Andrea cox

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Archive for the tag “kindness”

Spoken word



A few years ago this wouldn’t have resonated with me. It certainly is now!

Over the past three years I haven’t been in the kindest place. I was in love with a man who didn’t know how to fully express himself. There wasn’t a lot of holding, expressing through words or connecting on a deep level like I longed for.

But I loved him deeply 

I loved his mind, he is brilliant
His fidgeting nature
His ability to finish what he started

I loved his thick curly salt & pepper hair
I loved the way he smelled after we would hike
I loved his shoulders, triceps and back
I loved the way it felt when I would lay my head on his chest at night
I Loved the way he would spend 45 minutes getting the sound and color perfect prior to us watching a movie on his God awful HUGE TV
I loved that he would eat my salads
I loved the way my body transformed beautifully when I met him
But most of all, I loved the way he loved me

I remember when we first met
He looked shocked when I wanted to hold his hand in the car
So I just reached over and stroked his hand until finally, one day … he grabbed my hand first

The first few months was a blissful poetic nightmare of arguing over the same three things in order to make up!
We loved to make up!

I felt insanely jealous over him
This was a new feeling for me
I had always felt confident before
I think this was because early on, there were problems
Old, twenty year problems that needed to go in order for us to begin.
But old problems, habits and people die hard

And one day, I couldn’t find him
I felt lost, alone & sad
My mom shared with me that week that she had cancer & although I knew she would be just fine, I needed him to comfort me.
But he was gone

Then he returned
And we argued for a few days
Then we made up
And during the making up I began to cry
I told him not to abandon me again
I told him how much I needed him
I told him I loved him
I told him I was hurting inside my heart

He promised he wouldn’t leave
And for the next year it felt like bliss
I was so happy!
He was happy too

We took our doggies to Las Vegas
We would go to LA, eat dinner & make love all night & morning in over prized hotel rooms
We spent the weekends in Mexico
He would look over his twitter feed in the am
While I would sun bunny {difficult to explain}
He would do “man stuff” in the garage
And I would create content from beautiful surroundings
I know this probably wasn’t his idea of fun…but that’s why guys need friends to hang out with

But he struggled with anxiety
He struggled with expressing his feelings
And I struggled with being authentic about my needs for affection, physical touch & words of affirmation ……I think he struggled with expressing his needs too

I always saw him as my husband
I always saw myself barefoot on a beach
wearing a white dress and saying vows to him

I saw him as my rock
My strength
My Mr fix it
My light
My love
My best friend
And father to Louis

Then one day I was at the Portland airport and I got a call from him that Jackson, his dog was missing

I don’t know what happened
What changed
But over the course of that next month of searching for sweet Jack, the way he spoke to me changed

It wasn’t loving
It wasn’t kind
It took away the feeling I always had with him
The feeling of “feeling safe”

I began reacting
I’m not proud of it
I constantly felt the need to defend myself
To protect my heart
Even though he was my protector
At least I felt he had been for so long

So when I came across this photo, I guess I wanted to share it with you

I wanted to remind you that the way we speak can either grow a person, or hurt a person

In the same token, it can either grow a relationship or damage it.

Please, be mindful with your words
One persons moments of harshness can leave scars on another for life

Having a bad day? Read this!



Tonight something happened that deserves mentioning. Maybe it will help one of you who are struggling out there.

I know social media is a place where we primarily show “our good side”. Happy photos of friends and family. “Date nights” and weekend trips. But this isn’t the place that I am in right now. I’m hurting and there has been a lot of emotional pain for me for quite some time.

As a pisces I am EXTREMELY intuitive by nature. This mercury retrograde has had my intuition bouncing off the walls. Some of it I tuned into and certain pieces I did not. But it’s time I allow facts to not be ignored. Someone’s treatment of me has not been kind and loving. And at times, out of frustration due to lack of communication, I too have not responded to this person in a loving way.

So tonight, I broke down. As I pulled into my quiet neighborhood I decided to park along the side of the road instead of going home. I got out of my car and collapsed gently onto the grass in tears.

With my head in my palms I sobbed.

I must have been there for twenty minutes when a woman approached me. “Are you Ok”? She asked. I told her no and began to share. We spoke for thirty minutes and when it was time to part ways she asked if she could pray with me. It’s something Christians often ask. Even to strangers who they see are in need Guidance. I said yes! She prayed I prayed Then we held hands and prayed together.

Some of you may say this was odd. Sharing with a stranger. Praying with a person you don’t know. I say it wasn’t odd but it was God!

Don’t ever walk by or ignore a person who you know is hurting. You wouldn’t want the same to be done to you.

I have a feeling this women is about to be rewarded for taking the time to listen to my heart. May she be loved for showing love!


A Word About Kindness

Today at the gas station a man approached me saying his card didn’t work and he needed a dollar. I seldom carry cash and said “I’m sorry, I don’t have one”. He replied “that’s ok, thank you anyway”.

I noticed the other people he was asking weren’t being so kind in their replies. I’m not sure if it was the color of his skin that was bringing out the rudeness in everyone. Or, if it was that he had the courage to humble himself enough to reach out for help in the first place {many people don’t}!

After I pumped my gas I realized he needed some help. I decided to place half a tank of gas in his car on my card. He was so grateful! He must have thanked me 3-4 times. “I’ve been there” I said. And I’m almost certain that everyone you asked today has also been in your shoes at one time or another.

Never judge anyone. You have not a clue as to what led them to where they are at this very moment in time. I don’t know a single person on earth who has not gone through a rough period in life! Myself included.

People are hurting! Be kind! You never know what someone is going through.

I have a confession to make…


My Confession! Never underestimate the following…

“Good Morning”

How was your day?

How do you feel?

How is your family?

What are your plans today?

How did that project go?

Are you keeping up with your goals?

How about your yoga or meditation practice?

Confession ~ I did some deep soul searching last night and realized I hadn’t heard these kind gestures in quite some time yet, I say them from my heart daily. Even to strangers!

The truth is many of us do not ask these very important questions to our loved ones. We don’t take the time or feel we don’t have the time to do so! And most of us would NEVER take time out of our seemingly busy day to greet a stranger!

I’ll admit that sometimes I can get caught up on dwelling in the past or feeling sorry for myself! I tend to give a lot of time and energy to people who quite honestly, didn’t and don’t deserve it! So today I’m asking you to begin to place others before yourselves!

Today I’m asking you in hopes that you will answer below & ask someone else how they are doing in their own life. Always remember, Kindness matters! People will not remember the way you look, how much money you make or how well you were dressed! People will only remember the way you made them feel!


“In the end, your only job on Earth is to turn your struggles into your greatest victory while sharing your story to help others along their path”!  Andrea Cox


Kindness Matters!

She was fierce yet gentle. When she was excited or upset she didn’t sleep for days. She was courage strength & weakness rolled into one. She is love and wants every one around her both mankind and animal to feel love too. beauty

Be kind to others & to yourself this week. If you need a bit of motivation to encourage you to be kind, check out the detox program I created that actually comes with a gratitude journal here! It may be just the type of inspiration you need to get healthier in body, mind and in spirit!

Your Monday MOJO!

Have you ever wanted to fix something that just seemed “Un fixable”? Maybe it was something simple like a broken door hinge or maybe it was the fact that your daughter wanted to constantly where a short skirt to school that you deemed inappropriate.

Whatever it is, Im here to give you some advice that was given to me just a few minutes ago.This morning I have two kind workmen fixing my garage door. They’ve done work on the house before and to be honest with you, they need the work and I appreciate their craftsmanship.I went out to let them know I needed to leave and to offer them some water.

Both men are in their sixties and Walden is quite a talkative man. He proceeded to ask me how my day was. I told him it wasn’t going as planned and his reply was priceless! He said “just remember no matter how your day is going, always leave others better than you found them”! I was so touched I began to cry. He’s now eating one of my salads. 🙂


Facebook Live Schedule until 2017

WOW! If you’ve been missing my Facebook live shows all I can say is you are missing out on some FABULOUS detox advice and some GREAT healthy vegan gluten-free recipes!

Here is my schedule until further notice!

Tasty Tuesday’s 6pm Pacific

Wednesday’s Wisdom 3pm Pacific

Training Thursday’s 3pm Pacific

Q&A Saturday’s 3pm Pacific

Spiritual Sunday’s 6pm Pacific

Tune in here to watch at the above times!

Have a fabulous week and remember, be kind because you never know what someone else is going through! Love and cilantro kisses, Andrea

The best raw “V” salad you will ever eat & a little “MoJo”!

Well hello there! Did y’all have a good healthy dinner? I thought I would share with you my favorite salad I made tonight! It’s in my new book Sexy on salads ~ I call it The “Everything but the kitchen sink” salad! You get my point! 🙂
By Andrea Leigh Cox
Serves one hungry girl who loathes using measuring cups!
2 handfulls of spinach
1 handful of baby kale
1 handful of watercress
1 handful of arugula
1 handful of baby “maters”
1handful wasabi peas (freeze dried)
splash of apple cidar vinegar
1/2 an avocado (just mash that baby in)!
1 fist full of hemp seeds
Topp this with alfalfa and mung bean sprouts!
1 red bell pepper stem removed
4-5 heaping TB Nutritional yeast
2 heaping TB NON GMO Lecithin (so good)
Place all the ingredients intoi a huge mixing bowl
Blend the salad ingredients
Pour over the salad
Grab a wooden fork and devour without shame or guilt! You’re feeding your body LIVE food! ❤ ❤ ❤
Enjoy the rest of your week & remember to do onto others as you want them to do onto you! 🍊🍅🍓🍍🍓🍋🍎🍆🍌🍐🍉🍇🍒🍈 #whatveganseat #greens #healthyfoodporn #raw #foodnetwork

A little “MOJO” and some sweet advice from your truly! 🙂
Some of the kindest acts I’ve ever have taken place in grocery store checkout lines!
Last Friday I was trying to rush around and cram all of my errands for an entire week into just a few hours! I spend my weekends out of town and usually that means Mexico, LA and occasionally Vegas. This past weekend it was Mexico to relax at the “man-pan-ions” house.

In traditional “Andrea style” I put everything off until the final hours and was running all over the place. I looked at my cell and realized I hadn’t eaten and 5pm was approaching! I stopped at a local Vons supermarket where I grabbed some pretty smelling flowers and two containers of salad greens. As I was checking out I realized that I had either left my wallet in the car or at my last location. As I fumbled in my purse the gentleman behind me said “I’ve got it, just pay it forward”. I insisted that my wallet was in my car and it wouldn’t be necessary. He said “what a waste of energy, this is twenty bucks & I’ve got it”!

I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been in a supermarket checkout line and paid for someone’s items that didn’t have the money. Each time I left I felt good about myself and didn’t think a second thought about it. Usually I would say “we all have rough days”. From now on I’ll always say “please pay it forward”!

When I got back in my car my wallet was on the floorboard. As I looked around the parking lot he was nowhere to be found.

Allow no act of kindness to go unnoticed! There’s too much cruelty in this world to let good deeds go without praise!


While you’re here on my website, sign up for my newsletter to receive my free healthy Haven gift pack!  Remember , I only want the very best for you!

Andrea L Cox is the owner of  The Healthy Haven &   (Detox, Yoga, Juice fast & Raw Food Educational Retreats!)

Andrea is a fitness model turned health coach who has written two books on the raw vegan healthy detoxing lifestyle! Known as “The Detox Queen” She has taken the media by storm & has an impressive social media following with her YouTube channel surpassing 2 million views & her personal Facebook page alone having 20,000 people! 

Andrea has appeared on numerous news stations TV shows and magazine publications in her hometown of Dayton Ohio and now where she lives in San Diego! She has also had national media coverage! Her retreats have become a destination health vacation for several Hollywood celebrities! 

Andrea’s online detox programs may be found at 

Andrea’s retreats can be found at


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Tumbler ~


We all deserve to be treated with the same amount of love and respect we desire for ourselves.

Today I hired a handyman to come over to change out the heat filter. When he got to my house he discovered it was located in the attic. I decided to make him a green juice as he was up in the attic out of sheer gratitude! I sure as heck would never crawl into my nasty attic & was grateful for his service. 

You would have thought I bought the guy a Bentley! He was so incredibly grateful! We ended up talking in my kitchen for a good twenty minutes when he was done. He kept asking questions about detoxification and shared with me about his mothers struggle with cancer. It turns out I was his first appointment of twelve for today! 

People are so incredibly kind and just want to be treated with love and respect! I don’t care what color a mans shirt collar or skin color is we all deserve to be treated with the same amount of love and respect we desire for ourselves.

When he was leaving he gave me a hug and said no one in almost twenty years had ever offered him a glass of water let alone a green juice! I told him I was honored he shared the story of his mother with me. I feel incredibly happy that I made a new friend today and was able to help him discover green juice  




Don’t look down on someone unless you are helping them up!

Today when I arrived home from detoxing my lovely clients I saw my neighbor packing up her car with moving boxes. I’ve never spoken to her. She lives across the street and well lets just say there is a lot of space in between homes here. 

I’ve seen her …well heard her rather arguing with what I assume is her husband quite a bit since i’ve moved in. They have two small children and an English bull dog.

I decided to walk over and ask her if she needed any help. “No she replied sternly and shut her garage door! About two hours later my bell rings. It was her, she had been crying, “I do need some help” she said. I introduced myself and walked across the street to her house where she proceeded to tell me she was separating from her husband and needed to get the majority of items out such as her clothing and children’s toys before five pm. She said he knows she was leaving and they worked it out this way. 

She looked exhausted and sad….she is hurting:( Before you knew it I was packing up some strange woman’s clothes and carrying boxes into both her car and my two seater Benz. 

She repeatedly thanked me at least 20 times. I told her Ive been there and that my last move was not only un planned but done alone. It was the most difficult time in my life. I was lucky to have a girlfriend who helped me get through it. I also told her I cannot imagine having to do it with two small children.

I followed her to an apartment complex not far away from our pretty glam neighborhood. She is defiantly “scaling down” during this tumultuous time. As I helped her un load she said “its not much…this place is it?” She explained she wanted to keep her kids in their school district. I told her I thought the place was lovely and that all it needed was her special touch and some plants!

I left and ran to our local nursery and picked her up a really pretty blooming potted plant. When I took it back to her place she gave me what had to be the biggest whelping cry/hug I have ever received! I let her know I would be back in about a week to check in on her. 

I left thinking of how blessed I have been. Feeling happy that anything and everything that has happened “TO ME” in life has actually happened FOR ME! We really don’t know how lucky we truly are until we see others suffering way worse than we ever have

Andrea Cox on her way to a shoot!

Andrea Cox on her way to a shoot!

Be Nice. How to be a nicer person.

Once upon a time there was a girl who thought her doo doo smelled lemony fresh.
She was not the kindest person and was always in a rush.
I’m not very proud of those days and am still growing, learning and trying to be the best person I can today. 

From a former brat:( Please be nice to others:) ♥ you!

Feeling Better




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