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Archive for the tag “inspire”

The key to happiness that is often overlooked!

I woke in a bed with running water, clothes to wear & food to eat! I am blessed! The majority of the population don’t have the luxuries that you and I do! They aren’t scrolling their news feed! They’re out looking for food for their families! They’re worried about where they will sleep tonight! Don’t ever take life or your health for granted! The Bible says “Do not boast about what you have today for you don’t know what tomorrow will bring”! Life can turn on a dime! Stay humble always!

Enjoy this beautiful day that God has given to you! What a gift! Andrea


Don’t be foolish, live by the sea!


It’s Monday and most people fret!
Thinking bout how much money they’ll get!

Don’t be foolish, live by the sea!
Find a place for you and me!

I’ll watch the waves come crashing in.
Do some yoga, find my “zen”!

You’ll come home and I’ll nourish you
We’ll take a walk with nothing to do

So keep it simple and keep the ocean near
Before you know it, another year

Will have come and gone away
So let’s find a place where we can stay

Love yourself and love me too
Your a simple man who loves the ocean too!

Andrea Cox💗💖💗

#poetry #flowetry #ocean #surfer #healthyliving

Kindness Matters!

She was fierce yet gentle. When she was excited or upset she didn’t sleep for days. She was courage strength & weakness rolled into one. She is love and wants every one around her both mankind and animal to feel love too. beauty

Be kind to others & to yourself this week. If you need a bit of motivation to encourage you to be kind, check out the detox program I created that actually comes with a gratitude journal here! It may be just the type of inspiration you need to get healthier in body, mind and in spirit!

Your Monday MOJO!

Have you ever wanted to fix something that just seemed “Un fixable”? Maybe it was something simple like a broken door hinge or maybe it was the fact that your daughter wanted to constantly where a short skirt to school that you deemed inappropriate.

Whatever it is, Im here to give you some advice that was given to me just a few minutes ago.This morning I have two kind workmen fixing my garage door. They’ve done work on the house before and to be honest with you, they need the work and I appreciate their craftsmanship.I went out to let them know I needed to leave and to offer them some water.

Both men are in their sixties and Walden is quite a talkative man. He proceeded to ask me how my day was. I told him it wasn’t going as planned and his reply was priceless! He said “just remember no matter how your day is going, always leave others better than you found them”! I was so touched I began to cry. He’s now eating one of my salads. 🙂


Facebook Live Schedule until 2017

WOW! If you’ve been missing my Facebook live shows all I can say is you are missing out on some FABULOUS detox advice and some GREAT healthy vegan gluten-free recipes!

Here is my schedule until further notice!

Tasty Tuesday’s 6pm Pacific

Wednesday’s Wisdom 3pm Pacific

Training Thursday’s 3pm Pacific

Q&A Saturday’s 3pm Pacific

Spiritual Sunday’s 6pm Pacific

Tune in here to watch at the above times!

Have a fabulous week and remember, be kind because you never know what someone else is going through! Love and cilantro kisses, Andrea

Self Love

WOW! This was really shot on the fly! I do hope you see the message behind the message here folks! Remember, I only want the very best for each and every one of you!

Growing up, I was made fun of constantly. I was taller than most of the boys in school. I had acne, a huge gap in my front teeth and the frizziest hair one had ever seen! As I grew into my body my insecurity switched from being insecure to trying to help those around me not be insecure in my pressence. Enjoy this video of how Ive dealt with both extremes. 

Thank you for allowing me to open up to you! 

For more detox recipes, love room videos and beauty tips subscribe to my news letter at

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