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Archive for the tag “Inspirational”

A Spiritual Re-Birth!

The only reason any of you stand with me is because you know my heart is pure. Thank you for truly “seeing” me. In a world where so many cut emotions out. In a world where so many are numb to FEELING. In a world where SO many walk hurting inside only to further damage those who have done “the work”. You see my open hearted expression as pieces of you that want to be unleashed. You watch me fall again and again and learn from my mistakes. You see my heart open to love and wait nervously with care as it breaks.

Thank you for your support in every way! I appreciate each of you! As I mentioned around Christmas, I’ve went through an enormous transformation spirituality that has led me to alter my path. As I reveal these new ideas to you {very soon} that are part of me, I am praying you accept them with an open mind.

Without the unconditional love from my small inner circle of friends, my loving supportive family, my two furry husbands, and people just like YOU, I would feel lost in dark times.

Thank you for lifting me out of the ashes once again. I promise not to let you down

Here we go again!


This will brighten your Monday {LITERALLY}!!!


I want to remind you on this BEAUTIFUL Monday morning that you are a child not only of two people who loved one another enough to create you but also of God! Please don’t ever forget this!


WOW! My biggest response from a news letter was sending this out last week!

I choose myself today. I may even choose myself again tomorrow. In fact, I chose myself today and the day before and I’m going to try with all I have to choose myself from this day forward.

I’m not the type of person to give up on other people. Sure, sometimes I feel sad sometimes angry and sometimes I withdraw. Although I loathe confrontation, I am into communication! To me, avoidance simply prolongs anxiety and pain. I see no reason to avoid when solutions are bountiful! I’m not the type of person that would ever abandon anyone. I don’t leave people, maybe that’s why it always hurts so bad when people leave me.

When in a relationship, I tend to make my partner my safe haven, my go to guy & I his muse. It’s important for me to feel safe with my partner. Always and in EVERY situation. I think most women feel that way. For me however it goes deeper. Being a writer and an empath, my need for self expression and to be understood is especially great. Not being understood or acknowledged tends to make me retreat within. Often times until the relationship ends. When I finally give up and stop “feeling” all together, I wait..feelingless until the other person is gone.

I don’t do well playing the push pull game. In fact, Games in general create a deep rooted depression in me that can leave me bed bound for days or weeks on end. I’m always quick to tell people who I meet, both friends and lovers.. please don’t pull me near only to push me away. It will kill me slowly. The abandonment scars are just to great.

After all, what good is any relationship, if you are lonelier while in it?  Written by Andrea Leigh Cox ~ All rights reserved!choose-me

Don’t be foolish, live by the sea!


It’s Monday and most people fret!
Thinking bout how much money they’ll get!

Don’t be foolish, live by the sea!
Find a place for you and me!

I’ll watch the waves come crashing in.
Do some yoga, find my “zen”!

You’ll come home and I’ll nourish you
We’ll take a walk with nothing to do

So keep it simple and keep the ocean near
Before you know it, another year

Will have come and gone away
So let’s find a place where we can stay

Love yourself and love me too
Your a simple man who loves the ocean too!

Andrea Cox💗💖💗

#poetry #flowetry #ocean #surfer #healthyliving

Look what the stork delivered!

The 7 Day Juicy Cleanse! 7day

I’M SO EXCITED! Hi friends! I’ve got an exciting announcement to make! I just released my NEW seven day Juicy cleanse program on my NEW website!

If you’ve been looking to lose weight, clear up your skin or just desire to FEEL & LOOK better, this is the program for you!For less than what it would cost you to purchase a consultation with a dietitian {who is just going to put you on a standard American diet of pasteurized yogurt fruits vegetables and cold cuts}, you can get a program THAT ACTUALLY WORKS!

I’ve worked on this program for a very long time but wanted to release my new website first! Therefore it’s been tested time and time again on my staff and clients to make sure that it is absolutely fool proof!

This video-based program is a weight loss and detoxification powerhouse! You’ll even be part of a private forum {Here on Facebook} that you can share support tips to keep you on track! You can also ask me questions in this group about the program, detox and weight loss!

GET EXCITED!!! Check out the program below!

Here’s the program!


I was on TV again Last night!

What a blessing to play the roll of “A detox specialist” AKA my role in real life on the hit TV show “The Romance” last night! I made the dating contestants a detox salad! Thank you to everyone who watched! I loved working with such an AMAZING cast!

yoga-treesYour weekly MOJO!

Don’t give up! I know you feel like tossing in the towel. I promise you that all the goodness you’ve poured into this World is about to pay off! You can’t be the guiding light without a little darkness!

Here is what I say when something or someone is leaving my life and I may be struggling! “Dear past, thank you for the lessons. Dear future, I’m ready”!

I love you! Never give up!

Enjoy My latest blog post here

Kindness Matters!

She was fierce yet gentle. When she was excited or upset she didn’t sleep for days. She was courage strength & weakness rolled into one. She is love and wants every one around her both mankind and animal to feel love too. beauty

Be kind to others & to yourself this week. If you need a bit of motivation to encourage you to be kind, check out the detox program I created that actually comes with a gratitude journal here! It may be just the type of inspiration you need to get healthier in body, mind and in spirit!

Your Monday MOJO!

Have you ever wanted to fix something that just seemed “Un fixable”? Maybe it was something simple like a broken door hinge or maybe it was the fact that your daughter wanted to constantly where a short skirt to school that you deemed inappropriate.

Whatever it is, Im here to give you some advice that was given to me just a few minutes ago.This morning I have two kind workmen fixing my garage door. They’ve done work on the house before and to be honest with you, they need the work and I appreciate their craftsmanship.I went out to let them know I needed to leave and to offer them some water.

Both men are in their sixties and Walden is quite a talkative man. He proceeded to ask me how my day was. I told him it wasn’t going as planned and his reply was priceless! He said “just remember no matter how your day is going, always leave others better than you found them”! I was so touched I began to cry. He’s now eating one of my salads. 🙂


Facebook Live Schedule until 2017

WOW! If you’ve been missing my Facebook live shows all I can say is you are missing out on some FABULOUS detox advice and some GREAT healthy vegan gluten-free recipes!

Here is my schedule until further notice!

Tasty Tuesday’s 6pm Pacific

Wednesday’s Wisdom 3pm Pacific

Training Thursday’s 3pm Pacific

Q&A Saturday’s 3pm Pacific

Spiritual Sunday’s 6pm Pacific

Tune in here to watch at the above times!

Have a fabulous week and remember, be kind because you never know what someone else is going through! Love and cilantro kisses, Andrea

Alkalize With Andrea During Her May Spa Retreat

April 20, 2013

Fantastic news! My celebrity client who had booked my Alkalize With Andrea May retreat in the desert has decided to do a one on one here with me in San Diego! This means I have openings in May in my cleansing juice fast retreat!

Come join me and other health minded people. Alkalize your body with fresh vegetable juices and live foods! Detoxify your mind and body with yoga, We will have breath work and an amazing motivational speaker! Soak up the healing waters in the healthiest water in the US!

People travel from all over the world to sit in this water! The cleansing fun begins on May 15TH! Sign up now before this spot gets filled!

Check out all the details at

Here are some testimonies of people who have Alkalized With Andrea:

“Andrea’s knowledge surpasses any expectation I could ever have had about food, cleansing, detoxification, food combining, and transitioning onto a more plant based way of eating! Andrea’s cleanse is something I partake in once per year to get back to my “happy place”. I truly don’t know where I would be without her guidance and support.”
– MaryAnna T


“I wanted to tell you how very much you have changed my life through getting to know you and your knowledge…Being in the public eye as a Playboy Playmate and as a pin up model, and actress often appearing in the public eye, I have discovered a entire new way of living thanks to you!! I suffered from hypothyroidism, and I have to say due to your eBook on food and juicing I am now cured! Not only has my stamina multiplied I am now free of this disease and feeling AMAZING!

I’ve taken on a whole new way of living, through purchasing all organic produce, following your advice, and your knowledge I can’t thank you enough for transforming my life! Not only am I off all medications, I HAVE lost the unwanted lbs I put on, and resumed my sense of self and a well being I can only attribute to you and your daily love and support! I not only have energy, I have a greater sense of self esteem and awareness I did not ever know was available:)I have also suffered from extreme bouts of depression and hormonal issues (lately) yet my depression and anxiety attacks go way back to when I began my modeling career,traveling constantly,(always on meds for that!)and that has also began to lift! I attribute to my new found knowledge about “real RAW food” and eliminating caffeine, alcohol,and bad sugars and unnatural salt..

You are my role model and a driving force that because of you, my life and health is so extremely different in EVERY sense..You are a TRUE inspiration, not only are you beautiful on the outside (stunning!) your inner beauty is intoxicating! Thank you for transforming my life, and for being my role model! My 20 year old daughter logs onto your page daily and we are on this new found path together which is wonderful that she has these tools now to take through her lifetime to pass on!!

I can smile again, and have gained a tremendous amount of self esteem that for so long I was lacking…I did not think or dream this would ever be possible, as I have sought help through various doctors and specialists and spent a fortune doing so…Little did I know YOU had that ability to change my life!!! I am forever grateful for you!!! I cant wait to join your retreats, and learn more about how to continue this exciting journey!!!! Thank God for you and you are so blessed to have the gift to change lives!!!! God has blessed you and blessed me for leading me down your path!!! Thank you so much!!!! xoxo”

~Terri Lynn Doss


And Julie Wilson:

I have the strength to move mountains and change the lives of others!

April 9th, 2013

Thriving with Guidance, Health, Love and Purpose!

Just a few years ago I was suffering with a terrible eating disorder. I remember longing for God to give me someone who understood and could help me. “Put someone in my life and work through them.”  I asked.

Now, to be helping others get healthy, get clean and THRIVE on a cellular level is a dream come true!  As I go about my day today I will walk along my path knowing I have the strength to move mountains and change the lives of others!
This photo taken last week exudes the strength I feel today!

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