Andrea cox

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I went to lunch with …..

I went to lunch with someone today
I didn’t want to
But he asked
And you’ve not been around to take me
He was kind
He poured my salad dressing
He pulled out my chair
But he wasn’t you
He asked me about my family
He complimented me on my hair
He told me I had an angelic smile
But he wasn’t you
He thinks my fascination with the planets & the stars is “cute”
He dresses nice
He’s got his pentacles dialed in
He’s got great taste in cars
But he wasn’t you
To be honest, he made me think about you again
I hadn’t thought about you since Christmas
I went an entire week
I didn’t think about the way you used to kiss me when I was the star in your eyes
I didn’t think of our five position nights
or the way our spooning defined the word “perfection”
My mid day brunch with someone who seems “perfect” ended up making me think about everything imperfect that I love about you.

You would have been critiquing me about my business
Your attention would have felt scattered
I would have felt “not good enough”
You would have felt the same
We always had that unworthy thing going on
I imagined you at a corner booth rooting me on
Telling me “I deserve better than you”
I imagined you telling me to put my phone away
I imagined you saying “he’ll treat you better”
I imagined you reminding me that “you’ve got problems”
Problems that I guess aren’t worth working on
Or maybe just not with me
I went to lunch today, He wasn’t you
If he had been you, my ass would have been grabbed at least once
I would have checked a mirror out of my own insecurities. I always wanted to look pretty for you.

If it had been with you, we may have ended up fighting over nothing of any significance
Or maybe having sex against the wall in the back of the restaurant
It always depended on the day…didn’t it dear

I’m sorry I’ve not called, not emailed not reached out…
I guess I thought you wouldn’t notice
I think we’ve said all that needs to be said
Everything but the truth
The truth takes masks being burned and the discovery of what is real and what is not
That seems to hold a bit too much depth
So instead….
Instead I went to lunch today
But he wasn’t you


The Top Three Questions to Ask as you enter into a Relationship!

Being with the right partner really does yield abundance in more ways than one! That being said, being with the wrong partner can do mega damage! Especially to your heart!

Ah, LOVE! We all love “love”… don’t we? But how well do you really know that person you are jumping into a relationship (or even into bed with)? I’m about to share with you the importance of doing the research & ASKING THE PROPER QUESTIONS!

Lets get started…shall we?

Do they have a broke mentality? If so this will in fact affect your finances too!

Do they partake in negative self talk? Or even worse, are they verbally abusive? This will greatly affect your daily peace & your ability to prosper!

How do they conduct themselves in business? Are they on the up and up in their daily interactions with employees, business partners,  taxes etc?

If something doesn’t feel right, investigate! Do what you must to protect yourself! This is your heart we are talking about! No amount of money can repair it! Our personal relationships have A LOT to do with our physical and mental health! Don’t settle for less than you deserve!

  1. If they have been married, are they actually divorced? The shocking amount of people who never go through the divorce process is astounding! Do the research!
  2. Do they have any legal actions against them? Judgements such as evictions, bankruptcy or liens? What about lawsuits? Again, research!
  3. How faithful are they? This is your heart we are dealing with! If you feel in any way that something is off, try to have an open discussion with them! If they refuse to have a calm sit down discussion with you or, even worse… if they say “you’re crazy”, know this is a HUGE RED FLAG and all relationship contracts are off!

I hope this article helps even one of you! Relationships are a HUGE part of our mental and physical health! Here is an article I wrote for the Huffington post on why men need to detox after a break up!


The Best Christmas Gift Ever!

Hi Beautiful!

Today I found out that I’ve been published in The Huffington Post. The article I wrote came out a few weeks ago & I didn’t even know due to being so busy!

As an artist, writer & detox expert, this is HUGE for me! I’m incredibly grateful for my boyfriend who reads The Huffington Post everyday. He turned me onto them. That gave me the drive to want to be published there!

 Good things happen to good people who work hard! I would have never thought ten years ago in the midst of my eating disorder that I would be  living out my dreams in so many ways! This is a very proud moment for me! 

You can read the article here –> click here I would be humbled with gratitude if you shared the article on your social media!

I’m feeling that this will be the brightest Christmas will be the BRIGHTEST Christmas yet!  I hope you have a very merry Christmas too! Merry Christmas

Andrea L Cox is the owner of  The Healthy Haven &  (Detox, Yoga, Juice fast & Raw Food Educational Retreats!)

Andrea is a fitness model turned health coach & author who has written two books on the raw vegan healthy detoxing lifestyle! Known as “The Detox Queen” She has taken the media by storm & has an impressive social media following with her YouTube channel surpassing 2 million views & her personal Facebook page alone having 20,000 people! 

Andrea’s articles on detox, health, raw food, juicing and relationships have been published by Body Mind Green, The Huffington Post, The Good Men Project, Fashion 5 point 0 and several other publications!

Latest face

 Andrea has appeared on numerous news stations TV shows and magazine publications in her home town of Dayton Ohio and now where she lives in San Diego! She has also had national media coverage! Her retreats have become a destination health vacation for several Hollywood celebrities! 

Andrea’s online detox programs may be found at

Andrea’s retreats can be found at

If you’ve not checked out Andrea’s Facebook, YouTube, Instagram or Twitter yet FOLLOW her below!!! She would love to see you there! 

 Facebook click here

Twitter click here

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Instagram click here



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