Andrea cox

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Archive for the tag “holistic health”

Weekly Health Wealth and Spirit message!

Weekly Health Wealth and Spirit message!

Your soul has a history of lifetimes through which it has learned to be wise and develop certain talents. It is impossible to learn the lessons and acquire the skillset to take on these abilities while eating a complicated diet of too many ingredients.

With all the stressors we have today it is an absolute MUST to go within and center ourselves daily! But what about support? We know that when we don’t have support within a business structure it will fail. The same is true with our bodies. We  MUST support our adrenal glands and other bodily systems with adaptogen herbs!

I’m CHOOSING to create a light raw vegan meal for tonight’s Tasty Tuesdays. It’s what the energy is calling for.

With everything I have going on it’s important that I honor my body and nourish my soul. After all, we cannot be of service to others if we do not first take care of ourselves.

The following day at 3:33 pacific for Wednesday’s Wisdom

I’ll be sharing the spiritual connection to each bodily system and the way each of these systems has the ability to function at a much more elevated state when receiving proper support.

Sound complicated? It’s not! It flows in alignment of the universal law of self care!

May we align ourselves with our highest truth so that we may be able to set out to serve our highest destiny.



This weeks healing elixir tonic recipe!


2 Cups light coconut milk

1 tsp coconut oil

1 scoop of Thrive

a pinch of vanilla bean

1/4 tsp cinnamon

1 tsp dandy blend

1 TB Sexy and raw hair skin and nails formula

2 tsp coconut palm sugar

1 tsp grade B maple syrup for extra minerals

Top with edible flowers!


Heat the coconut milk

Pour the warm milk in a blender, add the rest of the ingredients and blend (leave the edible flowers out).

Enjoy without shame or guilt! I LOVE this drink in the morning!

Take your free health assessment here to learn about some of the FABULOUS adaptogenic herbs I mention in this recipe!


Today’s spirit message is the message of the pig.

Spirit Animal

spirit animal

Are you far too busy dealing with the everyday stresses in life? Have you forgotten how to have fun?

The pig reminds us to get out in nature. To connect with Gaia ~ mother earth! Connect in order to roll around in the mud a bit!

The pig also teaches you how to find the gems buried in mucky situations all while maintaining a playful spirit!

As a vegan of 21 years I must also remind you that it is impossible to open up the third eye while still eating red meat and pork.

So leave the precious piglets off of your plate and use them as a spirit guide instead!

This weeks wealth message

Andrea Cox

Andrea Cox

The truth about what people really pay me for.

Two years ago I started a second business and a second youtube channel. It’s a spiritual business where I use my wisdom, along with my own innate intuition and problem-solving skills and even a few tools in the esoteric arts to help people in their personal life, business and within the realm of their health.

Before I knew it I had more celebrity clients than I ever had in my health business. And thats A LOT! Word of mouth got around and today, I’m booked out three months into the future.

The truth is I’m a problem solver who is able to tap into the akashic records in order to bridge the gap of confusion. I’m not only the detox queen. I’m the queen of clarity. Not just in the realm of health but also within helping others tune into the proper direction they’re supposed to take in love and in life.

As an intuitive healer people come to me with their pain and their sadness and I transmute their pain into their greatest victory. I explain to them why the horrific pain they feel in their hearts is actually tied to their past life karma and how this transmutes itself into their relationships, business partnerships and health issues they have today. I also teach them that without first caring for their bodies at an optimal level they cannot give to others.

I teach people to turn their back to codependency and to embrace autonomy. To know that they are 100% OK and can even THRIVE when facing life situations solo.

You can be absolutely happy and filled with joy while on your own. In fact, you must learn to be joy filled solo. This is where true peace stems from. I learned this very valuable lesson of being perfectly content by myself… within myself many years ago.

Although many question this and often don’t like to see others solo thriving, it’s the key to true fulfillment. Allow their triggers to push you into self sufficiency even more! You can have a life filled with peace joy and happiness. In fact, you can have it all!

I’ve coined for the phrase “your issues live in your tissues”. No where is this more true than in the beautiful underground tribe I have created in my solid second business that has become my spiritual sadhana.

I’m sharing this with all of you for a reason. Just because I “recovered well” from heartache, loss and even a serious stalking situation, doesn’t mean I don’t have a story. I just don’t allow that story to be my current story today.

We should never be quick to judge. You never truly know what someone else is going through. Some of us fought hard to shine again!

If you think you can’t end the destructive chain of codependency

I’m here to tell you, you can!

Intuitive eating!

Recently one of my clients asked me what time she should eat. This question comes up a lot and my answer is always the same. Just because its 8am and the rest of the world is eating does not mean you should be eating. On most days my first solid meal comes between 1:30 & 3:30pm

Sound shocking? It shouldn’t! A clean properly efficient body leans on it’s intuition of knowing exactly when to eat. Healthy bodies require eating less often. My body just so happens to run much more efficiently on less food! My mind stays clearer as well!

I’ve created a new program that I’ll only be sharing with my coaching clients on how to create more balance in our life through our eating patterns. I’m charging a fee of $997 to take everyone through this two week program based o intuitive eating and intermittent fasting.

I’ll be taking on five people and when the spots are filled, they are gone!

This is $2000 LESS than my normal coaching rate.

To sign up, hit the “E-mail” button below and send me a message of why you would like to participate, your goals and what your biggest obstacle is.

I only want the best for you

Until tomorrow, Andrea

Andrea's 4th of July Detox salad!

Andrea’s 4th of July Detox salad!

This weekends Angel Guidance for Health, Spirituality and Love!

The weekend angel oracle card I chose for you is called “The sixth Ray of Devotion”. This card speaks of a couple “doing their work” while allowing one another to be free.
Free from clinging
Free from accusations
Free from judgement
The devotion between the two keeps the feminine feeling safe knowing the masculine is devoted to her as he goes through his journey. What a stunning photo of them both opening their heart chakras to all the world has to offer!

Honesty and Clear communication is a must in order for this to happen. Without either of these two components this beautiful awakening cannot take place.

Your healthy food I’ve chosen for the day is longevity tea by @dragonherbs This tea is wonderful as an anti inflammatory. I add a bit of homemade almond milk or any nut milk to give it a creamy taste.

Your health tip for the weekend is to stay close to the ocean in order to ground yourself. If you don’t live near the ocean you can about ground yourself by walking barefoot on unsprayed grass!

Enjoy your weekend and remember to love yourself!

Love always ~ Andrea


A day in the life at a detox retreat!

Wake ~ Another beautiful day!

Morning guided meditation

Dry brushing

Steam room

Enjoy a fresh liver detox juice

colonic or enema

Yoga with Trevor!

Have another juice!

Class with Andrea!

Go for a massage!

Enjoy your detox tea with evening supplements!

Get an excellent nights sleep!


Giving Back ~ Are you listening?


I love you, are you listening?

Everyone who knows me knows I love animals more than people {truth}! Tonight I’m asking all of you for a special favor…please pray for all the animals who have no food, no shelter and no humans to love them. Please pray for the abused animals in factory farms, the animals who live out their entire lives just to produce milk and have their babies ripped away at birth. Please pray for the millions of dogs breed-ed in puppy mills who are mistreated and often end up in terrible situations. Please pray for the animals who are created by forced pregnancy for the sole purpose of consumption by unconscious humans! Please pray for the injured animals who are hanging on for dear life. Pray that they each have healing sleep and wake restored in the morning! Thank you ~ I love you!


Giving Back!

My mom feeds the homeless on Tuesdays. It’s her way of giving back. I try to give back to all of you by teaching y’all how to live healthier lives without sacrificing our beloved animal friends.

How are you giving back today? How are you loving yourself? How are you serving others?

Let us all become the light we wish to see in this world!

Take a look at this video below and rethink giving back! To yourself and to others!




Getting back in tune with what my body did for ten years!

100% RAW!

Of course 100% plant based!

Liquids liquids liquids

Dinner prior to sun down!

Follow my journey on the following social media links below!

Facebook Follow me on Facebook!

Instagram You will LOVE following me on Instagram!

Twitter Follow me on Twitter!

YouTube Subscribe to My YouTube channel

Blog, News letter, Books & Detox programs



You’ve been asking and I am delivering! Now until tomorrow at 12 noon Pacific time, get $50 off your personal VIP phone or Skype consultation!

This is the closest service I offer to help you conquer any or all of the following!

lose weight

Have better skin

CRUSH chronic health issues!


Transition onto a plant based diet

Once I see your purchase come through I will send you an Email so we can set up a time that works for us both!


#1 Click this link to purchase and I will send you $50 back immediately!

#2 Paypal (as a friend or family member) $297 to Paypal is safe and secure! I’ve used them for over a decade with no problem! PAYPAL LINK


Join me LIVE tonight at 6pm Pacific on Facebook live!

No idea what I’ll be whipping up tonight but I guarantee you it will be excellent!

Watch here!


Something for EVERYONE!!!

Something for those of you who did and did not have a Valentine to celebrate with!

For all of you who did have that special someone to celebrate with YAY! The first photo and words are for you! If you didn’t have someone to celebrate with YAY again! There is nothing wrong with being single! Allow the second photo and words speak to you!


This is my #1 accessory!

He is humble

He is kind

He tastes better than any wine

He protects as he loves

He does little things just because

He is honest he is true

He uses words that say “I love you”

We aren’t perfect by any means

We create drama & even scenes

Though he’s flawed I am too

This is why he’s my boo

If it’s not crazy, it’s not love

Our time together is from above

I wouldn’t change his quirky ways

Listening to his jokes for days & days

In the end I know this truth

I am better for loving you


For those of you who are single…

I hope you find someone brave enough to love ALL of the essence that makes you beautiful.

I hope they kiss every flaw on your heart & body!

I hope they open your heart like a double door to heaven!

I hope you find someone who can’t escape the love they feel for you!

I hope you find someone that thinks you are the only ocean worth exploring!

I hope you find someone who laughs at your jokes and sees your smile like the sun that rises each day.

I hope the flower vase is never empty and that your love tank is always full!

More than anything I hope you have this love for yourself first.

Because that is the only way you’ll be able to recognize this type of love.


Join me today at 3:30 pm LIVE!

Join me today, LIVE at 3:30pm ~ It’s a sharing experience you will not want to miss!

I love love love having my workout and meditation done by 8am! Join me on Facebook at 3pm today for an exciting episode!

I love love love having my workout and meditation done by 8am!
Join me on Facebook at 3pm today for an exciting episode!

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