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Archive for the tag “interview”

Gerald Rogers has been seen on The Today Show, NBC and on The Huffington Post! Today I was blessed enough to interview him!

Andrea Cox interviews transformational relationship coach Gerald Rogers!

Andrea Cox interviews transformational relationship coach Gerald Rogers!

Gerald Rogers is a transformational leader, speaker and coach that has trained thousands of individuals how to discover their purpose, step into their power and learn how to make their purpose driven businesses profitable and LIVE BIG.

He has been featured on ABC, NBC, The Today show and on the Huffington Post! I was honored and humbled to find out that Gerald was one of my “followers” on my Facebook page! I was blessed with him saying YES to this interview! 

Andrea Cox interview on The Union Pod Cast!

My interview with the wonderful Paul Victor Vazquez on The Union Pod Cast! Listen at the link below!!! Enjoy!hottie

My interview on the Union Pod cast!


Feeling pretty darn humbled that I’m being interviewed today for a book coming out in 2013 on veganism! This is the second time in the past 6 months that I’ve been included in a new book. I must be doing something right:)

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