Andrea cox

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The Top Three Questions to Ask as you enter into a Relationship!

Being with the right partner really does yield abundance in more ways than one! That being said, being with the wrong partner can do mega damage! Especially to your heart!

Ah, LOVE! We all love “love”… don’t we? But how well do you really know that person you are jumping into a relationship (or even into bed with)? I’m about to share with you the importance of doing the research & ASKING THE PROPER QUESTIONS!

Lets get started…shall we?

Do they have a broke mentality? If so this will in fact affect your finances too!

Do they partake in negative self talk? Or even worse, are they verbally abusive? This will greatly affect your daily peace & your ability to prosper!

How do they conduct themselves in business? Are they on the up and up in their daily interactions with employees, business partners,  taxes etc?

If something doesn’t feel right, investigate! Do what you must to protect yourself! This is your heart we are talking about! No amount of money can repair it! Our personal relationships have A LOT to do with our physical and mental health! Don’t settle for less than you deserve!

  1. If they have been married, are they actually divorced? The shocking amount of people who never go through the divorce process is astounding! Do the research!
  2. Do they have any legal actions against them? Judgements such as evictions, bankruptcy or liens? What about lawsuits? Again, research!
  3. How faithful are they? This is your heart we are dealing with! If you feel in any way that something is off, try to have an open discussion with them! If they refuse to have a calm sit down discussion with you or, even worse… if they say “you’re crazy”, know this is a HUGE RED FLAG and all relationship contracts are off!

I hope this article helps even one of you! Relationships are a HUGE part of our mental and physical health! Here is an article I wrote for the Huffington post on why men need to detox after a break up!


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