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A week spent in Mexico detoxing my client from Vancouver!

Hey everyone! I’m still here b BEAUTIFUL Mexico running a private one on one cleanse for my client Kim from Vancouver! Kim is a beautiful single gal who is CRUSHING it in the real-estate market! She has two BEAUTIFUL  children and is the most selfless person I know! I guessed Kim was a cancer because of her caring nature..

Kim is an extremely private person therefore most of these photos will be of me and the beautiful private home I use for my private retreats! I do hope you enjoy this picture book I created for all of you! The juices and naturally flavored water was so fresh! All of our meals were made by yours truly and to top it off we had massages an yoga daily!

So do enjoy the creative photo book below! And do reach out when you are ready to take your health to the next level! Details for my group and private retreats can be found at  

Ahhh massage time! I SO enjoyed this!

Ahhh massage time! I SO enjoyed this!

I wore this because I thought it looked Mexican:)

I wore this because I thought it looked Mexican:)


 The home made a great back drop for delicious salads, tons of fresh juice and self-ids:) I even made Kim a turmeric mask that was 100% edible! The recipe is so simple! Take 1TB of turmeric powder, 1TB of avocado and 2 tsp of raw honey! Mix in a bowl and place on face before going to bed. Wait 20 minutes and rince! It will leave your skin GLOWING! 


My turmeric salad!

My turmeric salad!

LOVE the fruit here in Mexico!

LOVE the fruit here in Mexico!

Teaching Kim's first detox class!

Teaching Kim’s first detox class!

 Turmeric mask for my client before she goes to bed:) 100% edible skincare!

Turmeric mask for my client before she goes to bed:) 100% edible skincare!



Alkalizing detox salads

Alkalizing detox salads

Alkalize salad

Alkalize salad

Mexican salad night:)

Mexican salad night:)

I even got to sneak in some juice and alone sunshine time:)

I even got to sneak in some juice and alone sunshine time:)

Five tips to save you time and money!


Its never to late to get started on a healthier way of eating! The number one complaint I hear from people is “I don’t have the time to make healthy dishes and juices Andrea”!


Here are my top five tips to save you both time and money when you transition to a plant based more raw way of life!


Tip #1 Buy in bulk!

This really is a no brainer! How many times have you been craving a big avocado salad but you ate that avocado last night:( Don’t be a victim of not over shopping a bit and buying in bulk! Lets face it…you will be eating more than just three bananas in a week! Buy in bulk folks!


Tip#2 Shop the farmers markets

If you truly want to get more bang for your buck then shop the local farmers markets for the best deals! 


BONUS TIP! Go there when they are about to close and you will get amazing deals on fresh produce!


Tip #3 Get creative! Some of my most satisfying relishes meals are born from my own creativity! Check out the recipe below! That took me all of five minutes and only four ingredients! Simple always wins the prize!


Tip #4 Take one day a week to prep your food!

For me Sunday is the day i hit the markets and prep my food! I even clean my fridge! Its a day of preparation so I can be sure and be prepared to save time throughout the week!


Tip #5 Make your juices and freeze them!

Yep I said it…freeze them! I once did this for a Tony award winning client who had to take an over night trip out of the Country! He was able to thaw his juices out on the plane! Sure they lose a little enzymes but not near as many as you would think! You still have a fresh juice!


I hope these tips have helped you save money and time throughout this busy Holiday season! Here is a look at what I just created for “brunch”! 


Persimmon date salad!

 Persimmon salad

1 ripe persimmon

3 Cups spinach 

3 dates chopped

1 handful of dulse 


Directions: Place spinach in a bowl break open the persimmon on top and place the chopped dates into the bowl. End this sweet salad with a little bit of natural saltiness by adding the dulse in! Enjoy without shame or guilt!

Love your liver juice!

Six stalks celery
half of a large beet
1/2 Cup pomegranate seeds
handful of parsley
head of romaine lettuce
inch piece of ginger
squeeze of lemon
devour knowing your blessin


g your liver along the way!

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