Andrea cox

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Archive for the tag “Low carb diets”

When it rains it pours!



Hi there beautiful:)

Have you ever noticed that when it rains, it begins to pour? Of course I’m speaking in general terms of problematic times that we all go through in life. Your car breaks down, computer gets a virus, one of your children begins having difficulties in life. These are just examples of course.

What about within the area of our health?

Have you ever noticed that when you begin having a health issue, many soon follow? You can cough it up to aging but in my opinion thats just an excuse! After all, 50 is the new 20! The truth is our bodies are wired like a computer of a car. When we give our cars bad gasoline (the cheap stuff), our cars begin to break down and the wires to our computer stop working! Before you know it, your adrenals crash, hormone levels spike and your flat tummy you’ve always had is protruding like a GoodYear tire!

But where do I begin…I heard you shout just now:) Keep on reading below! nfa

The truth is you’ve been given bad information for a very long time! You know what bad info is? Right?

Low Carb

Low fat

High protein

Eat right for your blood type

How to kill Candida

Detox your metals “this way”

The anti histamine diet BLA BLA BLA

What if I told you I knew of a simpler way to gain control over your body, hormones and your health once and for all? Would you be interested? Would you want to know more? Or, would you keep on paying for a counter full of supplements that don’t work! Doctors that could care less about your overall well being and just rush you in and out of the door like a cattle call!

The truth is I’ve helped thousands of people just like you gently detoxify their bodies, regain their hormonal health and achieve their ideal weight without any struggle!

During the month of August I’m taking on three new clients (just three)! Three of you will be taken under my wing and taught the ins and outs of how to TRULY care for your body once and for all!


In fact, I believe I may already have one spot filled! You’ve seen the results and heard the testimonials from my clients. Now is your opportunity to jump on board with both feet! It’s a one month commitment that will have you anti aging at ROCKET speed while gaining control of your health and weight!

Interested? Send me an E-mail to Tell me why you want to work with me and more importantly, why you have a strong desire to regain your health and vitality!

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