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Full moon in Aries – A poem for release

A few days prior to the full moon I always get creative. I express this creativity through writing. Last night was the full moon in Aries. It is a time to reawaken to self. With all of these astrological changes we’ve been going through since June of last year, it really never has been easier to let go, release and to walk through these portal doors.

Below is a bit of “flow” I wrote for you. Enjoy

Crack open
Wild to see
You were not born to stay silent
You were born to be free

I wait by the ocean
But not for you
I lie here naked
For all that is true

My soul is white now
It used to be gray
I wasn’t living to see the next day

But pain has a way of breaking us free
From obstacles that hold us back of who we are meant to be

So I’ll swim in the ocean
As the dusk hits the dawn
This full moon covers me
Of what I know now to be gone

It was a whirlwind
Of happy and sad
An upheaval of things
that still make you mad

I forgave you long ago
As you can clearly see
It wasn’t my place
To make you see

I’ll run along now
Wild and free
I’ll be this woman
you taught me to be

I hope you’re relaxed now
Not so uptight
We had a lot of love making
Mixed in with those fights

In the end, I know you’ll see
Without your witchy woman
You wouldn’t have found the key

They say before a rebirth
Scorpios will be around
They’ll take you through the ringer
Tossing you to the ground

If you’re reading this and it doesn’t resonate
It’s yet to happen
Your final fate

One day you’ll see
That all along
That I was for you
And this tender love song

When you showed up at my door
You came in weak
But you left as a man
After encountering your Scorpio freak

Crack open
Wild to see
You were not born to stay silent
You were born to be free

I wait by the ocean
But not for you
I lie here naked
For all that is true

My soul is white now
It used to be gray
I wasn’t living to see the next day

But pain has a way of breaking us free
From obstacles that hold us back of who we are meant to be

So I’ll swim in the ocean
As the dusk hits the dawn
This full moon covers me
Of what I know now to be gone

It was a whirlwind
Of happy and sad
An upheaval of things
that still make you mad

I forgave you long ago
As you can clearly see
It wasn’t my place
To make you see

I’ll run along now
Wild and free
I’ll be this woman
you taught me to be

I hope you’re relaxed now
Not so uptight
We had a lot of love making
Mixed in with those fights

In the end, I know you’ll see
Without your witchy woman
You wouldn’t have found the key

They say before a rebirth
Scorpios will be around
They’ll take you through the ringer
Tossing you to the ground

If you’re reading this and it doesn’t resonate
It’s yet to happen
Your final fate

One day you’ll see
That all along
That I was for you
And this tender love song

When you showed up at my door
You came in weak
But you left as a man
After encountering your Scorpio freak


The key to happiness that is often overlooked!

I woke in a bed with running water, clothes to wear & food to eat! I am blessed! The majority of the population don’t have the luxuries that you and I do! They aren’t scrolling their news feed! They’re out looking for food for their families! They’re worried about where they will sleep tonight! Don’t ever take life or your health for granted! The Bible says “Do not boast about what you have today for you don’t know what tomorrow will bring”! Life can turn on a dime! Stay humble always!

Enjoy this beautiful day that God has given to you! What a gift! Andrea


I have a confession to make…


My Confession! Never underestimate the following…

“Good Morning”

How was your day?

How do you feel?

How is your family?

What are your plans today?

How did that project go?

Are you keeping up with your goals?

How about your yoga or meditation practice?

Confession ~ I did some deep soul searching last night and realized I hadn’t heard these kind gestures in quite some time yet, I say them from my heart daily. Even to strangers!

The truth is many of us do not ask these very important questions to our loved ones. We don’t take the time or feel we don’t have the time to do so! And most of us would NEVER take time out of our seemingly busy day to greet a stranger!

I’ll admit that sometimes I can get caught up on dwelling in the past or feeling sorry for myself! I tend to give a lot of time and energy to people who quite honestly, didn’t and don’t deserve it! So today I’m asking you to begin to place others before yourselves!

Today I’m asking you in hopes that you will answer below & ask someone else how they are doing in their own life. Always remember, Kindness matters! People will not remember the way you look, how much money you make or how well you were dressed! People will only remember the way you made them feel!


“In the end, your only job on Earth is to turn your struggles into your greatest victory while sharing your story to help others along their path”!  Andrea Cox


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