Andrea cox

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Archive for the tag “How to use portion control to lose weight”

A quick tip to help you reach your weight loss goals!

One of the things I do to ward off the “mindless munching temptations” when I’ve clearly made too many raw vegan treats is to Pre-Portion any and all of those tempting Treats! The main way to do this is to portion them out AFTER you have eaten your largest meal of the day! This way you will be full and your mind will be in the right place to do so!

Todays treat that hit the spot were two of my raw vegan “nanna date romaine sammies” I simply pre make the raw vegan gluten free bread by using a mix of bananas, dates and flax and dehydrate! This bread is quite thin! Not like the thick yummy bread I had at my favorite restaurant last night…sigh:( Yet it still really hits the spot and is a much cleaner way to treat myself! I then take a date and a torn piece of romaine lettuce and sandwich it in between the bread pieces!

WALA! A treat made for this raw vegan Queen! Try it and let me know what you think! For more great recipes, detox and beauty tips along with AWESOME videos sign up for my FREE news letter at

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Portion control raw vegan sammie!

Portion control raw vegan sammie!


Andrea never forgets her morning juice!

Andrea never forgets her morning juice!


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