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Archive for the tag “liver detox retreat”

Liver Cleanse – liver flush detox juice

January is a good time to help our bodies catch up with detoxification. A time to give our organs a chance to rest and recover. It’s a good time to think about removing environmental toxins too! Below I’m going to share with you my favorite Liver detox juice recipe! But first, let’s educate ourselves on liver function and why it’s so important to do a liver cleanse. 

We typically don’t think about our organs when we think about a detox. Typically we do a parasite cleanse or a sugar detox but rarely do we consider the most important organ in our body. The liver! From the time we wake in the morning until the time we go to sleep, to every food and supplement choice we make, our liver is in control! It’s up to our liver to process and filter out everything we take in. It’s easy to overlook the parts of our body that aren’t immediately obvious, but the liver serves some pretty important functions.

Why Liver Function is Important:

The liver is the hub of storing vitamins, minerals, and glycogen, removing toxins from your bloodstream, producing bile to digest fat, and breaking down your hormones. Did I mention your liver is in charge of balancing protein, fat, and sugar in the bloodstream? It is! 

All of the processes mentioned above directly correlate to the health of the largest organ of your body, your skin! So needless say, if you suffer from eczema or psoriasis, your liver needs a good detox! 

Signs Your Liver Needs Help and signs you need a liver cleanse :

Some telltale signs that your liver isn’t working as well as it should is if you experience irritable bowel symptoms. These symptoms can be as simple as bloating, gas, constipation, heartburn, or acid reflux. Other less connected signs that are a symptom of a toxic liver are anxiety or depression. Have psoriasis? It’s probably your liver! Trouble losing weight? Experiencing chronic fatigue, excessive sweating, and more? Liver, liver, liver! So basically, if your liver is upset, other systems in your body will magically pop up to let you know something’s wrong.

When we think of liver damage, we typically think of excessive alcohol consumption. This is a myth. Poor food choices along with eating too much fat can greatly damage the liver. Other common causes of liver damage are eating processed foods (in particular, hydrogenated oils and refined sugar), excess alcohol consumption, having an autoimmune disease, taking pharmaceutical medications, not absorbing the proper nutrients from your food (malabsorption), and more.

Did you know that certain foods and beverages are extremely toxic for your liver? Yep, they are! My upcoming program eliminates these for you! So you can figure out whether these particular foods are causing problems for you.

I have been working diligently on a liver detoxification program called Love Your Liver © for all of you! The following heavy hitters we eliminate in this 10 – day meal plan are:

packaged foods including sodas and flavored waters
refined sugar
supplements (except for probiotics and enzymes)
All animal products

This intense ten-day protocol is all wrapped up in ten days worth of recipes! More on this later!

What I really want to talk about is why you think you don’t need a liver detox! So many people clients included, E-mail me complaining about severe skin issues along with anger issues. Far too often they blame their hormones. The truth is, when the liver is clean, the hormones are great! This goes for both women and men! 

In fact, I can almost promise you, if you have ANY skin issues, food sensitivities, and or anger problems, you probably have a toxic liver! Got digestive issues? TOXIC LIVER! Still, blaming your parents or your child-hood for your emotional problems? LIVER LIVER LIVER!

For now, let’s get you on a good morning routine to really benefit your liver!

Below is my FAVORITE love your liver juice!

Andrea’s Love your liver juice recipe


1/2 beet
1 cucumber
2 carrots
4 celery stalks
1 large handful of spinach
1 handful of parsley
1/2 medium lemon
10 long sprigs of dandelion

Put all ingredients through a juicer
Pour into a mason jar and enjoy!
P.S. If you’re looking to get intuitive guidance or answers about why “Your Issues live in your tissues”, join me here at 3:33!

Liver Detox Juice Recipe

Although I never promote eating overt fats, at the end of my ten-day love your liver – liver cleanse, I often have my clients due the cleanse in the video with my buddy Craig Summers below. 


Look, I’m not a doctor and even I agree with this Hopkins medical article stating you should avoid over consuming alcohol and “risky behaviors”.

And of course, you are going to want to follow other dietary examples for good health such as intermittent fasting found in an article I wrote here.  

The NEW way to Detox!

Hey loves:) A few people have shared with me lately they want a HUGE shift in a short period of time. Mainly because…They’re physically fatigued and find themselves snapping at their spouse or kids over the littlest things. Emotionally they’re on edge and they KNOW they’re not aligned with a healthy aim in life. Many are carrying around an extra 10+ lbs and feel bloated, physically drained and self conscious. 

When most people think of detoxing…They think it just relates to food…But we now know the NEW way of detoxing is about much more than just letting go of physical toxins trapped in your body……it’s even MORE so about gently letting go of toxic beliefs and the emotions stored in our cells. 

If you know you want to detox from food, electronics and the speed of everyday life so you can slow down……and let go of stubborn emotional blocks and beliefs so you can feel good in your skin, feel in control of your emotions be re-energized about life again. I can help:-)

Detoxing physically, emotionally AND spiritually can be confusing and take A LOT of time if you don’t have experienced help… But BIG shifts can happen in a SHORT period of time. So…I am curious if anyone would be open to joining me for a 5-Day Deep Cleanse Retreat that TYPICALLY results in losing an average of 10 lbs in 5 days, waking up with clearer skin, and yes…wearing jeans that feel a little bit looser …but also waking up clear on who you are, where you’re going, and free of past limiting beliefs. This retreat doesn’t require anyone to eat “boxed” meals,” count calories, or do any kind of crazy exercise either. In fact we only partake in gentle yoga. It will however require you to be open to letting go and receiving what you truly desire and deserve…

I’m just wondering if anyone would love to experience this over the course of 5 days with my help? If so, just email me at

with the word “Detox”…If there is enough interest, I’ll put together something special and share details…

I love you, please love yourself ~ Andrea


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