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Archive for the tag “love yourself”

A Healers Mission

Ever dealt with one of these?

As a healer, you can have other people in life (clients, past relationship partners and random acquaintances) who latch onto you. ‬

‪It’s like a toddler who smacks a baby in the face and feels they need to be picked up and coddled by you. It’s a person who gets joy out of poor behavior and then points their poor behavior as judgments towards you because you refuse to give them the nipple.

‪This type of behavioral disability in another is a pattern I have noticed appearing in my life for a bit too long. A pattern from distant relationship partners that I have not even thought about in years. A pattern from Acquaintances who were interested in me whom I had helped heal of their personal issues but had no interest in on a personal level.

A pattern with both men and women who felt an online connection with me because of what I did for a living and felt I somehow should be obligated to respond to every comment, private message and e-mail.

At times I felt as though I was the mother Theresa of Gaia. The healer of the ages. Some type of raw food relationship guru responsible for the entire worlds weight gain and break ups.

Over the past year I learned of a person who spent YEARS attempting to ruin my online standing with Google. This person actually linked thousands of my recipe videos to horrific pornographic sites. The thing is I’ve known this person hasn’t liked me for a very long time but I just allowed the situation to play out instead of ever taking a legal stance. This person has interfered with every relationship partner I’ve had over the past eight years. He’s sent random emails and messages to almost every friend, connection or partner I’ve had. He’s even tried to get me removed from a home I’ve lived in for 7 years.

But recently things took a turn. A new group of supporting loving people and one man in particular encouraged me to do more than take a legal stance. They encouraged me to fight back by growing bigger and better than ever before. They are teaching me to rise above.

It’s funny, how these synchronicity’s work. I’ve put on 15 pounds over the past four months intentionally with




My bff chiropractor Dave’s adjustments (he took this pic)

Daily juicing



Eating abundant raw living foods

All things I’ve done for over 20 years but this time this weight gain came with a mission attached. A mission to build my body and strength so that I could put an end to an unspoken war with a person that felt like every time I was beginning to fly I need to be pulled back down.

Today I’m asking for prayers. As I Illuminate and eliminate this stressful situation from my life completely by bringing a much needed end to this almost decade long chain of online bullying, hacking and abuse.

Maybe I’m an oddball but my heart fills with joy as I see others accomplishments. It actually fills me up. I can’t imagine why another human would want to pull anyone down.

I love you

Please Love yourself

Honor yourself

Stand up for yourself against marketing tech bullies

Remember, you’ve got this

Until tomorrow, Andrea

Andrea Cox, post pilates and chiropractic session.

Reciprocity in nourishing a relationship

We fall in love with people by the way they treat us. We have the power to demonstrate the way we desire to be treated by what we tolerate. ‬ All healthy relationships are witnessed in the sunlight. Not in darkness. We have the power within us to allow a runway of time for a person to demonstrate how they will set the stage to nurture us. If there is no nurturing present… one can only assume that one is either far too self serving or, “nurturing” elsewhere.

Treat others in a way that you too wish to be treated. There is an alchemical process to life that involves giving and receiving. And yes, we should give without expecting to receive. Yet there is something to be said about the sheer fact that one should not take pleasure without giving pleasure. That every touch, every caress, every glance and every piece of the body has it’s secret that is waiting to be woke. And will bring happinesses and joy to the person who knows how to wake it. And after every celebration of love the lovers should not part without admiring each other in the morning light. Because when reciprocity is not present one leaves over saturated and glutted while the other is left with a bad feeling of being drained, used and misused. So I ask you this … what have you given lately my luv?… Energetically and alchemically? Do you truly give of your heart when you are not even able to be vulnerable? And are you truly giving of your soul when you only have the expectation of being served on the physical? Because just as I was taught, you are being schooled that even “Gods gift” must learn to be a giver. If there is no pleasure given, if there are no words that hold sincerity or truth in the daylight, if there is no monetary reward, if there is zero collaboration within the creative realm then only a scar of a negative memory will be imprinted from this short journey that was meant to be much more.

For the last two years I have chosen to nourish me (yay). Outside of a few interruptions to steer me off my path, I realized that true love and a real feeling of nourishment would never be found in a dark mind space or, a dark room. It could only come from the nourishment within me.

I love you, my luvs

You’ve learned to love yourself

Now learn to love and give to others


Five Reasons to LOVE your flaws!

Hi there beauties!:)

For far too many years I didn’t like my body in fact, I hated it! This is why when approached to write for a certain publication that I have a huge amount of respect for I decided to choose “body love” as the subject! Enjoy & love the skin you are in!


Five Reasons to LOVE your flaws!

1) Realize your flaws really aren’t flaws at all! The fact of the matter is we are all uniquely different! Beauty comes in different shapes & sizes. Can you imagine how boring the world would be if we all looked the same talked the same or had the same hair color? What makes us beautiful is what the next person doesn’t have.

2) Remember society’s perception of beauty constantly changes! This is not your job to keep up with. Rather it is your job to recognize your beauty from within! What is seen as a flaw in society today can be seen as beautiful next year (twiggy, big butts, straight hair, curly hair)! Learn to laugh at this ever-changing narrow view of what is “in verses out”! Create your own society with your peer group that allows all body types & flaws to be seen as beautiful!

3) What you see as flawed someone else sees as beautiful! When I first met my boyfriend I was self conscious about my backside. Here I am this tall girl with a backside that can give Kim Kardashian a run for her money! The fact of the matter is he thinks I have one of the “best butts EVER! This is something I’ve always tried to hide

4) You have other positive attributes that don’t have a thing to do with your looks! Are you an artist? Can you surf? Maybe you’re a good writer or maybe you make delicious food! Whatever it is that feeds your soul! Whats your passion? This should become your focus! Your body is the carrier to get you there. It is the tool of your self expression, your instrument! Take care of it & don’t abuse it.

5) Take the emphasis off your perceived flaws & start seeing each & every day as a gift!
When I was in the midst of my eating disorder I woke up one morning to the most beautiful sunset I had ever seen! I can remember having a terrible headache from forcing myself to vomit for hours the night before. As I looked at the sunset everything I thought negative about myself seemed to disappear as the Sun light started to grace itself across my body through the window. I began to see my curves as beautiful my skin as flawless & so it began this love affair to love myself by appreciating the beauty all around me♡

Andrea L Cox is the owner of &

Andrea is a fitness model turned health coach who has written two books on the raw vegan healthy lifestyle and detoxification! After healing herself of bulimia and anorexia Andrea set out to spread the word on cleansing on a cellular level to create optimal health! Andrea has appeared on numerous news stations TV shows and magazine publications. She runs yoga juice cleanse retreats both in San Diego and Mexico! Her You Tube channel is approaching close to 2Million views. Her website for retreats is Her other programs may be found at


Self esteem issues. How to turn it around!

the face



Today I want to share something with all of you that may seem contradictory to the way I appear on the internet. It may also seem that I’m sharing this to “fish” for compliments etc. I assure you I am not. What I’m about to share has been a very real truth for me for some time now. As embarrassing as it is to talk about, I’m actually beginning to see the beauty in the suffering it has caused me.

I’ve always had a low self esteem and never felt pretty. I’m not sure when or how it came about. I don’t blame the media and no one ever told me I was ugly growing up. My sisters and I would often argue and use unkind words to hurt Each other but I put little emphasis on that being the cause. 

This low self esteem has caused me to pass up social events, projects, modeling gigs and even a few news appearances.

The majority of my positive outlook about myself and my looks came from a ten year relationship I had with a beautiful kind soul. I was 17 when I met him. He always told me what a beautiful face I had and how angelic it was.He rarely placed any emphasis on my body. It was always my face. He often said “our bodies just carry us through life”. I’ve always been grateful for him and our time together. 

The past few weeks I’ve spent a lot of time alone, meditating and doing yoga. This has allowed me to reflect inward and focus on the purity, love and goodness of my heart. Alone time to me is sacred. Being an empath I am VERY sensitive to other people’s energy! I’ve learned to be cautious of who I spend my time around.

I think the biggest lesson I’ve learned during this time of reflection is how clean and beautiful it feels to NOT wear any make up on my face. A little essential oil and I’m done. Last night I came home and was a bit shy around my boyfriend being “bare faced”. A reminder that I still have much more internal work to do.♡♡♡

Thank you for all owing me to share.


If you want your relationship to THRIVE I suggest you read this!

Lets get REALLY honest here…shall we? Each and every one of us has one or more things we do not like about our current relationship! Maybe we aren’t in a relationship because this has been the case in the past.

I believe ALL men want three things, to be appreciated, respected and to be given LOADS of love in more than one way! 🙂 I also believe that women desire three things in a relationship. They want to be honored, cherished and also receive love in SEVERAL different ways! That being said, if we aren’t careful, our relationships are often taken for granted.

So why do so many relationships fail? Why is the divorce rate at the highest its ever been? Because many of us become complacent and lazy in our intimate relationships with our partners! We end up in a relationship that merely exists, instead of thrives! If you want to truly be happy! If you want to feel that immense love and desire for your partner that you felt in the beginning, I suggest you continue reading the TWO SETS of tips I give below:) 

The following five suggestions are questions I often ask or say to my partner when I’m in a relationship…

1) How can I love you more? 

I’ve said this for years that i love! I even ask my family members on a regular basis! This lets them know that I care about their well being and how important they are to me. I highly suggest you give this a whirl in your intimate relationships and watch how things begin to change!

2) How can I help you? 

Look, if you know your partner is going through some “stuff”. Maybe it’s work related, maybe its with his or her health, ask them how you can help them get through it. This is an incredible way to bond with them and to show them that you have the desire to be there for them during this difficult time!

 3) When can we have sex?!?

Ok I may get slammed for this but we all need intimacy in our lives or should I say MORE of it! I LOVE to lean over and whisper in my partners ear while we are out in public one of the following statements “I want you now!” I also like to say “may I — — when we get home”? You can fill in the blanks on that last sentence:) Keeping a good healthy FULL sex life is a big part of relationships that last! This is NOT something that should get weaker over time! In fact, this should become stronger!

4) Letting your partner know when something is not Ok with you.

I find that us women tend to not speak up when something is bothering us. Instead, we expect men to become mind readers! We expect them to guess at what we are upset about. I don’t do this and I recommend you don’t either! If something is making you feel undervalued, not cherished or not honored in a manner that you know is a necessity for you to make a relationship work…SPEAK UP! Nine times out of ten they will rectify the situation. If they don’t, let them know again and then follow up with the necessary measures that you feel are required. Maybe its leaving the relationship or maybe its simply letting them know “this will be my next step” if they don’t rectify the situation. Again, nine times out of ten this will rectify whatever is causing the pain.

5) How can I make your day easier?

I LOVE this one! My boyfriend often offers to ship my products out for me. He knows this is something I am not the best at.  This always relieves so much stress from my day! I tend to thank him in a way he likes to receive later on that night!:) I also know that Sundays are not my mans favorite day because his Mondays are hectic. Creating a stress free environment and allowing him to vent on Sunday evening followed by some “private time” is a way I know I can serve his needs better.

You see, it doesn’t take much to make someone realize that they are a top priority in your life. That you love, cherish, honor, appreciate and respect them. In the end, you will find that being in a loving honest relationship with someone who “gets you” cares for you and is your biggest cheerleader or pom pom holding man-pan-ion:) FAR out weighs being alone or in an un happy loveless relationship! 

Another way my boyfriend shows his love for me is when he creates beautiful AMBIANCE for us before dinner time! With the ocean waves crashing in the background it is truly magnificent! He lights candles all over the house, opens all the doors and windows and puts on the sexiest music! Last night he grilled Nopal cactus we found at a little store in coconut oil. Although I rarely eat cooked food I must say it was truly delectable! I made us salads with sun-dried tomatoes, nutritional yeast and homemade guacamole & salsa! I LOVE that he does this and feel incredibly cared for♡♡♡ 

 Can you guess which one is mine? Yes, I enjoy the big salads much more than him:)

Can you guess which one is mine? Yes, I enjoy the big salads much more than him:)

Nopal cactus guacamole salad with sundried tomatoes!Nopal cactus guacamole salad with sun-dried tomatoes!

Self-love and respect are so very important. Until we embody this completely we are living in someone else’s fantasy. I find it to be an impossible feat to think that one can have a relationship based upon who someone will become or who you thought someone was if they aren’t that way now. We should NEVER try to change anyone! That being said we must be aware of our value in this world and of what we offer when entering into a relationship. It must remain bigger than any illusion we create. This is why I know for a fact how incredibly important it is for self care! If we don’t love or even like ourselves, how do we expect another to truly love us, want to be with us or to even find us attractive?

The flowing are a few things I like to do to put myself first so that I am able to be a better partner in my relationship…

1) Daily prayer! For me, having one on one time with God is very important. I learned years ago that without the Lord front and center in my life, nothing is possible! Before i found the lord I felt as though something was missing. I now know that with God in my life, all things are possible!

2) Yoga as much as possible Lets face it, countless studies have shown the benefits of yoga! I find that when I go too long without my practice (three days or more) I begin to act in a way that is “not very yogi of me”:) Yoga calms me, relieves my stress but most importantly clears my mind as i focus on my breath moving in harmony with my body! 

Getting my yoga and girlfriend time in all at once!

Getting my yoga and girlfriend time in all at once!

3) Daily workouts/Sweating everyday!

Ahhh! Daily workouts or “body movement” sessions is something I have employed for myself and my clients for over a decade! It is vitally important for our lymphatic system and our skin that is the largest organ of our body. It also makes us FEEL GOOD! When we feel good we look good and that is something our partner sees in us instantly! The self confidence boost is an added bonus of daily body movement!

4) Time with girlfriends or for men, time spent with their buddies:)

All of us women should have at least 2 or 3 GOOD girlfriends we can meet for a juice or hang out with. Lets face it, sometimes we just need to vent! Having the support of a good girlfriend who loves to listen without judgement is like biting into the most decadent piece of Belgian chocolate…it just tastes SO good! 

The same goes for men! When men spend time with their buddies, they come home to us women as better men! They are able to tune in, listen more and focus better! I find that most men want to be more attentive after time spent out with friends.

5) Time spent alone in solitude

This is the one thing that most of us tend to ignore! Without time spent alone it is impossible to tune into your mate! When I was living in Ohio I spent seven years both single and celibate! Now that was a LOT of alone time! I will say that without that alone time i would not be where I am today! I make it a point to spend at least a few hours per day with no computer, no phone and no one around. This recharges my batteries to communicate with others and especially my partner!

6) Treating myself once a week to something “girly”! For the guys/ getting a massage or buying some type of gadget or treating themselves to a piece of clothing usually does the trick. 🙂

Ok, despite popular belief this does not need to cost a penny! Something as simple as an epsom salt bath with a bit of yang yang oil can be enough! I love to get my hair blown out or get my nails and feet pretty! When I don’t feel like spending extra cash I just soak in the pre mentioned “spa bath” in m own home. I treat myself daily by sipping my juice in the sunshine! This makes me feel so beautiful! By the time I’m done I am ready to give to my partner in more ways than one!

Men are a bit different! A trip to Lowes and well…they are good to go! Certain men like to treat themselves to a new shirt and some may even prefer a pedicure! Whatever it is, find out your partners favorite way to treat themselves and be sure to always encourage this weekly! 

I spent the day yesterday sipping juice in the sun! We must alkalize our bodies daily!

I spent the day yesterday sipping juice in the sun! We must alkalize our bodies daily!

Thank you for taking the time to read my blog! Feel free to share it via social media or with someone you love. 

I only want the very best for you. Andrea L Cox

This is what a woman who is being TRULY cared for, honored and cherished looks like.

This is what a woman who is being TRULY cared for, honored and cherished looks like.    










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