Andrea cox

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Another New Year is around the corner! Isn’t it time you take action?!


Hello lovely:)

So many people ask me for help to lose ten ~ twenty LBS!

They’ve tried an exercise program.

They’ve tried cutting carbs

They’ve tried going vegan

But still, NO weight loss! In fact, they often end up bigger than before with more weight to lose than they started with!

Let me tell you this is SO common! I hear it almost daily! Here are some of their other complaints…

Their skin is an absolute mess!

They feel depressed and on many days its hard to get out of bed!

Their relationships suffer! In fact, they often hide from social events because they are actually embarrassed of their weight!

It’s not motivation you need. It’s better habits and a system to keep you on the right track. Thats where my rapid weight loss coaching comes in!

I know for a FACT You can do ANYTHING when you have a system in place! I’ve watched my clients lose 10, 20 30 AND EVEN over 100 POUNDS! The good news is if your trying to take off 30LBS or under I can help you achieve your goal weight in as little as 30 days!

If you want to STOP the endless diets and pills out there and have success at this weight loss thing FOR GOOD where you DON’T GAIN THE WEIGHT BACK, I’m your girl and coaching is for you! In fact, it may be the only thing for you to try in order to achieve long lasting success!

IMPORTANT: This offer of my coaching could be good for days or just hours (depending on when you see this), and how fast you act!

Right now, I’m offering one month of my coaching services for $2900 This is happening right before I raise my prices for the new year! If you’ve ever wanted to work with me OR you are ready to RELEASE your excess weight FOR GOOD, NOW is the time!

THIS WILL GO SUPER FAST! I’m only taking five people on until the end of the year! When January first rolls around, my coaching prices are going to double.

TO TAKE ACTION AND TO GAIN YOUR LIFE SANITY AND YOUR PHYSIQUE BACK BEFORE THE NEW YEAR, Click here to fill out this brief questionnaire to make sure we are a good fit!

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