Andrea cox

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Archive for the tag “March 28 2018”

Three “must do’s” to becoming spiritually enlightened!

Spiritual enlightenment does not magically occur in a clogged body! When you are clogged from eating animals and their by products, the mind is clogged too! More importantly the heart is clogged and cannot open to love, abundance and truth.

Eat only high vibrational living foods!

I know what you’re thinking! You don’t have the time. You don’t have the knowledge! You just can’t stick to a plant based let alone a high vibrational raw eating lifestyle!

My coaching FOUND HERE can help you! If you don’t want to invest in coaching a good one on one hour phone or Skype consultation FOUND HERE with me is LIFE CHANGING!

Your new life is a click away!

There are no excuses to having the health, energy and spiritual soundness you desire! Its all in your hands! y-pants

NIX the Dairy!

I spared you photos of half dead cows tossed into a pile left to die!

I spared you the blood work of a non dairy human compared to a dairy drinker!

I spared you live video of the cows screaming for their lives as they are lined up to be slaughtered!

I spared you the list of hormones, antibiotics and drugs the cows are shot up with daily! Hormones and drugs YOU in jest whenever you drink a glass of milk or put cream into your coffee!I spared you the HORRIFIC planetary affects the dairy industry is covering up!Wake up! Go vegan &Please go dairy free!


Actually “Getting the lessons”!

Forgive others! Forgive yourself!

The biggest part of the lesson is “getting the lesson”! Everyone we come in contact with in life (bosses, children and life partners) are one of three types. Karmic, soul mate or twin flame! I’m releasing a YouTube video today on this subject! Everyone you have a relationship with (even your parents) you chose prior to coming to this Earth!


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