Andrea cox

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Archive for the tag “Holistic healing”

The Biggest health mistake I ever made

World Vegan Day

Andrea Cox

21 years ago I made the choice to go vegan. I lived in the small town of Dayton Ohio. Everyone told me I was crazy but my mom.
FACT: My fiancé of 11 years that I had built a home with said it “was a phase”. I left him the next day.
I felt alone and constantly called on my mother for emotional support which she graciously gave to me by continuously repeating the words “I think you’re on the right path”.
Going vegan helped me survive an eating disorder that almost took my life. By being able to eat whatever the heck I wanted in whatever amount I wanted I felt FREE for the first time! I was creating BEAUTIFUL works of art in the form of raw vegan food that I placed into my first Un-cook raw vegan book Raw~Licous Recipes! I was eating copious amounts of raw vegan ice cream’s, raw vegan cakes, raw Vegan cookies and pies along with my healthy foods like green juice and my HUGE avocado salads in whatever portions I wanted without shame or guilt. I began drinking fresh juice every morning and started growing my own food.
Today is World Vegan Day And 21 years later, I am PROUD to say going 100% vegan has worked for me. I love animals therefore I don’t put them on my plate. Give juicing a try! Give vegan a try! I promise you (just like me), you will not regret it! You will not die of a protein deficiency! You will begin to LIVE for the very first time!
In fact, The BIGGEST health mistake I ever made was NOT going vegan sooner!
So today (in order to celebrate World Vegan Day)! In order to celebrate my dog’s healing, my beautiful new home and the beautiful new lease on life until tomorrow at midnight… I am offering my monthly health coaching (Go vegan with ease) AKA “Easy breezy vegan” for HALF the price I normally charge! Why? Because today is the day that I chose to go vegan 21 years ago!

Here is what you’ll get! 

* Get the meal planning
* The daily coaching
* The weekly coaching calls
* The one on one Face-time chats
* My personal cell
* A private astrological chart reading
* Food combining 101
* My Juicing for beauty book
* A bottle of my Smiling Gut probiotics
* The 3 months of follow ups and SO MUCH MORE …
All you need to do is E-mail me and CC my assistant at the following two
E-mails with the title “I’M READY TO REACH MY GOALS”!
Annabelle’s E-mail ~
So if you happen to E-mail us and don’t receive a reply it just means that the spot is filled for this month. But hey, you never know, sometimes I take on 2-3 clients. With this INCREDIBLE ENERGY I’ve been feeling, I just may!
Remember I only want the very best for you!
Cilantro kisses
I Love you, Please love yourself and go vegan

How to Balance Your King

The King of Pentacles

This is the guy every woman wants to marry. Every woman except me!

The King of Pentacles upright is all about his pentacles {money}. He stands for Security, control, power, discipline & abundance!

A Reversed King of Pentacles however you may want to hide from. He can become Authoritative, domineering, controlling, verbally harsh & hyper focused on his work & money.

Cards in the tarot come out reversed during a reading when a person isn’t balanced. This almost always stems from poor nutrition and a toxic colon. Other causes can be lack of sleep.
The Color ~ The color I chose for the King of Pentacles is green. Wearing green while not will keep a King of Pentacles archetype in Balance while away from the office.
The Crystals ~ I chose to balance a king of pentacles are Jade & Honey Calcite. Both are excellent crystals for him to have on his desk! The honey calcite will help him make balanced choices. {A King of Pentacles can have trouble making decisions}. The jade is a balancing calming stone.
The Nutrition ~ A few foods that are balancing to a King of pentacles are hemp seeds, steel cut oats & plant based fermented foods such as coconut yogurt. He should be eating to always keep his brain and gut in proper balance!
Hemp seeds are full of a mega 3’s {brain fuel}! They are excellent to sprinkle on salads or to have in a smoothie. Steel cut oats are very grounding for a king of pentacles reversed archetype. Having this in the morning with a few berries on top and maybe some walnuts or almonds is an excellent start to the day!

Blessings of peace, prosperity health & love!


Intuitive eating!

Recently one of my clients asked me what time she should eat. This question comes up a lot and my answer is always the same. Just because its 8am and the rest of the world is eating does not mean you should be eating. On most days my first solid meal comes between 1:30 & 3:30pm

Sound shocking? It shouldn’t! A clean properly efficient body leans on it’s intuition of knowing exactly when to eat. Healthy bodies require eating less often. My body just so happens to run much more efficiently on less food! My mind stays clearer as well!

I’ve created a new program that I’ll only be sharing with my coaching clients on how to create more balance in our life through our eating patterns. I’m charging a fee of $997 to take everyone through this two week program based o intuitive eating and intermittent fasting.

I’ll be taking on five people and when the spots are filled, they are gone!

This is $2000 LESS than my normal coaching rate.

To sign up, hit the “E-mail” button below and send me a message of why you would like to participate, your goals and what your biggest obstacle is.

I only want the best for you

Until tomorrow, Andrea

Andrea's 4th of July Detox salad!

Andrea’s 4th of July Detox salad!

This weekends Angel Guidance for Health, Spirituality and Love!

The weekend angel oracle card I chose for you is called “The sixth Ray of Devotion”. This card speaks of a couple “doing their work” while allowing one another to be free.
Free from clinging
Free from accusations
Free from judgement
The devotion between the two keeps the feminine feeling safe knowing the masculine is devoted to her as he goes through his journey. What a stunning photo of them both opening their heart chakras to all the world has to offer!

Honesty and Clear communication is a must in order for this to happen. Without either of these two components this beautiful awakening cannot take place.

Your healthy food I’ve chosen for the day is longevity tea by @dragonherbs This tea is wonderful as an anti inflammatory. I add a bit of homemade almond milk or any nut milk to give it a creamy taste.

Your health tip for the weekend is to stay close to the ocean in order to ground yourself. If you don’t live near the ocean you can about ground yourself by walking barefoot on unsprayed grass!

Enjoy your weekend and remember to love yourself!

Love always ~ Andrea


When it rains it pours!



Hi there beautiful:)

Have you ever noticed that when it rains, it begins to pour? Of course I’m speaking in general terms of problematic times that we all go through in life. Your car breaks down, computer gets a virus, one of your children begins having difficulties in life. These are just examples of course.

What about within the area of our health?

Have you ever noticed that when you begin having a health issue, many soon follow? You can cough it up to aging but in my opinion thats just an excuse! After all, 50 is the new 20! The truth is our bodies are wired like a computer of a car. When we give our cars bad gasoline (the cheap stuff), our cars begin to break down and the wires to our computer stop working! Before you know it, your adrenals crash, hormone levels spike and your flat tummy you’ve always had is protruding like a GoodYear tire!

But where do I begin…I heard you shout just now:) Keep on reading below! nfa

The truth is you’ve been given bad information for a very long time! You know what bad info is? Right?

Low Carb

Low fat

High protein

Eat right for your blood type

How to kill Candida

Detox your metals “this way”

The anti histamine diet BLA BLA BLA

What if I told you I knew of a simpler way to gain control over your body, hormones and your health once and for all? Would you be interested? Would you want to know more? Or, would you keep on paying for a counter full of supplements that don’t work! Doctors that could care less about your overall well being and just rush you in and out of the door like a cattle call!

The truth is I’ve helped thousands of people just like you gently detoxify their bodies, regain their hormonal health and achieve their ideal weight without any struggle!

During the month of August I’m taking on three new clients (just three)! Three of you will be taken under my wing and taught the ins and outs of how to TRULY care for your body once and for all!


In fact, I believe I may already have one spot filled! You’ve seen the results and heard the testimonials from my clients. Now is your opportunity to jump on board with both feet! It’s a one month commitment that will have you anti aging at ROCKET speed while gaining control of your health and weight!

Interested? Send me an E-mail to Tell me why you want to work with me and more importantly, why you have a strong desire to regain your health and vitality!

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