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Archive for the tag “healthy skin care”

Have Youthful Skin Without Plastic Surgery

Thank you for all the birthday wishes! I had a BEAUTIFUL day of self care!

I wanted to speak about being authentic about what we do to keep our youthful appearances. Tomorrow, I’m having micro needling RF done. This is actually my second session. The first time I had it done I videotaped it on my YouTube channel. Micro needling is not a form of plastic surgery it’s actually where thousands of little holes are poked in your face, then your blood is spun and has nutrients added and put back onto your face in cream form. This keeps my skin youthful but is certainly not my secret. My food however is!

Growing up I had cystic acne once I went vegan , the acne disappeared. I have been vegan 17 years now. When I went vegan in Ohio 17 years ago there were no juice bars. There were no raw food restaurants and when I said “raw food” people actually thought I meant sushi . Going vegan and getting rid of all chemicals is what changed the texture of my skin.

What I don’t like seeing is women who lie and try to sell products to create a youthful skin texture etc. who actually have plastic surgery done on their face. It’s like false advertising. People can see through that clear as day. The best advice I can give you on anti-aging is the following…

** Fast on a regular basis

** Go vegan NOT vegetarian but vegan

** Use organic products on your skin! No chemicals , parabens or sulfites on the hair

** Sweat!  I use my sauna daily! The skin is the largest organ of the body! It is a portal to detoxification.

** Against popular believe I actually feel we do need sunlight for vitamin D purposes and when used correctly it can be an anti-age or instead of an ager!

** DO NOT USE CHEMICAL SUNSCREENS Using zinc based sunscreen free of chemicals is the best route!

*** Ditch the perfumes and use essential oil’s! Perfumes are TOXIC!

*** Practice anti-stress coping mechanisms such as meditation and yoga

I hope all of these tips help you. You can incorporate all of this into your daily protocol. I have A TON of videos on AndreaCoxTV my health and detox YouTube channel that you may find useful on this subject:)



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