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Body mind and soul weekly Spiritual message


I made a life-changing decision today. I really hope it works out. It wouldn’t be the first time I made a split second decision that changed the course of my path in it’s entirety. Life‘s about making split second decisions and embracing change. Otherwise we would stay in the same cycles playing out the same traumas and dramas with the same soul family.

Today I chose a different maze. One with supportive trees to help me grow. One where the sun never forgets to set and the moon never forgets to shine. Today I chose a path where there is no end and I am helped guided and loved the entire way through. A path where others see my light shining as a beautiful beam of truth, not a threat. When you see through people it is impossible to not see through the facade and the pain of where the judgment stems. Seeing things from an above perspective allows us to see that the ego-ic sense of self must die in order to truly live.

It is a freeing experience to know I am Divinely guided by my ancestors and forever blessed on this journey!

Your weekly spirit message to keep your mind aligned with your purpose is pictured below.

The Lessons

The Lessons



One of three of Andrea’s apothecaries


Goldenrod healing nightcap

I don’t consume alcoholic beverages beyond what is in my tinctures. Occasionally (maybe once per year) I may sip some bio-dynamic wine. So when I do, you know is packed with healing from Gaia ~ mama earth! My tinctures are always healing and of course beautiful. Recently I cultivated goldenrod! 
Healing properties of Goldenrod
reduces inflammation, relieves muscle spasms, fights infections and lowers blood pressure. 
1 cup of fresh Goldenrod
 2 oz fresh pear
1 cinnamon stick
brandy (to cover)
Add Goldenrod, Pear, Cinnamon in jar, cover with brandy (an inch or so)
Sit in a cool & dark location for at least 4 weeks, strain, add raw honey and enjoy.


I need your help healthy holistic family! I humbly request that you give a “♥️” heart to my new Etsy shop that I built from my 2nd business The Detox Intuitive. It is a branch off of my Detox business that involves my intuitive readings, anointing oil’s and both handmade and crystal jewelry.

Here is the link!!! It just opened 5 minutes ago!

Etsy shop

Etsy shop

Remember I only want the very best for you!

Cilantro kisses

Love you, Isn’t it time you love yourself

~ Andrea

The Power of healing herbs – A modern day medicine woman

Never underestimate the power of edible flowers, herbs and roots growing around your home.
Hi luv, Andrea here
Yesterday I was working in my humble garden along the side of my home. I love this home, I’ve lived here for eight years. I’ve grown my rose bushes tall and trimmed my hedges until my fingers bled. I had my friend from the gym “Dave” plant aloe bushes around the perimeter of my home last summer. I have an extensive herb garden that I harvest daily. And my vegetable garden looks pretty lavish if I do say so myself.
One of my greatest gifts however is drying out my herbs, boiling them down and making herbal tinctures. In fact, I’ve become quite the well known healer in these parts. 
In fact, my alpocary room could stand up next to my Grandmother La Golda’s white medicine cabinet and actually hold a candle to it these days. 
People call, text and show up when they need help. I’m not sure when this began really. I’m not certain how it began either. One person came and told another person and then the people followed.
As a little girl, I knew and could see things that others simply couldn’t. I could look into someone’s eyes and see if they were sick or if they were healthy. I knew when they were in need of a cleanse, a particular herb or, if they were low in certain vitamins or minerals. I could also see when the end was near. Through several attempts to try and be “normal”, I simply couldn’t hide the fact that I was both intuitive and a healer. 
I think both my mom and my grandma saw this in me. I just never wanted to accept it in myself.
Recently, I’ve made a choice to relocate out of San Diego towards a location that is more accepting of my medicine woman qualities that some see as a bit “witchy” but most see as magical! I’ve decided that New Mexico holds the vibration of my next creation. I’ve held this knowing within my heart for the past year without speaking about it publically. 
San Diego has been very good to me. I’ve been featured on the news 6-7 times. I’ve appeared in San Diego Voyager and Del Mar Times magazine more than once. I’ve even come out in the Union Tribune and spoke at the National Cancer Conference here on the healing properties of juicing and wheatgrass. However California lays on a pluto line that is very disruptive for people trying to take from me in business. People who attempt to build off my back by using my written words as their own. I just shared about this yesterday in a Facebook post here. 
So as I sat in my garden yesterday and witnessed one person come to pick up her remedy for low back pain, another come to lay down on the bio-mat for a sound healing and then a third pull up to cut some fresh rosemary who asked if I had any of that “burdock root tincture that makes her skin glow”… I finally realised that I accomplished what I came here to do. 
I moved to California nine years ago with an over sized hand bag and my little husband with fur “Louis” under my arm with a dream to help people feel better. A dream to get people to go vegan. A dream to make the world a better place. 
Never once was my dream to be seen or to gain a following. It was only to help people see the truth. The truth that “our issues live in our tissues” and in order to heal their relationships, they must first heal their bodies through the food and water that they drink and eat. 
Although I had many people place obstacles in my way, I can see what it was all for. For me to see that I no longer want to be near clout chasers or energy vampires. I want to be where the true healers go… where the shamans and medicine women are free to “just be”, just live and just write, create and heal without others trying to take what is rightfully theirs. What they have earned, written and what they own. What they have created.
About the photo above … All roses are edible. Just make sure that they are not sprayed with any pesticides. 
Sow thistle (milk weed), is a spicy edible weed that is great for the liver. 
Lavender (also edible) gives meals an incredible scent. 
Burdock root is excellent for both the liver and skin. 
Ginger is excellent for digestion 
Wash everything well as our precious wildlife uses mother nature as it’s toilet
Below Using the sun  as your oven! 
These vegetables were baked by the sun after marinating in gluten-free teriyaki sauce with olive oil and spices! 
Crispy olive oil rose petals (They taste like potato chips). Onions eggplant and mushrooms are all from my garden topped with fresh rosemary from the rosemary bush. Almost all of the herbs shown here in the photo below are herbs from my tiny precious organic herb garden.
 “Let thy food be thy medicine and thy medicine by thy food”!
I love you,
I only want the very best for you
please love yourself 
and drink your green juice

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