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Archive for the tag “juice fasting for weight loss”

Intermittent Fasting for weight loss using Circadian Rhythm Eating

As I write this tonight, I’m curled up on a couch snuggling with my dogs wearing turquoise yoga pants, a grey pullover, and leg warmers. I have a warm mug of chamomile licorice tea in my left hand. The lights are dim and my freshly laundered sheets are practically screaming at me to come to bed! But there’s a secret I want to share with you tonight! The beauty, weight loss, and anti-aging secret of Intermittent Fasting.

I’m doing something I do every night and have done every night for the last two decades. I’m preparing my body for sleep. More on this below… for now let’s chat a bit about one of my FAVORITE subjects! Let’s talk about intermittent fasting!

What is intermittent fasting?

I’ve been promoting intermittent fasting (IF) for years! Nowadays, it appears to be popping up everywhere. It’s a staple with my clients. Especially those in California and New York. I guess you could say what started as a trend, now has scientific evidence to back it up!

The eating plan, which has people restrict their eating to specific times of day or days of the week, seems to come with lots of benefits. A Harvard study found that following an intermittent fasting protocol appears to lower blood pressure, cholesterol, and inflammation in the body.

Intermittent fasting helps my clients drop their weight faster than any meal plan ever could. In fact, real detox specialists know that offering a program with a generalized meal plan is a one size fits all disaster! I believe, In order to truly help people lose weight, reduce inflammation, diabetes, and to feel better about themselves, you must address each individual separately.

So why, exactly, is intermittent fasting so effective? That question has been the subject of debate for years. Some doctors argue that if it’s just another form of calorie restriction; by eating for fewer hours during the day, you’re likely eating less overall.

Others claim that fasting temporarily triggers a “switch” that jump-starts your metabolism. But thanks to new research, experts suggest that intermittent fasting’s benefits could stem from timing meals to the rise and set of the sun. In other words, following your natural circadian rhythm.

What are circadian rhythms and how do they work?

It’s actually natural for diurnal animals such as humans to eat during daylight when we evolved to digest food.

You can think of circadian rhythms as a pacemaker for your body! It’s basically your brain’s master circadian clock (which controls your body’s circadian rhythm). It’s made up of cells located in the hypothalamus. As our eyes recognize light, this master clock sends hormones (mainly cortisol – the stress hormone), to wake you up.

At night it sends melatonin, to make you sleepy. This keeps the rhythms of the body in check. It keeps the cells clean and in good working order. It gives them the rejuvenation they need.

If you don’t have that signal, individual cells literally won’t know what time it is. This can disrupt normal bodily functions. Think about your body getting off track when you travel or when you go for 24 hours without sleep. This ran down out of whack feeling is due to your circadian rhythm being off track. Your natural rhythms in your body are out of step with the external signals it’s getting. This causes your body to struggle to adjust, making you tired, cranky, and hungry.

This is one of the reasons I give each of my clients a meal cut off time. I myself do not take in anything outside of tea or water after 6 pm sharp! I teach my clients that they need to train their bodies to quiet down for the evening. It’s like turning the lights off before bed, you just get used to it.

The Benefits of Daylight eating and intermittent fasting combined!

1) You’ll lose weight

You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to know that eating late at night increases your weight. There simply isn’t any time left late at night to move the body and burn off those calories.

2) Intermittent Fasting allows for more Lucid dreaming with fewer nightmares

Avoid large meals late at night. According to the National Institutes of Health, late-night meals can cause indigestion that interferes with REM sleep. REM stands for rapid eye movement. This means you wake up more frequently. If you continue to eat late at night you can say bye-bye to beautiful lucid dreaming and hello to nightmares.

3) Healthcare without the price tag

It’s a scientific fact that people who eat late at night tend to eat more. In addition, studies show that late-night noshing increases triglyceride levels, a type of fat found in your blood. When you eat, your body converts any calories it doesn’t use right away into triglycerides; and high levels may increase your risk of heart attack and or stroke.

4) Heart health

Eating after 6 pm could be bad news for your heart because the digestive system is less efficient at night leading to a greater risk of obesity and type 2 diabetes.

Andrea Cox - National Cancer Conference

Andrea Cox – Speaking about the benefits of fasting at the National Cancer Conference

5) More time for yourself and with your family

I utilize the hours between 6-8 pm to clean my home, walk my furry husbands, and catch up on work projects. Sometimes I just zone out completely and catch a yoga class or play good music. Who wants to be slopping up the kitchen at night? Not me!

6) Your Skin will thank you

The anti-aging effects and more specifically the effect that eating earlier will have are AMAZING! Your skin is the largest organ of the body. When you stop stuffing your body late at night, the first place it will show will be in your skin.

The Benefits of fasting

The Benefits of fasting

7) Greater Spiritual awareness

It’s hard to be grateful for food when we are constantly eating it and never truly experience hunger. We don’t even really enjoy food when we are eating very frequently. Fasting teaches us to appreciate food, but also many other blessings and pleasures in our lives.

Here’s a video I shot on a quick 24-hour fasting day. You can see it has gotten quite a bit of interest. And for good reason!

Intermittent fasting combined with daylight eating is a win-win! Not just for your waistline! For your emotional well-being, mental health, and spiritual growth too! I don’t want to begin quoting the Bible in this article but I am feeling led to do so. The fasting prayer has been my “go-to buddy” during both long and short term fasting periods. My longest fast being a 21-day water fast. Boy did this prayer come in handy!

The Fasting Prayer
“And whenever you fast, do not look dismal, like the hypocrites, for they disfigure their faces so as to show others that they are fasting. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward. But when you fast, put oil on your head and wash your face, 18so that your fasting may be seen not by others but by your Father who is in secret; and your Father who sees in secret will reward you”.

I only want the best for you
Please love yourself
and drink your juice
~ Andrea

Detox Specialist

Want to read more articles on the weight-loss benefits of intermittent fasting? Check out this great article I found here!

Intermittent fasting can also help with depression and anxiety! Read my article on herbs for depression here! 

The Immune-Boosting Benefits of Juicing!


Got Juice?

There is surmounted evidence that juicing is beneficial for your immune system. I began juicing twenty-one years ago! Sure, here and there I may have missed a day or two. Usually, because I was water fasting. But overall my go-to “food” is my life-blood… juice!

Now more than ever it is imperative that you juice! I mean let’s face it, the world is a VERY unhealthy place! With all the viruses floating around, don’t you think it’s time you juice?

Look, friend, I know what you’re thinking. You are thinking it’s a pain in your ass to clean your juicer! You’re are thinking you don’t have the time! I’m here to PROVE to you that you DO have the time!

I run two businesses

I have two YouTube channels

I have two rescue dogs

I have 4 websites

I run an Etsy store

I have two other online stores

I hit the gym

Have an avid yoga practice

Heck, I even clean my own home!


My top reasons you should juice!

1) Heighten your vibration!

Many people develop clarity of mind while juicing. Solid foods slow down your system, juicing is a great time to go inward, reflect, and develop new insights. For that very reason, meditation, nature hikes, turning off your cell phone and yoga are fantastic additions to add to your detoxification juicing protocol!

2) Detox! Detox! Detox!

With all of these viruses floating around now is the time to detox! Juicing allows the body to heal from injury and disease by eliminating toxic wastes. The energy used for digestion can now go towards healing your body from ailments it couldn’t heal before.

3) Go Raw

Raw produce offers better nutrition than cooked foods. Many enzymes die at high heat, so eating raw foods ensures you get all the enzymes and nutrients you need. If you can, take this opportunity to go completely raw while you juice, do so!

4) Save money and stop wasting food

Did you know juicing allows you to squeeze out every drop of goodness and money from your organic produce! You might as well get the most from the foods you buy. When you squeeze out the juice from raw fruits and vegetables, you receive a concentration of nutrition! You get all the minerals, vitamins, and enzymes that might not otherwise be available in whole foods. You also can utilize food scraps such as kale stems in your juice! These are hard to digest foods that would otherwise be thrown in the trash!

5) Heal at a cellular level

When you juice your cells have the time to repair themselves and detoxify. During this time, they can regenerate and strengthen your immune system. Many juicers experience a boosted immune system and fight off viruses more easily.

6) Give your digestive system a rest

When intake juice instead of solid foods, you give your body an opportunity to put the energy normally used for digestion into elimination, recovery, and heal


I love you

Only want the best for you

Cilantro kisses ~ drink your juice

~ Andrea

A detox Spiritual retreat in Southern California and Mexico

Every outcome, experience and effect you see in your physical world has a specific cause which originated in the house of your mind. Andrea Cox

Over the past month I presented to you a new location and new style of retreat I am offering.

This new style of retreat has been born from a love, a passion and an obsession for all that is healthy, spiritually opening and mind/body/soul detoxifying. The retreats are not health specific, yoga specific or spirit specific. The new Alkalize with Andrea retreat is an experience that aims to bring health, creativity, love, and freedom from self imposed limitations together into a five day experience. It’s a beautiful opportunity to rediscover your passion for life and to discover how clean your body has the ability to truly feel!

As you let go of the pressures of day-to-day living, as you lose wight, as you practice yoga in front of the beautiful blue ocean…you’ll be brought back to that of which you love!

You are invited to par-take in as much or as little as you like. There will be no judgement or expectation, outside of respecting one another. I only ask that you free up your mind to expand and grow!

I invite you to join us ~ You may check out the details here

I love you, it’s time to love yourself.


Anniversary!! Be beautiful without botox!

Over the years I’ve been accused of getting botox, fillers etc! The only “work” I EVER had done was breast implants over 16 years ago (PRIOR to knowing about the dangers of implants)! That being said my implants are saline NOT silacone! Still toxic however I’ve chosen NEVER to go under the knife again!

I will say this to all of you …beauty can be achieved naturally through proper diet and exercise! We should LOVE aging because so many never have the opportunity! They lose their lives FAR to young such as my father did at age 36!

Love yourself! Every last drop of YOU! This my friends is what will make you beautiful!

It’s our anniversary!

Five years ago today I began Alkalize with Andrea Detox, yoga, raw food educational retreats!

We begin & end each day with yoga at our retreats! We cleanse our body with colonics & enemas while FEASTING on fresh pressed juices and Living foods! We educate ourselves on the benefits of cleansing! We utilize healing modalities such as breath work, lymphatic drainage and good old sweating to detox both our minds and our bodies! I can honestly say that work feels like play for me! When you do what you love, there is no work only happiness!

Book your retreat today at (click on retreats)

Fresh juice, fruit, greens and seeds!

I’ve often said “in order to take care of you (my clients and loved ones), I must first take care of myself!

Here is a little sample of the vegan gluten free food both my guests and myself indulge in at Alkalize with Andrea retreats!


Want a sip?

Fresh OJ anyone?

I’m spending a few days at a place the “man-pan-ion” has downtown and I must say, I’m LOVING the urban vibe! I’m so inspired by this sun filled kitchen that I may just forget about the fact I’ve had no sleep the past two days and shoot some more live videos for my private VIP 7Day Juicy Cleanse group!

I just shared The 7Day Juicy cleanse grocery list with them this morning! I honesty think having a private group where people can ask me whatever they want about health, herbs, raw foods and detoxification is the BEST way to help people transition onto a healthier path!

Join us for the 7Day Juicy Cleanse here!


Cryotherapy & self care!

cryoI lost the battle with having my home tented for termites yesterday. So I did what every highly intelligent woman does! I first called the “man-pan-ion” who single-handedly packed up all of my belongings and moved them to a home he has downtown. Then, I took a self-care day💕

I began the day with a beautiful workout followed by a cold pressed juice that is excellent for the skin! I sat in the steam room sipping on my cold pressed juice while dry brushing. Then it was off to the nail salon! They turned out lovely.

I followed this with a trip to Nicole Miller boutique to treat myself to a pair of earrings and a necklace similar to jewelry that was stolen in last months robbery. My last stop was “chil-tonic” for an amazing cryotherapy session! I’ll definitely be doing cryotherapy weekly!

I ended the evening with a lovely dinner and a view of the city! Life is good

A live video that everyone loved! 

I decided to shoot a Facebook live video the other night on ways to prevent binge eating on the Holidays and my top tips on preventing cancer! WOW! It’s gotten some serious movement! Check it out here! Until tomorrow my friends! Love you!

Black Friday starts NOW!


ac_google_5I’m celebrating Black Friday EARLY! Yep! It starts now!

Look, I know how busy you are. Lets get things done quickly and in a smart way this year! Here are the AMAZING black Friday deals I’m offering you this year!


Receive FREE shipping on ALL supplement orders!

Shop Supplements here!

7dayReceive a FREE 15 minute Skype consultation when you purchase The New 7 Day Juicy cleanse!

This program is BLOWING the pounds off of everyone! Check it out here…

new-retreatsReceive a FREE 15 minute Skype consultation when you purchase The New 7 Day Juicy cleanse!

This program is BLOWING the pounds off of everyone! Check it out here…

Putting Others Before Yourself. My lesson while running a private retreat.

Today I had to REALLY let go of my own “stuff” in order to place my client first. After having less than 2 hours of sleep I was tested with having very little energy. Being a 7 hours a night type of girl and for the past few months my routine has been completely shaken up.

One thing I know is that placing someone else before yourself really helps place everything in perspective. I’m so grateful for the positive change this has brought to my life:)

As I say in this video below, “If I met the girl I was five years ago today…I wouldn’t like her very much”. I’m sure I wouldn’t have handled today as I have. Sad but true:( I’m proud of the changes I have made and who I am today:)

Blessings and love from Mexico:)

Check out my juice fast, raw food yoga retreats at

Retreat in mexico

Retreat in mexico

How to loose weight fast!


Proud to be two sizes away from where I LOVE to be thanks to my Digital Detox program! Twenty pounds down! YAY! #detox #cleanse #yogaeverydamday

Andrea Cox dropped 15lbs in one month on her Digital Detox program!

Its that time of year again! The best gift to give yourself!

Ahhh! Its that time of year again! I’m so excited to offer this to you!

When 2014 rolled around I set a goal to help a minimum of fifty clients one on one! I was seeking to help serious people who had a health issue or needed to lose a significant amount of weight. These private clients were not to be part of my retreats. They are people who could not spare the time away from home to attend one of my retreats. 

I’m happy to say I’ve helped forty of those fifty! This is why I’ve chosen to take on ten new private clients during the month of January to get you in the most incredible shape of your lives!

During this time, I’m going to show you one on one how to first cleanse and detoxify your body on a cellular level! Then the focus shifts onto how to keep it clean while removing excess weight and toxicity FOR GOOD! The majority of my clients lose anywhere from ten to twenty pounds during this phase! The beautiful thing is, you are eating the entire time abundantly! This by NO MEANS is a diet! It is a life style change!

The experience…We will begin with a one on one Skype consultation where I listen and asses your current needs, goals and desires. After that you will get a program that I design exclusively for you! We will then be speaking daily on the phone or via Skype for a period of thirty days in order to keep you on track! You will also get exclusive access to my private membership site prior to it being open to the public! 

This will go fast…so if you message me (here on Facebook or at the address below) and I don’t respond, that only means all ten spots have been filled. You are more than welcome to private message me at a later date if that happens, and if you are EXTREMELY interested…I may be able to fit 1 or 2 more of you in.

If you are reading this and know someone that can potentially benefit from this, please SHARE this! They will be thankful and so will I!:)

Lets make 2015 your sexiest, healthiest year ever! With me holding your hand the entire way…you simply cannot fail!

e-mail at for your free 15 minute phone consultpretty

New photo shoot at the beach! Proof that a vegan diet does the body good!

From yesterday’s shoot:) I love this! Love the way it feels to be in love with no one & still be able to embrace my femininity! Feeling insanely romantic!

Andrea Cox on a photo shoot!

Andrea Cox on a photo shoot!

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