Andrea cox

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Archive for the tag “infused water”

My brief disappearance ~ Going live!

aloThe energies shifted last Thursday and I was being asked to take a break. Last week I had two Mac laptops die on me. My Apple desktop would not connect to either the keyboard or the mouse. I took this as a sign to take a break through the weekend.

If you have ordered a personal reading from me, I shared a brief video on the new YouTube channel on when you will receive your private reading. If you have booked a detox for December or January, your emails have been received and space has been held.

When spirit requests you rest, you follow the path of rest.

I am in AWE! Complete and utter AWE of how many of you have placed your trust and faith in me to care for your health, to detox your body’s and to help you along your spiritual journey. This past month has been my biggest month in sales of products, coaching and especially the new readings. It tells me two things

A) many of you are putting yourselves first! YAY!

B) You believe in me and the work I am doing (Thank you)!!!

We are headed towards the most abundant, happy love filled times of our lives! For now just FLOW with this retrograde. Soon, everyone will be walking in their truth.

todays-hydrationI am happy to report that I took the entire weekend to be good to myself. I fasted during daylight hours on wild blueberry water and green juice. Last night I got a two hour massage that was absolutely wonderful! blueberrywater

I’m Sending you all SO MUCH LOVE  ~

Please join me tonight at the link below on my face book page here! 

I’ll be going live at 6:00 pacific (in 30 minutes)!

Until tomorrow, Andrea

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