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How to raise your vibration fast!

How to raise your vibration - Andrea Cox

How to raise your vibration – Andrea Cox

 Ways to raise your vibration!

Have you ever wondered how people you see on social media got to be so happy? Truth be told most of the garbage on social media is fake. Real happiness happens when you detoxify your body at a cellular core level. I call this raising your vibration! There are many ways to raise your vibration! 

Check out my top 15 tips below and the awesome BONUS tips in the video at the bottom of this E-mail and raise your vibe!

Welcome to the raise your vibe tribe!

1. Learn to be alone.

There, I said it! After a decade of working with clients on their internal health while processing them into ascension. I’ve learned a thing or two. One of the biggest things people struggle with is the inability to end codependent relationships. This stems from a deep-rooted core wound of not wanting to be alone (AKA abandonment issues). Look, friend, if you can’t be alone, are staying in an unhealthy loveless relationship, you aren’t ready to raise your vibe! In fact, just ignore the rest of this message. You need to do the deep core “work” on yourself first.

2. Do a yoga flow.

Yoga is my kryptonite! The series of poses in yoga encourages you to dive deep. The mind-body connection you will feel after will be intoxicating. Treating yourself to a yoga class, even three times per week will free up stagnant energy. This definitely has a HUGE impact on raising your vibration!

3. Practice mindfulness.

Mindfulness can lead us to be more considerate and thoughtful. It expands the heart. Let us also not forget about compassion! Both towards others and ourselves. Practicing mindfulness means becoming aware of your treatment towards others both at a spiritual and karmic level. Karma is like a rubber-band. The more you inflict harmful thoughts, words, or actions towards another, the more your targeted person will rise above. I’ve witnessed this in my own life. For years I had someone hacking my work and SEO. This person simply couldn’t stand to see me happy, evolving, with anyone else, or especially making money. The more damage he inflicted, the more my reputation and finances improved. It’s the rubber-band effect!

4. Balance your chakras.

The chakras are the spiritual energy centers of the body. You can say they are the spiritual portals to raising your vibration. The chakras run from the base of the spine to the crown of the head. When they are open and aligned, energy flows. I guide people through chakra balancing during our intuitive guidance sessions. The results are miraculous! 

5. Use crystals.

Who else is a crystal junkie? Crystals have been used for centuries to help boost positive energy and vibrations. You can place crystals around your home and on your body.

Check out my crystal store here.

6. Get outside

Get into nature! Bonus points if you do it barefoot! This tip is self-explanatory. Nature is God’s healing force. Nothing will raise your vibration quicker than feeling the sun on your face while breathing in the fresh air.

7. Got singing bowls?

Certain sounds are scientifically proven to facilitate a shift in our brainwave state that makes us more relaxed and receptive. Find an in-person class in your area, or seek out a recording online for an uplifting session in the privacy of your home. Here’s one I recorded for my dog here.

8. Eat more healthy, sustainable foods.

Same message different day. Look, my friend, if you are still eating dead decomposing animals in 2020, I don’t know what to say. There is scientific evidence that acidic foods affect your personality. It’s pretty difficult to raise your vibration while consuming death.

9. Random acts of kindness.

Kindness and compassion are high vibrational emotions. Just think about how good you feel when you give to the poor! For me, acts of kindness mean rescuing an animal, giving a bottle of water to someone who is thirsty or opening my heart to a friend who is feeling down. Perform a random act of kindness (to a friend or a stranger) and you’ll quickly find that this lifts your vibration. Give and you shall receive.

10. Develop a gratitude practice

Rather than focusing on what you don’t have, make a list of all the things you can be thankful for. I always practice this before I fall asleep, making a mental list of the people and circumstances I feel grateful for. It means I end the day on a positive note.

11. Set healthy boundaries

Some of us have a tendency to diminish our positive vibrations by continually ignoring our own needs in order to give more to others. Reclaim your energy by saying no to something that you don’t really want to do, and watch your mood soar.

12. Dance it out.

Dancing helps us express emotions, and it can also distract us from any negative thought patterns. It’s also great exercise! Go to a dance class, or move around to binary rhythms at home and feel the energy move through you. 

I usually do a practice almost every day where I dance for about an hour. Sometimes it’s in my kitchen while I clean. And other times it’s on the RARE occasion when my mind is going and I can’t seem to sleep. 

13. Breathe work

Did you know deep breathing calms your nervous system? Find a calm, soothing space (or create one for yourself with headphones) and focus on your breath for a few minutes. When the mind wanders and gets distracted, don’t worry, as this is completely normal. Using compassion, begin to draw it back to the breath. Breathe in for three counts and exhale for six. Repeat this process several times. Or, until you feel a sense of calm within your heart.

14. Mindset is everything

Ever hear the expression “what you think about you bring about”? There’s a lot of truth to the idea that our thoughts create our reality. I’m not saying you should shun difficult emotions, but don’t overindulge negative low-vibrational thoughts either. If your thoughts are overly pessimistic or anxious, you may find that you are drawn to situations that perpetuate these feelings. Keep your mind pure and your vibration will follow!

15. Cultivate high-vibrational relationships.

I’ve been known to cut people out of my life quickly. No need to be shaking in your boots. It’s not that I’m cruel, it’s that I give people one chance and one chance only. In the past (prior to my rebirth process), I gave people several chances. Through time, I learned that anyone or anything that causes me stress must go immediately. Make sure the people in your life lift you up and don’t pull you down. Spend time with those who love and support you. The people who lift you up. Ignore the one’s who’s motivation is to pull you down. Sadly, those types really do exist.

I hope you enjoyed these tips and my latest YouTube video. Do hit the subscribe button while you are there. If you want more fantastic tips on heightening your vibration, check out this article I found here! 

Want to read a related article I wrote? Many of my coaching clients found this link health article helpful!

Remember, I only want the best for you I love you, Please love yourself and drink your juice:) ~ Andrea

Ways to Heighten your vibration

You clean your home almost daily! So why would you not clean out your body? One of my favorite sayings on both my new spiritual channel TheDetoxIntuitive and my detox channel AndreaCoxTV is “Your Issues Live In Your Tissues”!

What does this mean? It means that the less (hopefully none) dead decomposing foods we eat, animals and their by-products the more we will be able to FEEL into our heart space. YAY! If this sounds like a breeze, I can ensure you it is not. The cleaner the body the more troublesome memories, past life and childhood traumas and addictive behaviors come up to be purged.

Along with the animal products you’ll want to rid yourself of white flour, white sugar, packaged processed foods, alcohol, drugs (unless prescribed for an existing condition by a doctor) stagnant relationships that refuse to move forward, mind thought patterns that keep you feeling stuck, time wasting activities such as constantly scrolling social media feeds or playing video games. WHEW, that feels heavy!

Two decades ago I “woke up” by utilizing the above principals and many more. However 7 years ago I felt myself being heavily burdened by an energy vampire. As difficult as it was I’ve had to fight my way back to the light.

Here are just a few of the methods I’ve used to get myself back to the light. I hope you utilize these methods I have. We are all here to learn and grow off each other.

Daily Reflextion

Daily Reflection

Ways to Heighten your vibration

1) Declutter! Start by making room! The more room you create in your body and home the more room you create inside of your heart.


3) START JUICING! I will always be the worlds BIGGEST cheerleader when it comes to juicing! There is no better way to speed up your awakening.

4) Examine and embrace your shadow-side! Be conscious of and intentional about what you believe. Recently I went through a huge overhaul with my shadow-side. Coming face to face with parts of myself that I felt ashamed of. I assure you self reflection will be the beginning of your new life!

5) Expand your mind. Explore new ideas and differing beliefs. Beliefs that you may not agree with but may yourself one day incorporate into your own lifestyle.

6) Go outside. Connect with nature! Nature is the seed that nurtures our soul. There is energy and spirit and magic in the outdoors.

7) Take care of yourself. Self care is the life blood of your awakening! I’ve been teaching this for YEARS! Contrary to popular belief, it is NOT selfish to say NO or to put yourself first.

8) Learn to let go. This was my most difficult lesson. Once I woke to knowing I didn’t need the clarity I sought, the release was easy. There is beauty in being able to let go. Letting go gives us peace. It puts an end to any mind battle we may be fighting.

9) Go Within. There is grace that we can only find in solitude. “Chopping wood and carrying water” is a saying I embrace fully. This means we are to find the beauty in every day life tasks.

I hope that the above helped you embrace this new cycle we are in. As we embrace the new, let us let go of any guilt and shame from the past. Heres to new beginnings.

I love you, please love yourself



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