Andrea cox

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Archive for the tag “inner peace”

You can’t put a price on peace.

Don’t dismiss the messages God is giving you. I don’t want to make this a religious message. Those of you who have been with me for years know that I grew up Christian but that I also have a business in spirituality and the tarot. I believe God lives within each of us. Your God may be different than my god and that’s OK. I won’t pass judgment over you because of this.

Christian, Catholic, Hindu or the occult it doesn’t phase me at all!

You’re still a person

An individual

A creator on this earth!

I am currently and have been leading up to this point under heavy judgment from a group of people. A group of people that at one time I gave my everything to but chose to stop and give to myself. So I guess I can say, I know exactly how it feels to have judgement cast upon you. For no other reason than out of jealousy and anger that people don’t feel that you deserve what you have or to sit in the position you are in.

I know what it feels like to be so highly creative and to have less creative entities cast hateful judgement on you because of this.

If you’ve chosen a path of giving to yourself before giving to others I honor you today.

If you’ve chosen to drive the merchants out of your wallet or out of your body I honor you today.

If you’ve chosen to kick that child out of your house that has been mooching off you for the last 12 years I honor you today.

If you’ve chosen to call out that person who has been stealing your written words and ideas for the last eight years, I honor you today.

Everything that has happened in your life up to this point has brought you to this place you now stand.

Every lover

Every relationship

Every tragedy

Every loss

Every moment has brought you right here, right now! Sometimes, allowing the enemy in while pretending you know nothing and watching everything from an above perspective is the best thing you can do. It allows your “perceived” enemy to Temporarily take dominion over you while teaching them how to work with you in harmony and also teaching him or her that enemies do not exist in your world.

We can choose to live in the past or we can take those memories, those losses, that pain and move forward.

I choose to move forward.

I choose to feel

I choose to love

I choose to not judge others on the practices of how they choose to live their life or run their business. I choose peace while also being smart and mindful of what is going on around me.

What do you choose?

If you are struggling with any type of difficult situation at the moment, just watch this video here. 

Cultivating Inner Peace Through Our Thoughts

I shot three hours of video last night only to find the sound was muffled. Ironically when I checked my iPhone it said it was linked to an Apple Watch. I don’t own an Apple Watch.

I’m trying not to read too much into things lately. I’m allowing things to slide off my back. Maybe a neighbor has an Apple Watch. Or maybe it’s just another retrograde tech issue, oh well.

I woke earlier today and will skip the gym and jump on my rebounder so I can re shoot the videos.

It’s funny, once we take the energy away from thinking bad things will happen they usually stop. What you fuel you give fire to and what you ignore puts out the flame. I find much peace in this way of thinking. Because no matter how hot the flame once was, some flames are meant to be doused in water.

These days I’m ignoring situations that simply seem juvenile to me. I’m embracing love on an entirely new level. New found love for myself! A new found love for a project I’m working on and a love for those who are bringing joy and solutions into my life instead of chaos and conflict.

Other things bringing me peace these days

* 30 minutes of jumping on my rebounder

* yoga

* walks in nature with my dogs

* food foraging

* spending less time near electronics

* coloring in one of my many coloring books

* taking on no more than two client calls per day

Here’s to embracing SO MUCH LOVE!I

I love you

I only want the best for you

Please love yourself

Until tomorrow

In full gratitude


Finding Health Through Spiritual Peace & Downtime

55576519_10214446469856231_2558682064572383232_oI’m taking the time over the next few days to tune in & decompress:) De cluttering both my home and my body. Spending time with friends whom I love and reconnecting with spirit.

A few things I’ve got lined up for the week ahead….

Lymphatic drainage

Deep tissue massage (done✅)

Acupuncture & hot cupping

Leaving my cell off after 2pm (I have no TV)



Nature walks

Fresh juice & harvested spring water

Donating 25 items to the Salvation Army

Taking time to unfollow & delete anyone I’m not in direct contact with via social media

Utilizing My dry brush & sauna as much as possible

Every day is a new day to grow, evolve and manifest beautiful love in many different forms.

Today’s Spiritual Message… When you are no longer moved to tears but can still feel sadness….when you no longer feel the need to broadcast a life event yet you feel happy…when we no longer need to grip a feeling that has long passed…then we are traveling in a state of un-egoic peace. Repeat this message “I am peace”!!!

Please love yourselves


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