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Archive for the tag “Healy Resonance”

Healy – Frequencies for your life

Lately I’ve been focusing a lot on going inward. As much as I’ve always been somewhat introverted, I feel as though we have all moved into a state of focusing more on the TRUTH instead of Falsehoods. This is something we can only achieve when in a state of peace, quietness and serenity.

Lets face it, like I have said in past E-mails recently, it’s survival of the fittest.

We have a conscious choice to make TODAY! Here and now! We either thrive and awaken as a collective or, we pull each other down into suffering. That brings me to a pet peeve I have. What’s with all of the masked selfies lately? You know, the sporting of masks like they are a fashion statement! They aren’t! They are a sign of EXTREME DARK TIMES!

Before I share with you my thoughts on the millions of people treating the masks as though they are a fashion statement. I want to share with you a little devise that has changed my life and the lives of my clients. It’s called The Healy! It’s actually an FDA cleared Class two medical device for pain! And your little detox Queen over here has been selling, promoting and using it for months!

Before my rant, I want to share this special gem I’ve discovered and invite you to E-mail me to set up a call so I can get one in your hands! This portable affordable device can aid you in everything! From pain management, self-esteem, weight loss, candida over growth and even has programs on it to aid in decision making! And who in the heck couldn’t use a bit of help in that department!


The most beautiful component of this device is I can treat my clients, friends and family who are far away. The Healy is already in 40 countries and rumor has it every household will have one by 2022. It’s the new age way to heal! This healing device that sinks up to your cell phone using an app launched in May of 2020 in the USA open market and I want you to be the first to discover it’s healing properties body mind spirit and soul!

Check out my clients testimonials here and click the link at the bottom of the page. Sign up and you’ll get a free phone consultation with me explaining all about the Healy! I can set you up to get yours shipped out today!

Ok, Now for the rant!



Wear sunglasses

Wear hats

Wear a smile

But please don’t make light of a dark situation by sporting or selling a lie in your beautiful photos.

This is not the life we are meant to live! Stop making a hallmark memory for the photo album of it.

You have a choice as you go out into the world depending on what you believe but PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE don’t make a mask photo your profile picture and think it’s hip. UNLESS you are a scientist or a doctor…

Stop promoting the suppression!

Andrea Cox - Plant Medicine

Andrea Cox – Plant Medicine

I love you

Please love yourself

Remember I only want the very best for you!

Cilantro kisses

~ Andrea

Photo: Wild Rose Plant Medicine Video Found Here


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