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Archive for the tag “juice cleanse retreat”

Five tips to detox daily!


Keeping your body detoxed on a cellular level is an important aspect in maintaining good digestion, a healthy sleep wake cycle and a flowing lymphatic system! It just so happens that Spring time is the perfect time to detox! We are overloaded with toxins on a daily basis! Simply breathing in the air can overload our system and send us into toxic load over drive! I believe that in order to combat these effects we should do at least one thing to detoxify every day and a deeper cleanse such as my Digital Detox at the beginning of every season! Once per year a much deeper week long cleanse such as heading off to a retreat like the ones I offer at my Alkalize with Andrea retreats should be taken on!  
       1.Move the body! Enjoy these tips on how to detox the       body daily! The lymphatic system is at the hub of everything running correctly in the body. It carries lymph fluid and toxins and excretes them through various methods such as the skin and urine. We must move the body daily to assist the lymph system in pumping properly! My suggestion is a brisk one mile walk right upon waking followed by 5-10 minutes on the rebounder. This will assure that everything is flowing properly.
Andrea Cox lunges

Andrea Cox lunges

  1. Got clay? Humic and fulvic acid found in specific types of clay (such as my Evening Formula found here will not only detox you on a cellular level, they will also re mineralize you! 1 heaping TB before breakfast is a great way to cleanse the entire digestive track!dirty water
  1. Drink warm water with lemon and apple cider vinigar upon raising Drinking a glass of warm water with a squeeze of lemon and 2 TB of apple cider vinegar is an EXCELLENT way to cleanse the body! Do this daily upon rising! It will get everything moving in the right direct
  2. lemon water

Eat more fruits and vegetables! Fiber along with antioxadants are SO very important!  Fiber keeps us regular! The best way to get in your daily fiber is by filling up on the good guys first! The good guys” being fruits and vegetables! Stick to fresh organic, locally grown in season fruits and vegetables! Try to eat the majority of these raw! Antioxidants are full of nutrients that actually de age us! Yep! So pack those fruits in! Especially those deep in color such as blueberries!

  1. corn salad
  1. Stay hydrated with fresh green juices and loads of alkaline water! Drinking clean water is one of the best things you can do for your health. I prefer spring water collected from a natural spring. This will flush, flush, flush toxins out of the body! Drink at least half your body weight in water! Green juices sweetened with a small amount of grapes, green apple or pineapple are also extremely hydrating! Pinch a little cinnamon on top to stabilize blood sugar!juice2
    If you are reading this and know someone that can potentially benefit from this, please SHARE this! They will be thankful and so will I!:)
    Andrea L Cox

Skin healing tonic! Get beautiful glowing skin now!

I recently had a client come to me that had suffered with eczema for almost three years! I created an AMAZING juice for her to drink each morning that solved her skin issue almost immediately! 

The recipe is as follows and it must be made fresh daily and drank on an empty stomach! EVERYTHING MUST ALWAYS BE ORGANIC WHEN JUICING!

6 carrots (High in vitamin A)

2 inches of burdock root (great liver detoxifier)

1/2 inch of turmeric root (anti inflamatory)

1/2 of one cucumber (excellent for acne)

two stalks of celery (high in natural salt and hydrochloric acid to aid digestion)

a pinch of powdered ginger (great for digestion)

a pinch of cinnamon (blood stabilizer)

a pinch of cayenne  (lymphatic mucous destroyer)

Juice all of the ingredients and then pinch in small amounts of the ginger, cinnamon and cayenne! Watch any and all symptoms disappear!

Skin healing tonic

Skin healing tonic

My skin tonic juice is the ABSOLUTE best for anyone suffering with acne, eczema or rosacea! Recipe is going on my blog at

Andrea Cox Model

Today I’m on my way to a photo shoot with a top photographer in Southern California! Life is good! #whatveganslooklike #happy #healthy #veganrecipes #glutenfreerecipes #AndreaCox #model

Andrea Cox on her way to a shoot!

Andrea Cox on her way to a shoot!

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