.

Palo Santo attracts positive energy and it can be used more often. The sage/copal/palo-santo bundles you see me holding can be found in my Etsy store here.


Andrea Cox’s unique sage, palo-santo, and Mexican copal bundles

CBD drops for myself and my dogs!

I can really tell a difference in both of my dog’s behavior when I give them a few drops of CBD. This in turn also balances my energy!

Organite balancers

A dear friend of mine sent me a few pyramids and a candle holder made from this lovely energized substance. I literally feel the balancing affect when I have them around me or place them on top of my solar plexus.

Oracle cards

Although I don’t recommend to my clients that they pull cards on themselves, they can be used if taken lightly. I see no harm in pulling an Angel Oracle card once a day to pull in a positive message to abide by. Cards should always be used as a guide and not a direction.

Oracle Cards

Oracle Cards

Food that I grow and harvest myself and meals made with love!

At this point, I am growing 90% of all of my fruits and vegetables. This has been a dream of mine ever since I left my garden in Ohio 10 years ago. When you put love into your food it shows in your skin and in your body. Actually, it shows in your overall well-being and outlook on life!


Fresh tomatoes from my garden.

Juicing Daily!

I legit have not missed a day of juicing in 21 years! YEP! I know! Crazy? Maybe to some but not for me! Juicing gives me a TON of energy! The best part about juicing is, you will literally GLOW from the inside out! Try it for a week and see how you feel!

Andrea Cox ~ Green juice

Andrea Cox, green juice

Yoga prayer and chanting

The first hour of my day is not spent jabbering on the phone. Nor is it spent in a gym. Or responding to E-mails. My day begins with Snatam Kaur’s angelic voice playing in the background and candles lit. The first hour of the day is the most precious in my opinion. It truly sets the tone. I generally do a few sun salutations in nature and follow it by chanting something I have spoken for years.


Nature is the only way to remind us that we are a tiny dot of matter on this HUGE earth! Those little problems we make into HUGE issues really lose their place of importance when we venture outside! I try to spend at least two hours per day in nature. Sometimes I eat lunch or dinner outdoors to remind myself of the beauty that nature provides.

Rescue Animals

My dogs are EVERYTHING to me! They are my best friends and they know all of my secrets. Spending time with animals is sacred because they are with us a much shorter time than humans. Animals teach us unconditional love, over and over again. Having animals around (even the birds in the morning) is time I cherish.

My sweet rescue dog Rodger

My sweet rescue dog Rodger

Be present, be mindful … be the change you wish to see in others.

I love you

I only want the best for you

Here’s to embracing SO MUCH LOVE!I

Please love yourself and stay humble

Until tomorrow


Holistic Tips for Mental Health

Andrea Cox Mental Health

It’s been brought to my attention that many of you have been suffering with your mental health. With everything that’s being shared in the media and the happenings in the world today, this is common ground.

First off… I think it’s important to say that everyone suffers with mental health decline from time to time. This occurred with me in my late 20s. I remember being at a gynecologist and him asking me if I was depressed and attempting to hand me an antidepressant. I had been having a bad day it wasn’t like I was suffering majorly but the fact that he was willing to hand out antidepressants like candy was horrific.

The natural antidote for depression and mental health decline in my humble opinion is as follows…

Fresh air and sunshine

The time I spend in nature every day is the most valuable time of my life. Nature is healing. Nature reminds us to get back to self and to source Gaia ~ God. Nature is the only way to soothe all five senses at once. I spend at least two hours in nature daily without my cellular device.

Exercise and Deep breathing

Get adequate Exercise! Even a 20 minute walk upon waking can set your day in the right direction. Never underestimate the power of exercise. The endorphin release alone is worth it. Breath work has been proven to change the way your mind programs itself. I personally prefer yoga or breath with movement.

Eat with full awareness

Eliminating processed foods & alcohol is a must for mental health. Toxicity in the mind cannot exist in an alkaline environment. Drugs alcohol and processed foods along with meat dairy and poultry create an acidic medium in the body. This medium is detrimental to our health and well-being. There is more serotonin that runs in the gut than there is in the brain. Try adding a probiotic every morning like this one. Adopt a plant-based diet eliminating animal products, gluten, sugar and food additives. 

Hydrating w/quality water

We all know we need to stop drinking out of plastic but did you know the type of water you drink matters? I like to drink pure spring water. I never drink flavored water unless I am putting my adaptogenic herbs in the water. Our bodies are made of 80% water. Not giving our bodies the proper water it deserves is denying ourselves of the mental and physical health we deserve. Please hydrate often and hydrate with the proper type of water.

Speaking to a qualified professional/talk therapy

Why do I prefer this over calling a friend or family member? Calling a trusted friend or family member can be tricky. You need to make sure the person you are calling has a vast sense of unconditional love and understanding. You do not want to reach out to a person who will not accept what you are sharing with them and listen with an open heart. Try having at least two people in your mind to reach out to in times of need.

Turning off the TV

If you haven’t heard by now the majority of what you see on the news well it’s fake. The media has a way of making a mountain out of a mole hill. Television shows mass media programming and the news provoke fear in us. We replay the images and words long after the TV has been turned off in our mind. Try unplugging for a day or a week. You will notice a positive difference almost immediately. Spend time in nature. Honestly I do not know what I would do without my outdoor time.

Try Journaling

Sometimes it’s not about sending that letter it’s about writing down our thoughts and feelings so we ourselves can process them. Try keeping a journal in your car in your purse or along your bedside table. Write about your feelings and thoughts often. Try to practice gratitude in life when I have been at my happiest moments such as now it’s because I am enjoying the little things. The sun hitting my face. My roses, my dogs FaceTime with my mother. When we begin to appreciate the little things doors to happiness open. 

My Green Goddess Juice!

From my healthy happy homestead and garden to yours! Don’t forget to drink your juice! I LOVE this juice on mornings that I need a bit of emotional nutrients. 

This juice is from my book Juicing For Beauty!

Although I’ve altered it a bit!

1 bunch celery

1 bunch spinach {I used New Zealand spinach from my garden}

1 lemon skin and seeds in place

1 1/2 inch piece of ginger

2 granny smith apples {seeds included}

Andrea Cox Green Goddess juice

Andrea Cox Green Goddess juice

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