Andrea cox

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Archive for the tag “How to balance the body eating cooked and raw foods”

Join me for Tasty Tuesday’s at 6pm Pacific tonight!


holiday1That’s right beautiful! Every Tuesday you and I are going to be making dinner together! Click here to watch!


Food Prep & gearing up for our lift off of the 7 Day Juicy cleanse!

If you haven’t heard, IT’S DETOX TIME! I have the absolute perfect way for you to detox! I assure you on my 7Day Juicy cleanse the weight will leave you FOR GOOD!

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I wanted to extend my heart and pure gratitude to you for all the support you’ve given me over the years! I truly feel I would be nothing with out your unconditional love and I feel like we are family! I would love to be friends on social media! If we aren’t friend yet lets become social media buddies here

Cooked or raw? Does eating cooked foods cause weight gain? My top five tips on how to incorporate both & THRIVE!

Ahhh! The controversy over cooked and raw food and are we able to TRULY thrive to our fullest potential eating some cooked food?

After being 100% raw for an entire decade (not even drinking warm tea) I began incorporating small amounts….VERY small amounts of cooked vegan food into my monthly regime.

What this tends to look like is the picture shown here. A few baked sweet potatoes, homemade vegetable soup, or eggplant and mushrooms over a bed of white rice. Not only do I find them nourishing, but they were also part of the program that took 36 pounds off my body and my clients are able to lean out on this high carb cooked/raw protocol!

What I don’t believe in is having cooked food every night of the week! Cooked food requires more enzymes to digest and taxes the system while also aging the body! If you are eating cooked food please please do not eat processed foods or packaged foods. You will also want to take a digestive enzyme with every cooked food meal you eat!

I hope this helps all of you feel better about the food you eat especially those of us dogmatic about eating an ALL raw diet! There is no one shoe fits all approach! What works for you may not work for the next person. I love you and you’re welcome:)

My top tips for eating cooked food while staying mostly raw!

1) Keep it raw during the day! During daylight hours is when we are up and moving around! You want to have as much energy as possible! In order to do this you’ll want to keep it raw! This way, all enzymes are in tact for better digestion!

2) Eat your fruit alone or leave it alone! Enough said! 

3) ALWAYS start a cooked meal with a big raw salad! This will buffer the system so the void of enzyme foods you eat are more easily assimilated!

4) ALWAYS take a digestive enzyme when eating cooked food! This is an absolute must in order to help the food digest!

5) Try to limit your cooked food to 2-3 times per week at the most! This will ensure you are getting OPTIMAL nutrition that the body recognizes the majority of the time!!!

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Andrea's twice baked over stuffed sweet taters!

Andrea’s twice baked over stuffed sweet taters!

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