Andrea cox

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7 Healthy Habits That Lead To a GREAT Sex Life!

My view on men….short and sweet! Five tips to show your man you appreciate him daily!

Men are such beautiful creatures! So incredibly simple, very visual and yes, they feel just as we do! They just want to be listened to, appreciated, respected and loved! It really is that simple! Too often women try to complicate things. If only women were wired to listen more and talk just a little bit less. This World would have a plethora of smiling male faces:)

Here are my five tips on how to let your man know you appreciate him on a daily basis!

TIP #1 Say Thank you!

Yes ladies it really is that simple! Taking notice of the little things such as when he brings in the trash cans or sends you flowers is HUGE for a man! Simply utter the following words “thank you sweetheart”! SIDE NOTE: Watch how much more he does for you when you utter those words! He will be so eager to please you!

TIP #2 Keep yourself up!

Yes…men are VERY visual! You don’t have to look like a super model to score the man of your dreams! That being said, keeping your nails, feet, hair and clothes up to date and pretty is something that every man appreciates! Men love women who care for themselves! 

TIP #3 Respect your King!

A man will sense when you’ve lost respect for him! Soon after he will pull away! Show him how much you respect him by listening to him when he talks about his day. Always speak positive about him to others! This includes your best friends and your family! Nothing is more poisonous to a relationship than speaking poorly about your man to your friends. When things aren’t going well confide in your journal! 

TIP #4 Shut your mouth occasionally! 

I know I will get several comments about this one but ladies its true…we talk way too much! Try this little experiment! The next time your man comes home say nothing…not a word! Be completely open to listening to what happened during his day! Walk over to him and give him the most sensuous kiss on he lips! Have a meal ready! Watch how more eager he is to listen to how your day went after coming home to that!

TIP #5 Tell him you appreciate him daily!

Ahhh this one is SO important! Saying those three little words “I appreciate you” will stick with him like glue throughout his day! Men LOVE to feel appreciated and often feel as though they are not:( It’s our jobs to remind them of this! DAILY!

Andrea Cox sun bathing!

Andrea Cox sun bathing!

Five ways to an AMAZING sex life!

Veganism is more than a diet its a lifestyle choice. A vegan does not eat anything that is of animal origin, nor will they use animal-based products for clothing, or any other purpose. People may choose veganism for ethical reasons involving animal rights, for environmental factors, or for better health. A huge segment of the population has already transitioned to this healthy more conscious way of living! I suspect that as more and more information is leeched out about the devastating ways factory farms treat animals along with the absolute filthy environments of these poor animals living conditions more and more people will transition onto a vegan way of life!

Perhaps those numbers will increase, as it becomes common knowlege that we vegans also have better sex than our carnivorous flesh eating friends.Here are the top five reasons below!

1) Vegans really do taste better! Going on a vegan diet can actually make you physically taste appetizing to your partner — without adding any chemicals or harsh perfumes that most vegans would never touch anyway! We simply do not ingest dead decomposing animals! Therefore our bodily fluids reflect that! A vegan diet changes the body’s overall chemistry. Therefore,we simply smell (and taste) much sweeter. Need more proof? Check out this study done in 2006 published in the journal Chemical Senses found body odor when on a non-meat diet was judged as significantly more attractive, more pleasant, and less intense than meat-eaters. The findings highlight that red meat consumption has a negative impact on perceived body odor. Smelling good can lure your partner closer to you for some one-on-one time behind closed doors.

2) Vegans absorb their zink and B vitamin better when they eat the proper ratio of live foods! Several researchers have found that certain foods cause a chemical reaction in the body that increases the libido in both males and females. Foods with large levels of zinc and vitamin B vitamins are said to elevate testosterone levels and boost sexual desire. Many common vegan foods that are rich in zinc and vitamin B are: avocado, basil, figs, pine nuts, almonds, asparagus, celery, pumpkin seeds, chickpeas, nutritional yeast and bananas. The fact that we are able to BETTER digest these foods compared to cooked dead animal flesh is a given that we absorb these nutrients better!

3) More stamina and energy! Even meat eaters who were once vegans will attest to this one fact! Vegans simply have more energy and more stamina! Both in and out of the bedroom! Many people immediately notice both changes on the treadmill and in the bedroom after transitioning onto a plant based diet! have noticed the energetic changes in their bedrooms and relationships.

4) GLOWING Skin! I can always tell when one of my clients has went back over into the “dead zone” AKA the zone of eating dairy or animal foods. Their skin simply has lost its glow, luster or is broken out like a teenage boys back who has been on the wrestling mat! No matter how many ways you try to talk yourself out of it, a vegan diet is the only way to a completion that GLOWS! Lets face it…glowing youthful skin is VERY appealing to the opposite sex!

5) A deeper love for the animal kingdom leads to a deeper love of all man kind! I’ve actually witnessed this first hand! I’ll meet a man, we develop a relationship. He takes an avid interest in my vegan lifestyle and before you know it he is a plant based eater! The second we part or he deviates from his way of eating, anxiety, depression anger all creep in and he is back to square one! A man and a woman’s deep affectionate nature towards ALL animals (not just dogs or cats) is deeply related to how they treat the people who surround them including their partner! Vegans simply are the most compassionate, sensual loving people on this planet!

Ultimately, your diet is a major factor in determining your sex drive and sexual appeal to others! Choose your food and your partners wisely! GO VEGAN!

Fresh fig kisses! Andrea L Cox

Go vegan for an AMAZING sex life!

Go vegan for an AMAZING sex life!

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