Andrea cox

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My Birthday Wish!

I treated myself to a healthy gift for my birthday today!

Today is my birthday! I woke up at the crack of dawn and headed to a meditation center next to my home for yoga. The sky was stunning as I walked out!

I decided to treat myself to a beautiful gift of health after leaving yoga! I went and harvested fresh spring water! You too can harvest your own by going to to find the closest location to tap into this life force water!

I’ll be FaceTiming with my family later and enjoying the beautiful weather with my doggies! Since I can’t see my Facebook wall due to y’all sharing birthday blessings on it:)

I personally think mothers are the ones that need to be honored on birthdays! They are the ones who go through the pain of birthing and raising us! I always thank my mom for birthing, raising and putting up with all my crap!

I may go visit my favorite crystal store in Encinitas today! I’ve been eyeing a HUGE amethyst for over a year now! It’s time to treat myself! Tomorrow we will be launching a brand new website! YAY! I’ve worked on this with a BRILLIANT millennial for a few months now! This is my TRUE calling in this life time and I am praying y’all support me in this new spiritual vision! The new website will have a plethora of health, detoxification and spiritual offerings!

I can honestly say that even though the past year has been extremely confusing and difficult. I am more excited about life today than EVER before!

Thank you for all the birthday love!!!

I only want the best for you ~ Andrea

My Birthday Wish ~ Many of you have requested a PO Box to send gifts. I would prefer you donate to your local high kill animal shelter. If you do this and send me a donation receipt as proof, I will send you one of my programs for FREE! YAY!

Birthday blessings with fresh spring water!

Birthday blessings with fresh spring water!

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