Andrea cox

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High Carb Vegan Diet


About last night, It’s vegan sushi!

A note about the HIGH carb HIGH consciousness “diet” I eat!

A) It’s not a diet at all! There are zero restrictions as far as portions, chocolate, and carbs! I simply DON’T eat dairy, dead decomposing animals or their byproducts.

b) FACT: Once you get rid of the dead animals, packaged products containing white flower, sugar, colors and additives you CAN FREELY eat carbohydrates without restriction!

C) It’s better for the planet

D) In my opinion there is a HUGE DISCONNECT when people say they are “an animal lover” or that they “love their dog or cat” yet they put a cow, pig, chicken or fish on their dinner plate!

E) About fish – Our oceans are full of plastic! And since Fukushima happened the waters are tainted with cancer causing chemicals. We really should not be eating fish. Fish is full of mercury! On top of that, fish feel too! They have eyes and a face I don’t eat anything with a face!

F) Those eggs – Eggs have been directly linked to cancer. Both the egg and dairy industries are amongst the CRUELEST on earth! You are not lacking ANYTHING you will find in a chicken embryo!

G) What I eat – Fresh fruits in abundance! HUGE avocado salads! Rich dark chocolate! Vegan pizza and burgers made from cauliflower or sprouted quinoa. Hemp seeds, fresh organic cold pressed juices such as orange juice, carrot juice and celery juice! Baked beets, sweet potatoes with salsa. Organic gluten-free cookies! Dressings made from pure ingredients! Baked squash topped with cinnamon. White rice, Vegan apple pies, cherry pies and raw vegan no bake brownies!

Please stop making excuses and put the animals on this earth in a place where they are not tormented any longer. You do this by not contributing to their abuse! By not supporting the dairy egg or meat industry in anyway shape or form!

I am vegan for the animals but I am also Vegan because I know it’s the best for my health. It is never too late to start your journey.

I love you, Please love yourself

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