Andrea cox

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Archive for the tag “How to lose weight fast.”

14 pounds gone in just 1 week – heres how!


17 Years ago today I transitioned onto a 100% raw food vegan diet. Today I am still 100% vegan (YAY)! I do occasionally cook a few meals here and there but I am ALWAYS certain to NOT consume animal product or their bi products!

I truly believe this is why I have maintained a size 0/2 for almost 2 decades!


I also attribute my healthy plant-based lifestyle to the reason I started my new spiritual business in 2018. The reason I am able to truly tune into my intuition. The reason I am attracting higher and higher vibrational beings into my life!

Have you had trouble transitioning to a vegan diet?

I’m SO excited to share with you my NEW program to assist you on transitioning to a plant based lifestyle!

* If you struggle with
* have difficulty loosing weight
* if you suffer from poor digestion
* if you are sick & tired of feeling sick & tired
* if you feel like you suffer from
 brain fog
* if you have body aches & pains
* if you suffer from chronic Inflammation
* Or, if you simply feel ready to make the transition to a plant-based lifestyle, this is the program for you!

The entire program is sent to your inbox instantly upon ordering! You can start as soon as tomorrow! You can also do the program over & over again until your desired weight is reached!

Here’s what you get

* A guide to transitioning onto a plant-based

* An audio to lose weight FAST* A downloadable gratitude journal

* My favorite plant based Recipes

* 30 daily motivational mantras

* A guided relaxation to reduce anxiety

I am so happy to offer you all the tools that I was blessed with 16 years ago when I made my transition

Here is the link to the program 


Why you need to cleanse BEFORE the Holidays!

I love celebrating the holidays, but no one wants to enter 2018 feeling like a larger, more stressed and older looking version of his or her self.

I am always shocked at how much my social calendar fills up in November and December. My cozy nights at home suddenly become full of parties 🎉 cocktails and appetizers! That’s why this season has me more committed than ever to release the weight for life!

But wait, there’s no point in cleansing before the holidays, right? I’m here to tell you that is a big fat WRONG! In fact, it’s A MUST that you cleanse PRIOR to the holidays!

Detoxing is the way to get you through the holidays without taking on excess toxins and destructive eating habits. It works in two ways:

It cleans your body of toxic residue that stimulates cravings. In layman’s terms your body won’t be signaling you to binge on poor food choices!
Your body will not have the same negative response if you do have an hors d’oeuvre or two! When you’re clean the repercussions of poor food choices are much more gentle on your body and your waistline!
I understand that you’ve tried other programs that have made false promises! I know you’re scared to commit to detoxing right now because you think you may be restricted. I’m here to reassure you that not only will you NOT be restricted! Not only will you be eating EVERY DAY other than the pre cleanse day I’m sharing below, you will also be FEELING and LOOKING YOUR ABSOLUTE BEST!

The below menu is the pre cleanse portion of my 7Day Juicy Cleanse found at the link below!

On this day you are free to have a HUGE salad with avocado at any time! Does that sound like deprivation?! It’s not! And this is the toughest day of the entire 7 Day Program!

Are you ready to put that dress on that’s been hanging in your closet for years? The one you thought you would never fit into again? Are you ok with loosing 2 dress sizes in just 7 days?

Join us here and be added to our private Facebook group immediately

I’ll see you soon!


Your Before and After!


Everyone wants to lose a few pounds. EVERYONE! What if it were as easy as asking for it and waking up the next day 10, 15, or 30 pounds slimmer?! Sounds wonderful, doesn’t it?

But if you’ve ever tried to lose weight (and who hasn’t) you know this just isn’t the way it works!

What if I told you that losing weight CAN be that easy! Maybe not over night but a SIGNIFICANT difference in just two weeks!

It is possible with one-on-one coaching!

Look, I’m not here to feed you a bunch of bull. I’m here to give it to you straight!

In 2011, I wanted to help more people lose weight and feel amazing who couldn’t attend my retreats. This is when I began helping both women and men get in shape and lose weight through my one month coaching program.

What SHOCKED me was that almost everyone I helped ended up losing the majority of their toxic weight within the first two weeks! What I also discovered that was even more shocking was that everyone seemed to pick up my secrets I taught them in that short two week window of time!

Today, I’ve personally coached over 1200 women and men helping them lose not just the weight but also the very habits that caused their weight gain too.

90% of my new coaching clients come through word of mouth.

And more important, than the weight loss itself, I’ve uncovered the major barriers people (especially women) have to losing weight. Insights my clients have found so profoundly life changing that many of have went on to begin their own businesses in helping others “Lose it for life”!

Oh, and did I mention there is NO PORTION CONTROL, CRAZY SUPPLEMENTS OR POWDERS AND NO CRAZY WORK-OUT PLAN ON MY PROGRAM?! Who needs that? Not meI like to follow an easy plan that has worked for me for OVER a decade!

Here’s a collage below of just a few of the before and after photos I’ve received from my clients. Results speak for themselves folks! Start your transformation Today! Send me an E-mail to with your contact info, how much weight you need to lose and the best time to reach you! I cannot wait to meet you!


When it rains it pours!



Hi there beautiful:)

Have you ever noticed that when it rains, it begins to pour? Of course I’m speaking in general terms of problematic times that we all go through in life. Your car breaks down, computer gets a virus, one of your children begins having difficulties in life. These are just examples of course.

What about within the area of our health?

Have you ever noticed that when you begin having a health issue, many soon follow? You can cough it up to aging but in my opinion thats just an excuse! After all, 50 is the new 20! The truth is our bodies are wired like a computer of a car. When we give our cars bad gasoline (the cheap stuff), our cars begin to break down and the wires to our computer stop working! Before you know it, your adrenals crash, hormone levels spike and your flat tummy you’ve always had is protruding like a GoodYear tire!

But where do I begin…I heard you shout just now:) Keep on reading below! nfa

The truth is you’ve been given bad information for a very long time! You know what bad info is? Right?

Low Carb

Low fat

High protein

Eat right for your blood type

How to kill Candida

Detox your metals “this way”

The anti histamine diet BLA BLA BLA

What if I told you I knew of a simpler way to gain control over your body, hormones and your health once and for all? Would you be interested? Would you want to know more? Or, would you keep on paying for a counter full of supplements that don’t work! Doctors that could care less about your overall well being and just rush you in and out of the door like a cattle call!

The truth is I’ve helped thousands of people just like you gently detoxify their bodies, regain their hormonal health and achieve their ideal weight without any struggle!

During the month of August I’m taking on three new clients (just three)! Three of you will be taken under my wing and taught the ins and outs of how to TRULY care for your body once and for all!


In fact, I believe I may already have one spot filled! You’ve seen the results and heard the testimonials from my clients. Now is your opportunity to jump on board with both feet! It’s a one month commitment that will have you anti aging at ROCKET speed while gaining control of your health and weight!

Interested? Send me an E-mail to Tell me why you want to work with me and more importantly, why you have a strong desire to regain your health and vitality!

I want you to have my personal cell #….

When 2017 rolled around I set a goal to help a minimum of fifty clients one on one! I was seeking to help serious people who had a health issue or needed to lose a significant amount of weight. These private clients were not to be part of my retreats. They are people who could not spare the time away from home to attend one of my retreats.

I’m happy to say I’ve helped forty-five of those fifty! This is why I’ve chosen to take on five new private clients during the month of April to get you in the most incredible shape of your life!

During this time, I’m going to show you one on one how to first cleanse and detoxify your body on a cellular level! Then the focus shifts onto how to keep it clean while removing excess weight and toxicity FOR GOOD! The majority of my clients lose anywhere from ten to twenty pounds during this phase! The beautiful thing is, you are eating the entire time abundantly! This by NO MEANS is a diet! It is a life style change!

The experience…We will begin with a one on one Skype consultation where I listen and asses your current needs, goals and desires. After that you will get a program that I design exclusively for you! We will then be speaking daily on the phone or via Skype for a period of thirty days in order to keep you on track! You will also get exclusive access to my private cell phone number!

This will go fast…so if you message me (at the address below) and I don’t respond, that only means all five spots have been filled. You are more than welcome to private message me at a later date if that happens, and if you are EXTREMELY interested…I may be able to fit 1 or 2 more of you in.

If you are reading this and know someone that can potentially benefit from this, please SHARE this! They will be thankful and so will I!:)

Lets make 2017 your sexiest, healthiest year ever! With me holding your hand the entire way…you simply cannot fail!

e-mail at for your free 15 minute phone consult


Weight loss and Puppies Oh My!


Tonight is Tasty Tuesday! Join me LIVE! We will make dinner together!

Join me tonight and EVERY Tuesday night at 6pm Pacific time in my kitchen for Tasty Tuesday”s! We make dinner together! It’s always vegan and always gluten free! Here’s the link to tune in on Facebook every Tuesday night at 6pm LIVE!


On my way to shoot more videos for the 7 Day Juicy Cleanse!

WOW! I cannot believe the turnout we’ve had for my 7 Day Juicy cleanse! We just passed 50 people who bought the program for just $197! I have two private Facebook groups, one group for the people who purchased coaching or a consult off me prior and another group for the “newbies”

{I love newbies}!

Yesterday I was knee deep in shooting videos and now until Friday I’m going to be wrapping up those videos for the private groups and even tossing in a few bonus’s!

I truly feel this is the absolute BEST way to connect with you personally and guide you through a detox! If you are interested please visit the shop below or click here

If you’ve been wondering what to get the person who is struggling with their weight, body image or overall health click here!

A great Cause! 

WOW! I connected with these two beautiful ladies last night! My heart feels INCREDIBLY FULL from the experience! The blonde is Stephani Rizzo, owner of Miracle Foundation animal rescue! She helped us find Jackson and also helped me adopt Rodger! The other pretty lady with adopted the sweet white Gizmo on her lap! He is blind, only has one eye and is deaf!

I believe (and many others do too) that ALL dogs deserve to have a second chance at life! I also believe that when we buy from a breeder we are breeding to a much bigger problem (the over population of animals)!

PLEASE adopt this holiday season! If you can afford a roof over your head, can you not afford the love in your heart for a precious dog? Elderly dogs are WONDERFUL to adopt because they are already spayed or neutered and have been house broken!

If you need guidance on finding your next pet reach out to me or Stephani for help!


Join me for Tasty Tuesday’s at 6pm Pacific tonight!


holiday1That’s right beautiful! Every Tuesday you and I are going to be making dinner together! Click here to watch!


Food Prep & gearing up for our lift off of the 7 Day Juicy cleanse!

If you haven’t heard, IT’S DETOX TIME! I have the absolute perfect way for you to detox! I assure you on my 7Day Juicy cleanse the weight will leave you FOR GOOD!

Learn More




I wanted to extend my heart and pure gratitude to you for all the support you’ve given me over the years! I truly feel I would be nothing with out your unconditional love and I feel like we are family! I would love to be friends on social media! If we aren’t friend yet lets become social media buddies here

Another New Year is around the corner! Isn’t it time you take action?!


Hello lovely:)

So many people ask me for help to lose ten ~ twenty LBS!

They’ve tried an exercise program.

They’ve tried cutting carbs

They’ve tried going vegan

But still, NO weight loss! In fact, they often end up bigger than before with more weight to lose than they started with!

Let me tell you this is SO common! I hear it almost daily! Here are some of their other complaints…

Their skin is an absolute mess!

They feel depressed and on many days its hard to get out of bed!

Their relationships suffer! In fact, they often hide from social events because they are actually embarrassed of their weight!

It’s not motivation you need. It’s better habits and a system to keep you on the right track. Thats where my rapid weight loss coaching comes in!

I know for a FACT You can do ANYTHING when you have a system in place! I’ve watched my clients lose 10, 20 30 AND EVEN over 100 POUNDS! The good news is if your trying to take off 30LBS or under I can help you achieve your goal weight in as little as 30 days!

If you want to STOP the endless diets and pills out there and have success at this weight loss thing FOR GOOD where you DON’T GAIN THE WEIGHT BACK, I’m your girl and coaching is for you! In fact, it may be the only thing for you to try in order to achieve long lasting success!

IMPORTANT: This offer of my coaching could be good for days or just hours (depending on when you see this), and how fast you act!

Right now, I’m offering one month of my coaching services for $2900 This is happening right before I raise my prices for the new year! If you’ve ever wanted to work with me OR you are ready to RELEASE your excess weight FOR GOOD, NOW is the time!

THIS WILL GO SUPER FAST! I’m only taking five people on until the end of the year! When January first rolls around, my coaching prices are going to double.

TO TAKE ACTION AND TO GAIN YOUR LIFE SANITY AND YOUR PHYSIQUE BACK BEFORE THE NEW YEAR, Click here to fill out this brief questionnaire to make sure we are a good fit!

How I lost 50 Pounds in less than 6 weeks!

Hi Beautiful:)

This morning I was creating space on my cell by deleting videos. I came across one of me two years ago right before I met my partner. I was carrying about 50 lbs on me that wouldn’t budge. I was exercising & we all know I eat right. My body just wouldn’t let go of the unnecessary toxic weight that was suppressing who I had always been! 

Full of energy! 
I was hiding away from the world! I wasn’t allowing others to be around me. I carried so much shame in those fifty pounds. 
One day a friend of mine convinced me to meet his friend. I said “no way”. I was intimidated! I took one look at how fit he was in his photos and said “that’s not me anymore”! He would never be attracted to me. We met and he was very attracted to me. As I was to him. Within six weeks the fifty pounds I had tried to get off of me for two years were all but a distant memory. I had my vibrancy back! Not because the weight was gone. Because my confidence was back and I was being SHOWERED with a constant rainbow of love! 

When I look back now I realize that I hadn’t been truly loved and cared for in almost a decade. It was like a peeling of an onion! My true beauty was revealed with each kiss, softly spoken word or gentle touch. 

Just as we blossom when we are being loved fully and completely, we too can quickly unravel as the gentleness of love leaves our garden. This is why it’s so very important to know exactly when to have a “necessary ending”. So beautiful beginnings can occur! 

Water your grass! Water it until it’s as green as an emerald! Water it so much that the wild flowers grow along the sides of your home like a trellis! Water it so everyone who enters your garden leaves better for having entered!


Tomorrow I’ll be sharing with you the actual protocol I used to lose the weight! I’ll be sharing this during my Facebook Live video! I cannot wait to see you there,tomorrow at 3pm Pacific at this link! –> click here
If you are reading this and know someone that can potentially benefit from this, please SHARE this! They will be thankful and so will I!:)
Andrea L Cox

Andrea Leigh Cox is a fitness model turned health coach who has written two books on the raw vegan healthy detoxing lifestyle! Known as “The Detox Queen” She has taken the media by storm & has an impressive social media following with her YouTube channel surpassing 2 million views & her personal Facebook page alone having 20,000 people!

Andrea has appeared on numerous news stations TV shows and magazine publications in her hometown of Dayton Ohio and now where she lives in San Diego! She has also had national media coverage! Her retreats have become a destination health vacation for several Hollywood celebrities!

Andrea’s online detox programs may be found at

Andrea’s retreats can be found at


Facebook ~ click here

Twitter ~ click here

Instagram ~ click here

YouTube ~ click here

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I’m Retiring….

Hi there:) I’m not actually retiring! I am retiring a HUGE part of my business! I’ve held off on something I had been offering you for a while now! Something I get requests on DAILY! 

Many people for quite some time now have been asking when I’ll be offering my coaching again! I mean, I took an ENTIRE YEAR off of doing what helps YOU the most and what I LOVE to do the most! The truth is, I wanted to focus on the clients I was already working with before I decided to accept more coming in.

I wanted to wait for the perfect opportunity to start helping you attain YOUR BEST feeling and looking self you’ve ever seen or felt!

So yesterday I was offered an AMAZING opportunity! One that will be taking up a LOT of my time come June1st! The first thing that entered my mind was to offer you a spot in my coaching program before I stop offering it! This is the same program that my clients RAVE about! The same one that helps them balance their weight, health and life once and for all!

My coaching program has offered people just like you the following for years! 

– Men get rid of your belly fat once and for all!

– women, say bye bye to thick thighs and cellulite!

– PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome) & ovarian cysts

– Detoxing after you’ve went throgh chemo

– Bad PMS

– Perimenopause & Menopause

– How to rid your body of Candida (yeast) once and for all!

– Dealing with Binge eating! I give you the tools to stop!

– How to lose weight FAST and keep it off for good!

– I teach you HOW to detox! You won’t pay another dime! You’ll be able to do it on your own!

And guess what, I’m running this ONLY until this Friday at noon!

(That’s Noon Pacific)

So I know this is short notice given it’s less than three days away, but I urge you to secure your spot now! I really feel that this will be the final time I offer my coaching services! I truly feel that my work in this area gets SO much of my attention that my next venture (mentioned above) will be to take my expertise globally! I simply won’t have the time any longer.

I will also say that had I have known how important it was to detoxify, balance my hormones and de-stress years ago, I would have started MUCH MUCH sooner!

 Remember, it IS possible for you to look and FEEL sexier and more beautiful than when you were at 2, 25 or 30! I’m living proof! I want you to FEEL and look it too!

Shoot me an email at RawFoodTeacher@Yahoo.comor and lets see if we are a good fit to work TOGETHER to get you back to your “Happy Place”!

Beauty222Big hugs, Andrea



Andrea L Cox is the owner of The Healthy Haven & (Detox, Yoga, Juice fast & Raw Food Educational Retreats!) She is known as “The Detox Queen” and is a woman who walks her talk!

Andrea is a fitness model turned health coach who has written two books on the raw vegan healthy detoxing lifestyle! Known as “The Detox Queen” She has taken the media by storm & has an impressive social media following with her YouTube channel surpassing 2 million views & her personal Facebook page alone having 20,000 people!

Andrea has appeared on numerous news stations TV shows and magazine publications in her hometown of Dayton Ohio and now where she lives in San Diego! She has also had national media coverage! Her retreats have become a destination health vacation for several Hollywood celebrities!

Andrea’s online detox programs may be found at

Andrea’s retreats can be found at

I WANT TO CONNECT WITH YOU! Find me at the following Social Media Links!






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