Andrea cox

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My Birthday Wish!

Hi there:)

My birthday is coming up on March 19th! YAY! I love having birthdays! I truly feel we have the opportunity each year to grow younger! Within our mind, our body and our spirit!

This year I have a wish! It’s a two fold wish! I’m certain you can help me with both parts!

Part 1 It would make me the HAPPIEST birthday girl in the world if you would be so generous to donate to the ASPCA! They do incredible rescue work for the animals! I have supported them for quite some time now and know that even small donations help!

Here is the link to contribute

Part 2 The photo below has the logos of some of the WORST companies out there that test on innocent animals! My wish is that you stop using any products from these companies! Not only will this help lesson the torture of the voiceless (the animals), it will also benefit you! These companies all use toxic chemicals that lead to pre mature aging, estrogen dominance and cancer!

Together I know we can make a difference by saying NO to companies that partake in animal cruelty! Doing this along with supporting Non profits such as the ASPCA and going Vegan make all the difference in the world!

Thank you for giving me the BEST birthday ever!


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