Andrea cox

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Archive for the tag “lose weight fast”

I can’t believe I’m doing this!

I can’t believe I’m doing this! This is almost as bad as those men who post shirtless photos on dating sites:) I just want to show you what is possible with MINIMAL EFFORT! I wanted to show you what is possible while eating CARBS!

If you think you can’t eat carbohydrates and stay slim, you’re missing out! My plant-based lifestyle consists of

Organic vegetables

Fresh fruits

Nuts & seeds

White rice

Sweet potatoes

Gluten-free cookies brownies & dark chocolate!

Let me take you into 2018 feeling vibrantly healthy!

I’ve got three more Coaching spots open for 2018! E-mail

If your looking for a FANTASTIC gift for under $100, my best selling program makes everyone smile! Check out the Digital Detox here

Here’s to being healthy, happy and fit in 2018 25636959_10211146739725040_1086828120_o

My personal cell!

In 2017 I set out to help more people get health and release their weight for good! These people TRULY gained their confidence back! I’m happy to say I helped over 100 people reach their goals and stay in that space of feeling vibrantly healthy!

In 2018 I’ll be taking on a few time consuming projects! This means I’ll only be helping five people release their weight FOR GOOD!


If you binge eat, consume way more food than you should, eat at all hours of the night, feel compelled to snack throughout the day especially when stressed bored, lonely, sad or anxious, then you will want to make a move FAST to be one of my five students!

This is a one month program with minimal time and minimal effort! The only thing you have to do is eat what I suggest at the time I suggest! You and I will also meet via Skype or on the phone three times per week.

YES! You will reach your desired weight by the end of the month!

YES! You will have more energy!

YES! You will keep your weight off for good!

YES! This coaching program is for you if you’ve tried everything else!

Sadly I struggled for way to long with binge eating, my weight going up and down and feeling lethargic. As a model, it was imperative that I kept a certain “look” that look always involved staying a certain size. This is when I realized I needed to create a program where I could eat AS MUCH FOOD AS I WANTED! Why? Because I love to eat!

The good news is that I made a FULL recovery several years ago! A recovery of binge eating and having my weight go up and down! The even better news is that I now eat as much delicious food as I want while maintaining my perfect weight (shown in this photo)!

At 5ft ft 10in I weigh 124! That may seem quite slim for many of you but its a weight that I thrive at! Many of my clients actually find it difficult to gain weight after doing my program!

The BEST news is that my method works and works fast! Not only will the pounds FLY off of your body but I can promise you that those daily and weekly binges will be a thing of your past!

Again, I’m only taking on five people this year! JUST FIVE!

This will go FAST! When the spots are filled, they are gone for the year! If you’ve wanted to do my program for a while now, this is the time!

If you are finally ready to say goodbye to that excess toxic weight you’ve had on your body for FAR to long, this is the program for YOU!

If you’re tired of feeling sick and tired and ready to end the binge eating cycles for good, this is for you! If you’re ready to lose fifteen, twenty-five or thirty-five pounds, this is the program for you!

Before I give you my personal cell number

Here is what to do…Send me an Email at and in the subject line say “COACHING PROGRAM”!

If I don’t get back to you that means the spots have been filled. Leave me your information anyway. I may be able to help you in the future.

Please know that this is a minimum of a one month commitment! I only want people who are “in it to win it”!

If you are reading this and know someone that can potentially benefit from this, please SHARE this! They will be thankful and so will I!:)

I only want the very best for you!

Andrea weight

Healthy New Beginnings!

Is it December already?! YIKES!

WOW! What a month! Are we really in December? We must be! I’ve been SLAMMED with back to back retreats!

I just had 7 people leave San Diego to begin their new healthy lives! Our next retreat starts on January 1st, New Years Day!

I’m offering all of you first dibs on this opportunity to reserve your spot with only a $500 deposit! The remaining wouldn’t be due until December 29th!

This will go FAST! If you want to drop 10, 12 or even 15 pounds in five days to kick of the year in the right direction, E-mail me at


Why you need to cleanse BEFORE the Holidays!

I love celebrating the holidays, but no one wants to enter 2018 feeling like a larger, more stressed and older looking version of his or her self.

I am always shocked at how much my social calendar fills up in November and December. My cozy nights at home suddenly become full of parties 🎉 cocktails and appetizers! That’s why this season has me more committed than ever to release the weight for life!

But wait, there’s no point in cleansing before the holidays, right? I’m here to tell you that is a big fat WRONG! In fact, it’s A MUST that you cleanse PRIOR to the holidays!

Detoxing is the way to get you through the holidays without taking on excess toxins and destructive eating habits. It works in two ways:

It cleans your body of toxic residue that stimulates cravings. In layman’s terms your body won’t be signaling you to binge on poor food choices!
Your body will not have the same negative response if you do have an hors d’oeuvre or two! When you’re clean the repercussions of poor food choices are much more gentle on your body and your waistline!
I understand that you’ve tried other programs that have made false promises! I know you’re scared to commit to detoxing right now because you think you may be restricted. I’m here to reassure you that not only will you NOT be restricted! Not only will you be eating EVERY DAY other than the pre cleanse day I’m sharing below, you will also be FEELING and LOOKING YOUR ABSOLUTE BEST!

The below menu is the pre cleanse portion of my 7Day Juicy Cleanse found at the link below!

On this day you are free to have a HUGE salad with avocado at any time! Does that sound like deprivation?! It’s not! And this is the toughest day of the entire 7 Day Program!

Are you ready to put that dress on that’s been hanging in your closet for years? The one you thought you would never fit into again? Are you ok with loosing 2 dress sizes in just 7 days?

Join us here and be added to our private Facebook group immediately

I’ll see you soon!


Your Before and After!


Everyone wants to lose a few pounds. EVERYONE! What if it were as easy as asking for it and waking up the next day 10, 15, or 30 pounds slimmer?! Sounds wonderful, doesn’t it?

But if you’ve ever tried to lose weight (and who hasn’t) you know this just isn’t the way it works!

What if I told you that losing weight CAN be that easy! Maybe not over night but a SIGNIFICANT difference in just two weeks!

It is possible with one-on-one coaching!

Look, I’m not here to feed you a bunch of bull. I’m here to give it to you straight!

In 2011, I wanted to help more people lose weight and feel amazing who couldn’t attend my retreats. This is when I began helping both women and men get in shape and lose weight through my one month coaching program.

What SHOCKED me was that almost everyone I helped ended up losing the majority of their toxic weight within the first two weeks! What I also discovered that was even more shocking was that everyone seemed to pick up my secrets I taught them in that short two week window of time!

Today, I’ve personally coached over 1200 women and men helping them lose not just the weight but also the very habits that caused their weight gain too.

90% of my new coaching clients come through word of mouth.

And more important, than the weight loss itself, I’ve uncovered the major barriers people (especially women) have to losing weight. Insights my clients have found so profoundly life changing that many of have went on to begin their own businesses in helping others “Lose it for life”!

Oh, and did I mention there is NO PORTION CONTROL, CRAZY SUPPLEMENTS OR POWDERS AND NO CRAZY WORK-OUT PLAN ON MY PROGRAM?! Who needs that? Not meI like to follow an easy plan that has worked for me for OVER a decade!

Here’s a collage below of just a few of the before and after photos I’ve received from my clients. Results speak for themselves folks! Start your transformation Today! Send me an E-mail to with your contact info, how much weight you need to lose and the best time to reach you! I cannot wait to meet you!


I want you to have my personal cell #….

When 2017 rolled around I set a goal to help a minimum of fifty clients one on one! I was seeking to help serious people who had a health issue or needed to lose a significant amount of weight. These private clients were not to be part of my retreats. They are people who could not spare the time away from home to attend one of my retreats.

I’m happy to say I’ve helped forty-five of those fifty! This is why I’ve chosen to take on five new private clients during the month of April to get you in the most incredible shape of your life!

During this time, I’m going to show you one on one how to first cleanse and detoxify your body on a cellular level! Then the focus shifts onto how to keep it clean while removing excess weight and toxicity FOR GOOD! The majority of my clients lose anywhere from ten to twenty pounds during this phase! The beautiful thing is, you are eating the entire time abundantly! This by NO MEANS is a diet! It is a life style change!

The experience…We will begin with a one on one Skype consultation where I listen and asses your current needs, goals and desires. After that you will get a program that I design exclusively for you! We will then be speaking daily on the phone or via Skype for a period of thirty days in order to keep you on track! You will also get exclusive access to my private cell phone number!

This will go fast…so if you message me (at the address below) and I don’t respond, that only means all five spots have been filled. You are more than welcome to private message me at a later date if that happens, and if you are EXTREMELY interested…I may be able to fit 1 or 2 more of you in.

If you are reading this and know someone that can potentially benefit from this, please SHARE this! They will be thankful and so will I!:)

Lets make 2017 your sexiest, healthiest year ever! With me holding your hand the entire way…you simply cannot fail!

e-mail at for your free 15 minute phone consult




Getting back in tune with what my body did for ten years!

100% RAW!

Of course 100% plant based!

Liquids liquids liquids

Dinner prior to sun down!

Follow my journey on the following social media links below!

Facebook Follow me on Facebook!

Instagram You will LOVE following me on Instagram!

Twitter Follow me on Twitter!

YouTube Subscribe to My YouTube channel

Blog, News letter, Books & Detox programs



You’ve been asking and I am delivering! Now until tomorrow at 12 noon Pacific time, get $50 off your personal VIP phone or Skype consultation!

This is the closest service I offer to help you conquer any or all of the following!

lose weight

Have better skin

CRUSH chronic health issues!


Transition onto a plant based diet

Once I see your purchase come through I will send you an Email so we can set up a time that works for us both!


#1 Click this link to purchase and I will send you $50 back immediately!

#2 Paypal (as a friend or family member) $297 to Paypal is safe and secure! I’ve used them for over a decade with no problem! PAYPAL LINK


Join me LIVE tonight at 6pm Pacific on Facebook live!

No idea what I’ll be whipping up tonight but I guarantee you it will be excellent!

Watch here!


Want a sip?

Fresh OJ anyone?

I’m spending a few days at a place the “man-pan-ion” has downtown and I must say, I’m LOVING the urban vibe! I’m so inspired by this sun filled kitchen that I may just forget about the fact I’ve had no sleep the past two days and shoot some more live videos for my private VIP 7Day Juicy Cleanse group!

I just shared The 7Day Juicy cleanse grocery list with them this morning! I honesty think having a private group where people can ask me whatever they want about health, herbs, raw foods and detoxification is the BEST way to help people transition onto a healthier path!

Join us for the 7Day Juicy Cleanse here!


Cryotherapy & self care!

cryoI lost the battle with having my home tented for termites yesterday. So I did what every highly intelligent woman does! I first called the “man-pan-ion” who single-handedly packed up all of my belongings and moved them to a home he has downtown. Then, I took a self-care day💕

I began the day with a beautiful workout followed by a cold pressed juice that is excellent for the skin! I sat in the steam room sipping on my cold pressed juice while dry brushing. Then it was off to the nail salon! They turned out lovely.

I followed this with a trip to Nicole Miller boutique to treat myself to a pair of earrings and a necklace similar to jewelry that was stolen in last months robbery. My last stop was “chil-tonic” for an amazing cryotherapy session! I’ll definitely be doing cryotherapy weekly!

I ended the evening with a lovely dinner and a view of the city! Life is good

A live video that everyone loved! 

I decided to shoot a Facebook live video the other night on ways to prevent binge eating on the Holidays and my top tips on preventing cancer! WOW! It’s gotten some serious movement! Check it out here! Until tomorrow my friends! Love you!

From my bedroom…


I woke today from the most beautiful nights sleep thinking “How can I serve you better”?

As you know I recently released my seven Day Juicy cleanse program for the Holidays! We have almost 50 people who have joined! YAY! I also let you in on a personal goal of mine to coach a certain amount of people by years end! I’ve taken on two more people since sending you the email last week! I have room for ONE MORE PERSON!

Click HERE to check out my NEW 7Day Juicy cleanse!

Click HERE to E-mail me about one on one coaching!


When you’re trying to meditate & your doggies won’t stand for it!

Click HERE to “Like” this post and to follow me on Facebook!

You’ve always had the power deep within you my dear. You just had to learn it. live

This week is a big week for me as I speak at my first TED event! I was so humbled when I was reached out to and assigned a person to coach me through this endeavor! They say practice makes perfect so off we go!


Join me for Tasty Tuesday’s at 6pm Pacific tonight!


holiday1That’s right beautiful! Every Tuesday you and I are going to be making dinner together! Click here to watch!


Food Prep & gearing up for our lift off of the 7 Day Juicy cleanse!

If you haven’t heard, IT’S DETOX TIME! I have the absolute perfect way for you to detox! I assure you on my 7Day Juicy cleanse the weight will leave you FOR GOOD!

Learn More




I wanted to extend my heart and pure gratitude to you for all the support you’ve given me over the years! I truly feel I would be nothing with out your unconditional love and I feel like we are family! I would love to be friends on social media! If we aren’t friend yet lets become social media buddies here

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