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Five reasons you should workout everyday!

Andrea Cox fitness model

Andrea Cox fitness model

I woke at 4:30am to get my “business” done! It feels SO incredibly good to have released that fifteen pounds I had been holding onto since breaking my foot!

I’ve been waking earlier and earlier each day! It’s workout time now, YAY! In order to keep that lymph moving we MUST move every day!

Here are five reasons to move your body every day!

1) The lymphatic system controls water in the body! It only flushes itself when you move it!

2) Moving the body is excellent for your cardiovascular system! Its a heart healthy way to take care of yourself!

3) Improved mood! Feeling down? MOVE!

4) Sweat! Our skin is the largest organ of the body! Unless you have a sauna you must MOVE in order to get that sweat on!

5) You will look better! Lets face it when we look better we feel better!

Now get up and move that body EVERY DAY! Preferably in the morning on an empty stomach then once more before dinner!

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One of my ALL time FAVORITE exersizes is the lunge! Not only does it work your butt and thighs but it also gets your heart rate up during and after a few sets. Be sure and keep your form right:)

Andrea Cox lunges

Andrea Cox lunges

Words can hurt or heal! Working out daily, the best medicine for a sour mood!

Words hold so much power! Loving words from the heart can bring a grown man to tears. They can melt a woman’s heart in a split second. On the other side of that coin words uttered at an improperly chosen moment can ruin that moment and crush an innocent heart. Choose your words wisely. They can make or break a moment just as they can build someone up or tear a person down.

Words can hurt or heal!

Words can hurt or heal!















Today I woke feeling a bit sad:( I always honor my feelings and nurture myself when feelings like this come up. I would rather feel them In their entirety rather than stuff them down. One thing I didn’t do is skip my workout! Although It wasn’t one of my best, it was what I needed to get back to my “happy place”. Life Is full of sunrises, ups and downs …through it all, keep your health front and center:) luv u

Feeling down in the dumps? Move your body!

Feeling down in the dumps? Move your body!


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