Andrea cox

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How to Manifest Anything!

A few months ago I felt lost.

ALL of my energy was focused on attempting to try to “fix” problems. Many of these problems were not created by me. These were issues that were easily fixable with clarity and gentle clear communication. I felt confused, sad and alone. I felt betrayed and my heart was in pain. The most destructive part of all of this was that I had no answers. I even had a person telling me that the thoughts I was having “were crazy” and that “I was nuts” to think such things. There were so many things I wasn’t yet clear on. There were so many issues that I felt dragged into. So many harsh words thrown my way.

I felt off balanced and bewildered. There were many nights that I cried myself to sleep. I found myself feeling trapped by the unclarity of a situation that I chose to stay stuck in for FAR too long!

Then one day, I received clarity in a very indirect way. It was like the sun began to shine! I realized that sometimes people keep others in the dark to avoid the repercussions of their own shady behaviors. Others project with name calling or other childish behaviors that serve no one. All of this is done to cover up behavior that they themselves are ashamed of. I realized something in that very moment that changed my life forever!

Being around toxic situations or around dishonest people who lacked integrity was stifling the ability I had ALWAYS had! My ability to manifest!

I decided to make changes immediately! Changes that brought me back into balance! The biggest change being the people I began to surround myself with. I woke up and said out loud every day “I only want people around me who speak to me with love and kindness”. “I only want to be around playful fun loving people”. Once I made this choice, my entire life changed! I no longer thought about people who were not anything but kind to me and others.

Another choice I made was to take more time in nature with my animals. We hiked, we went to the park, they became my best friends. Animals have a way of bringing in calm. I truly believe they are angels sent from heaven to bring clarity and peace into our lives.

I hope you enjoyed the tips I shared above. I share a few different tips in this video below….Enjoy

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