Andrea cox

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Archive for the tag “How to lose weight”

Your Before and After!


Everyone wants to lose a few pounds. EVERYONE! What if it were as easy as asking for it and waking up the next day 10, 15, or 30 pounds slimmer?! Sounds wonderful, doesn’t it?

But if you’ve ever tried to lose weight (and who hasn’t) you know this just isn’t the way it works!

What if I told you that losing weight CAN be that easy! Maybe not over night but a SIGNIFICANT difference in just two weeks!

It is possible with one-on-one coaching!

Look, I’m not here to feed you a bunch of bull. I’m here to give it to you straight!

In 2011, I wanted to help more people lose weight and feel amazing who couldn’t attend my retreats. This is when I began helping both women and men get in shape and lose weight through my one month coaching program.

What SHOCKED me was that almost everyone I helped ended up losing the majority of their toxic weight within the first two weeks! What I also discovered that was even more shocking was that everyone seemed to pick up my secrets I taught them in that short two week window of time!

Today, I’ve personally coached over 1200 women and men helping them lose not just the weight but also the very habits that caused their weight gain too.

90% of my new coaching clients come through word of mouth.

And more important, than the weight loss itself, I’ve uncovered the major barriers people (especially women) have to losing weight. Insights my clients have found so profoundly life changing that many of have went on to begin their own businesses in helping others “Lose it for life”!

Oh, and did I mention there is NO PORTION CONTROL, CRAZY SUPPLEMENTS OR POWDERS AND NO CRAZY WORK-OUT PLAN ON MY PROGRAM?! Who needs that? Not meI like to follow an easy plan that has worked for me for OVER a decade!

Here’s a collage below of just a few of the before and after photos I’ve received from my clients. Results speak for themselves folks! Start your transformation Today! Send me an E-mail to with your contact info, how much weight you need to lose and the best time to reach you! I cannot wait to meet you!


How I lost the 30 pounds in one month! Using NO supplements, pills or powders!


Why am I smiling so big? Because all of you have been so very kind with your words. You have all noticed my weight loss and have been inquiring as to how I lost it so very quickly!

 The truth of the matter is that once I made the decision to get back into fitness model shape, I did my very own coaching program! The fact is …IT WORKS & WORKS FAST! I’ve held the hands of thousands of clients during the last several years and helped them reach their weight, fitness and health goals. Yet, I had gained a significant amount of weight after two injuries myself. All I did was apply the same techniques to myself that Ive applied to my clients! Before I knew it, the month was over and I had dropped close to 40 pounds of toxic weight!

 I’ve decided to celebrate reaching my goals by taking on ten clients for the month of May! If you have extra weight on your body that you are ready to lose for good this is your chance to work with me one on one! You don’t even have to live in CA to work with me! All of our work is done via the phone or Skype! 

 Here are a few things you are going to get when you become a VIP client!

 • How to release the weight for good! More importantly how to do this without cutting your portions or doing some crazy exercise routine!

 • Improving body image & understand the diet-binge cycle! How to stop binging for good!

• The connections between feelings and food

• Developing a “way of life” plan that you will be able to utilize FOREVER! A plan that ALWAYS gets you back to your ideal weight and balance!

• Getting rid of shame and guilt about eating and weight loss! Developing a happy relationship with your food where you feel safe eating once again! We even cover techniques that help you learn how to deal with stress!

• Recipes, how to eat out and learning the “order of food”! This is often overlooked but greatly needed for long term success!

I’m only accepting ten new clients into my one on one VIP coaching program! This will go VERY fast…so if I don’t respond to your E-mail, that only means that all spots have been filled! I may reach out to you in the future if that is the case.

GET EXCITED! You’re about to lose all of those unwanted pounds and regain your life back again! I can’t wait to meet you!  

Andrea L Cox

feb 18th

My weight loss journey! How I used my own program to lose 40 pounds!

Okay I don’t want to boast but it’s been almost two years since I broke my foot, went through a break up and had to move twice! 

It was an EXTREMELY stressful time for me and without any change in my diet, my cortisol levels went up and I gained forty pounds!

Apparently fifteen of those pounds were desperately needed! I had not had a menstrual cycle in almost 7 years from being too lean!

Fast forward to today in the gym! I took off twenty two of the forty pounds I gained And feel fantastic! My menstruation is regular and my body is in harmonic balance. 

I’m mentally, hormonally and physically in the absolute best shape of my life! All of that worrying and it was really God doing his work on me to create a balanced body♡♡♡

Feeling grateful for my Digital detox program that got me back to feeling my very best!

weight loss journey

weight loss journey

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