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Archive for the tag “healthy living”

Public service announcement & a little detox!


Over the weekend I did my own little Digital Detox! I also indulged in a much needed 90 min massage. The past few days that my electronics failed me (3 separate MACS all broke down on the same day) have been so incredibly RELAXING!

I’ve tended to four repeat clients who all completed their annual detox at the resort in front of my home. I only shot a few readings iphone style (not live) , and tended to myself, my home and my furry husbands. I even had my girlfriends over for an evening of fun!

It was a keen reminder to follow two practices that I preach but don’t always follow.

* Maintaining balance in every area of our lives!

*  Setting up proper boundaries not just with friends and family but more specifically with clients. 

* Being CRYSTAL CLEAR in ALL communication! Let’s face it, without clear communication, everything dies.

Since I’ve started a second business I’ve had quite a few people order from me. Soon after, the flood of E-mails come in. I friend took a look at my business model and explained to me what needed to be changed in order for me t have some restorative time. In my friends words “your clients cannot expect you to be on call or on email for them every hour of every day”. After this weekend I realized he is right. The past few days have been a reminder for me to tend to myself, my family and my own needs first. Because if I don’t take care of myself, I am not going to be able to take care of anyone else.

Although I am grateful for every purchase that is made on all three of my websites, unless someone has ordered a consultation, booked a retreat or purchased my coaching package, it is not my duty to be at anyone’s beck and call.

I have over 900 videos on YouTube, one of them will contain an answer to a question you may have. Setting boundaries is a MUST and something that I have taught each of you to do. I realize this past weekend with my electronics failing me that it was time I set boundaries a little more sternly in business.

I feel that I put out a lot of information out at no charge that is readily available on the Internet. I’m so grateful for this past weekend enlightening me and reminding me to put myself first. Like I always say, if I do not care for myself, I simply cannot be there for others.

Picture above

Top left burning Palo Santo ~ sage & Mexican copal while charging fresh Spring water harvested near Temecula 

Center bottom wild blueberry water 

Bottom left kelp noodles with dates, greens and mango dressing

Upper right straight greens juice 

Bottom right wild edibles salad

Thank you for understanding my need for self care. 

Tips to turn your home into a sanctuary ~ Video included

Aftermath of visiting the crystal cave!

I am humbled with gratitude at the loving care the girls the crystal cave showed me yesterday! They are so very generous! I also had the opportunity to listen to Elpis astrology who gave a lovely talk on the massive astrological events that have taken place since last year! Even David Palmer would have been impressed!

This is my kitchen table upon my return ~ Um yea!!!


My home is feeling more & more like a sanctuary these days. I feel as though I have divine protection and Universal support!

I just wanted to thank all of you who have supported my new YouTube channel! What a nerve-racking experience to have been afraid to begin a second business focusing on our spiritual health instead of our physical health. Although it’s been challenging to run both channels and both businesses, I think I am doing pretty well.
Like I always say “Our issues live in our tissues”! One cannot clean up and detoxify the body unless they take care of their emotional childhood and past life wounds!

I will be so grateful if all of you would subscribe to both channels on YouTube below

AndreaCoxTV ~ Health & Detox
TheDetoxIntuitive ~ Spirit health reads

In my most recent video I share ten tips on how to turn your home into a sanctuary.

This is VITAL! Lets heal!

Over the last few days I’ve sent you messages about the body mind and spiritual connection and how important it is for our overall wellbeing. Today I would like to share with you a bit about what helped me make this important connection.

Over the past ten months I went through a very dark time. Through this dark time I awoke to quite a few things in myself I needed to change. Many of these characteristics were brought on by outside circumstances and a few stemmed from childhood conditioning and past life and even past relationship wounding.

I’ll list a few below and maybe you can relate.

1) I realized that although I want to be married and although I have been engaged three times, I am a bit of a commitment phobic. I came to this realization after recognizing I was picking unavailable men. All of these men had one thing in common. They were either hung up on someone from the past, were commitment phoebes or, were not placing time and effort into nurturing our relationship. It was time to begin looking at old wounds that were making me choose these types of emotionally and somewhat sneaky men. Bottom line, if I wasn’t a commitment phoebe, I would be picking men who were available. I had to stop blaming them and take a good look at myself!

2) I realized I needed to rebuild my finances. When I moved to Southern California I was pretty set financially. I didn’t have any knowledge of investments however and roughly five years ago, the money had ran out. This placed me in a position of being anxious and stressed constantly. It also made a relationship that was dear to my heart suffer. Over this past year I have grown a second business. Although the seeds I have planted are just beginning to sprout, I know it will bring in more prosperity as time goes on. What I also began to notice is if I am constantly around people who speak poorly about money or say things like “no wonder you don’t make enough money”, I won’t prosper.

Taking a look at how much money I spend is also a work in progress. I realized that although I don’t blow money on shoes or clothes, I am quite a spender.

3) I realized my self esteem needed a lot of work. Being a former model and always being “the prettiest” when I walked into a room is something you get used to. Moving to SoCal where beautiful women are on every corner puts everything into perspective. Being hurt or betrayed in a relationship really puts a blow to your self esteem too. It has taken me quite a long time to wake up to knowing that when people are cruel, it is a direct reflection of the way they see themselves. I no longer look at it as physical flaws in myself. I see it for another persons reactions to the inability to heal past wounds. I now stop whatever I am doing and send whoever it is who may not be being kind or honest a loving prayer of healing, love and MEGA prosperity!

4) I realized I have a deep need to feel safe and that I deserved to feel loved This was my most profound epiphany! When I feel safe, nurtured and loved, I THRIVE in my business! I THRIVE in my health! I THRIVE in nurturing others in a balanced way. I learned that we really do mirror others. Especially in our closest relationships. If I’m being ignored, mind f****, lied to or spoken “at” in a derogatory way, I react negatively. In fact, we all do. This is because we are facing our shadow in the person we are dealing with.

5) I worked on my negative reaction to others who triggered me Over the past few years I’ve done a loads of work on my self esteem. Bio feedback, detoxing my body, chakra clearing, cleansing my liver, cognitive behavioral therapy, you name it, I have a minimum of five to ten years of having all of these services regularly. All of these helped me clear out my system to become more balanced. Once I came into contact with my past life, childhood wounds, all of that work flew out the door. Within a year, I was acting just as horrific as the person who was triggering me. I’ve had to work DAILY on regaining balance in my life. My health had deteriorated and this was my main drive in regaining this balance I so desperately desired.

Now, if someone comes at me with negativity, I shut them out. It really is this simple. I have zero tolerance for negative behavior. After visiting with my sister last weekend I noticed she had done the same years back. I think this is where I picked up this strength and divine wisdom I have inside of me. No matter how much I love a person, the way the speak and treat me have become EVERYTHING! Of course people will screw up (myself included). At this time, I am simply in observance of how others show up for me and in my daily life. Effort is rewarded and negativity is not.

6) I learned to set boundaries One of the most difficult things to do when you are a triple water sign is to know when to close the door to protect yourself. I have learned to use my Pisces Sun, Scorpio moon and rising keen intuition. If a person displays anxiety around me I realize they may have something to hide. This is their issue, not mine. If someone who I’ve not heard from in quite a while calls me out of the blue I tune into my intuition. I listen to the way they are coming towards me. Are they coming towards me with gentleness and love or anxiety and rudeness.

7) I began to recognize the need and deep longing I have for friends and family After spending a few years with a huge family man, this is something I miss having in my life. I began working on this last week by driving five and a half hours one way to visit my family. It’s a start and I intend to stick with it. I also learned that a relationship between a parent and a child is sacred ground. This always needs to be honored when entering into a relationship.

8) I learned to use my intuition to put an end to mental manipulation I could write a book on manipulation. We all have done this including myself. It’s important to recognize this tendency in others. Have you ever been “ghosted”? This is when a close friend will simply stop speaking to you out of the blue. If you ask them what is wrong they may cut you off mid sentence. You may think to yourself, I’m not a mind reader. You may feel sad or even angry. But what happens if you simply give up? Stop trying. Make no attempt to reach out to them what so ever. Nine times out of ten they reach out. This is mental manipulation in it’s highest form. It’s a push and pull narcissistic behavior that is a result of old wounds not being healed. And it’s childish. In fact, ghosting, shouting, only reaching out to people when you feel the need to have a physical connection and all of these games people play are all a form of what I call “mind fuckery”. Sorry for the cursing but it is. These are old wounds that need healed. By tuning into my intuition and placing healthy boundaries up, this type of behavior has little to no affect on me. Of course, I’m a work in progress. It takes time to go from being ran over to honoring yourself.

9) I learned the importance of being alone In my twenties I spent seven years single and celibate. After repeating this for the past year, I see that this time alone has been a huge time of growth. People who go from relationship to relationship usually do this from a fear of being alone. This is directly connecting to deep rooted abandonment issues. I’ll place a video below on this.

10) I realized it is ok to love someone and not get the love back Ok this one sounds a bit confusing, I know…but this is unconditional love. I learned to say “I accept I accept I accept”! I accept that this person is not treating me as if they love me. I accept this person is not honest. I accept I didn’t set healthy boundaries. I accept I accept I accept!

I hope this helped you, even just a little:) Tomorrow I’ll be sharing with you how we can come together and detox our minds, bodies and our precious souls together!

Intuitive eating!

Recently one of my clients asked me what time she should eat. This question comes up a lot and my answer is always the same. Just because its 8am and the rest of the world is eating does not mean you should be eating. On most days my first solid meal comes between 1:30 & 3:30pm

Sound shocking? It shouldn’t! A clean properly efficient body leans on it’s intuition of knowing exactly when to eat. Healthy bodies require eating less often. My body just so happens to run much more efficiently on less food! My mind stays clearer as well!

I’ve created a new program that I’ll only be sharing with my coaching clients on how to create more balance in our life through our eating patterns. I’m charging a fee of $997 to take everyone through this two week program based o intuitive eating and intermittent fasting.

I’ll be taking on five people and when the spots are filled, they are gone!

This is $2000 LESS than my normal coaching rate.

To sign up, hit the “E-mail” button below and send me a message of why you would like to participate, your goals and what your biggest obstacle is.

I only want the best for you

Until tomorrow, Andrea

Andrea's 4th of July Detox salad!

Andrea’s 4th of July Detox salad!

A Spiritual Re-Birth!

The only reason any of you stand with me is because you know my heart is pure. Thank you for truly “seeing” me. In a world where so many cut emotions out. In a world where so many are numb to FEELING. In a world where SO many walk hurting inside only to further damage those who have done “the work”. You see my open hearted expression as pieces of you that want to be unleashed. You watch me fall again and again and learn from my mistakes. You see my heart open to love and wait nervously with care as it breaks.

Thank you for your support in every way! I appreciate each of you! As I mentioned around Christmas, I’ve went through an enormous transformation spirituality that has led me to alter my path. As I reveal these new ideas to you {very soon} that are part of me, I am praying you accept them with an open mind.

Without the unconditional love from my small inner circle of friends, my loving supportive family, my two furry husbands, and people just like YOU, I would feel lost in dark times.

Thank you for lifting me out of the ashes once again. I promise not to let you down

Here we go again!


Two things that have a HUGE impact on your health!


How I do mornings!

I’ve always worked out first thing in the morning! There is something about waking up and making an elixir tonic to nourish my adrenal glands along with my hormones that has always made me feel great!

This morning at Equinox, I had the sweet team at the juice bar make my tonic for me. I then moved my body for 45 minutes. It doesn’t take much time or effort when you choose to move your body daily!

Moving daily is key! Moving upon waking is key in order to pump our lymphatic system!


Today’s Hydration! 

I thought it would be great for you to see what I drink before taking in any solids. You see, hydration is a key factor in our health! We are 80% water! We must consume a minimum of 80% water filled fruits and vegetables along with good quality water daily!

Fruit water ~ A mix of fresh in season fruits with spring water poured on top!

Elixir tonic ~ A special blend of herbs and adaptogens to stabilize my hormones and boost my adrenal glands.

Green juice ~ A mix of fruits and vegetables juiced for maximum absorption!


I Almost Died on Saturday! :(

Accidents happen!


My beautiful car is not so beautiful any longer.

It had been 20 years since I had an accident. Twenty long years since feeling scared out of my mind! Saturday evening, I was on my way to dog beach with my rescue dog Rodger when traffic stopped suddenly on the highway. I stopped however not in time. Five minutes later I found myself petrified, on the side of the road holding Rodger in my arms. My nose was bleeding heavily and both Rodger and I were shaking. The gentleman I hit also had rescue dogs in the car. He was a kind man. His car had little damage. My car however was totaled. We were both SO grateful our dogs were all ok! Life is so short. I watched mine flash before my very eyes. I think the worst part about the situation is that I had no one to turn to in my time of need. That is when we must look up, have faith and know that everything will be ok. My insurance covered the gentleman’s car however not my car. This was a lesson to me to never allow certain aspects of my dealings to be handles by others. It is now my responsibility to face a Mercedes that I paid cash for being a total loss. I am forced to remember that EVERYTHING happens for a reason! EVERYTHING! The beautiful news is that although my airbag FAILED to deploy, I was wearing my seatbelt and had also just picked up a carseat for little Rodger! The officer said it could have been MUCH worse! I agreed with him and as Rodger sat on my lap in a dirty AAA tow truck, I felt full of peace that everything was going to be BETTER than OK!

Whatever you are going through…Someone has it worse!

Today I surrendered into the fact that I cannot “fix” the world! In fact, at times I cannot fix my own problems. I’m going through a lot of heaviness lately and I am proud to say that after struggling with an eating disorder over a decade ago, I am not allowing that heaviness to be placed upon my plate! I’m dealing with things as they come and allowing people who have “shown up” for me in the past to show up again. I’m also opening the doors for new people to lighten the load by being there for me in ways I never knew (or cared to admit) that I need. One thing I learned today is that someone always has it worse than we do! Always! So we may as well face our troubles head on rather than hiding from them. Hiding makes anthills into mountains! Facing situations that we really want to run from creates a sense of inner strength that cannot be found anywhere else. Go face your fear and watch as unexpected hands and the grace of God lift you up to places you thought were impossible!

rodger-dodgerRodger wanted me to let y’all know that we are healing and relaxing as we put out small fires one by one! I made a divine pineapple smoothie and he is just “chill~axin” with sweet little Louis! Lets all be thankful as we go through our day to day lives! Another day to live and to breathe!

Pineapple Smoothie on next blog post! 

Kindness Matters!

She was fierce yet gentle. When she was excited or upset she didn’t sleep for days. She was courage strength & weakness rolled into one. She is love and wants every one around her both mankind and animal to feel love too. beauty

Be kind to others & to yourself this week. If you need a bit of motivation to encourage you to be kind, check out the detox program I created that actually comes with a gratitude journal here! It may be just the type of inspiration you need to get healthier in body, mind and in spirit!

Your Monday MOJO!

Have you ever wanted to fix something that just seemed “Un fixable”? Maybe it was something simple like a broken door hinge or maybe it was the fact that your daughter wanted to constantly where a short skirt to school that you deemed inappropriate.

Whatever it is, Im here to give you some advice that was given to me just a few minutes ago.This morning I have two kind workmen fixing my garage door. They’ve done work on the house before and to be honest with you, they need the work and I appreciate their craftsmanship.I went out to let them know I needed to leave and to offer them some water.

Both men are in their sixties and Walden is quite a talkative man. He proceeded to ask me how my day was. I told him it wasn’t going as planned and his reply was priceless! He said “just remember no matter how your day is going, always leave others better than you found them”! I was so touched I began to cry. He’s now eating one of my salads. 🙂


Facebook Live Schedule until 2017

WOW! If you’ve been missing my Facebook live shows all I can say is you are missing out on some FABULOUS detox advice and some GREAT healthy vegan gluten-free recipes!

Here is my schedule until further notice!

Tasty Tuesday’s 6pm Pacific

Wednesday’s Wisdom 3pm Pacific

Training Thursday’s 3pm Pacific

Q&A Saturday’s 3pm Pacific

Spiritual Sunday’s 6pm Pacific

Tune in here to watch at the above times!

Have a fabulous week and remember, be kind because you never know what someone else is going through! Love and cilantro kisses, Andrea

Motivation and Inspiration for your Week Ahead!

Good Morning sunshine:)

Let s start this week off right, shall we? How about a little “motivation”, with some “inspirational advice” followed by an incredible Q & A video!

Your Motivation! The next time you feel your life is falling apart, remember, the BEST part of your life is about to begin! 


I took this photo while in wine country (Mexico)! The person I was walking with couldn’t understand why I would want to take a photo of a single flower growing amongst weeds! To me, it was a symbol of something so incredibly beautiful! It represented “LIFE AMONGST CAHOS”! Here the flower was able to survive while everything around it seemed to die! That is strength! Each of us has this strength inside of us! Strength to overcome! To nourish ourselves with the things we love in order to be there and BE GOOD to the people we cherish the most! 

Be the strength you want to see in others! Set the example! Always knowing you have the ability to SHINE amongst the weeds!

INSPIRATIONAL ADVICE  Here’s an idea! STOP using another person as your reason to not feel good! It’s a weak excuse to blame your partner, children, boss or anyone who is “showing up” in your life to teach you about yourself for your own unhappiness!


As I always do, I placed your Q & A into a video for you! I think you will REALLY love this one I shot yesterday! We covered SO MUCH! I answered questions about food combining, hydration and skincare! I even show you my wrinkles! 🙂

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Andrea L Cox is the owner of The Healthy Haven & (Detox, Yoga, Juice fast & Raw Food Educational Retreats!) She is known as “The Detox Queen” and is a woman who walks her talk!

Andrea is a fitness model turned health coach who has written two books on the raw vegan healthy detoxing lifestyle! Known as “The Detox Queen” She has taken the media by storm & has an impressive social media following with her YouTube channel surpassing 2 million views & her personal Facebook page alone having 20,000 people!

Andrea has appeared on numerous news stations TV shows and magazine publications in her hometown of Dayton Ohio and now where she lives in San Diego! She has also had national media coverage! Her retreats have become a destination health vacation for several Hollywood celebrities!

Andrea’s online detox programs may be found at

Andrea’s retreats can be found at

I WANT TO CONNECT WITH YOU! Find me at the following Social Media Links!






Snapchat ~ AndreaLeighCox

Tumbler ~

A Mother’s Love is a Gift!

Hi there:)

You and I both know that my Email title is VERY true! “A mothers love truly is a gift”!

Guess what’s just around the corner! MOTHERS DAY! I had to put a sale up for all of the beautiful mothers out there? Heck, we {LITERALLY} wouldn’t be here without them! Tonight until midnight on Mothers day I’m offering 10% off of any of my four new products for all of the FABULOUS moms out there! As a BONUS, if you let the operator know that your mom is pulling “double duty” meaning she’s a single mom, she will get my Juicing for Beauty book for FREE! YES! Lets just say I have a special place in my heart for those double duty mama’s out there!


The first thing you should knows that clay  (specifically the clay I use in my products) has all the vitamins and minerals the body needs to THRIVE! The great news is that they are not in an isolated form! Therefore they won’t throw the rest of the body out of whack!

The Raw Detox Formula $93.50 Three months supply & toss all your other supplements away! Its got EVERYTHING you need!

Sexy and Raw Hair Skin and Nails Formula $60.50 If your mother or wife has thinning or dry and brittle hair this is for her! I owe my sexy long locks to this 100% PURE from the Earth product!

Andrea’s Colon Smooth $47 Just like the bottle says, it’s “A colonic in a pill”!

Andrea’s Smiling Gut Probiotic $44 My probiotic formula has both PRE and PRO biotic life! I believe it TRULY is the best probiotic you will ever take!

All products can be taken together! In fact, when taken together they create a synergetic gentle detox and replenishing affect on the body! and we ship all over the world! 

The number to call is 1-844-4-DetoxPro

So what are you waiting for? Your mother and the mother of your children matter! So does your health! Whether you are getting this top of the line vegan supplements for yourself or for your mother or wife, know that the quality is top notch! The mother indoor life will be a happy woman!

If you are reading this and know someone that can potentially benefit from this, please SHARE this! They will be thankful and so will I!:)

Andrea L Cox
The Healthy Haven

Andrea L Cox is the owner of The Healthy Haven & (Detox, Yoga, Juice fast & Raw Food Educational Retreats!) She is known as “The Detox Queen” and is a woman who walks her talk!

Andrea is a fitness model turned health coach who has written two books on the raw vegan healthy detoxing lifestyle! Known as “The Detox Queen” She has taken the media by storm & has an impressive social media following with her YouTube channel surpassing 2 million views & her personal Facebook page alone having 20,000 people!

Andrea has appeared on numerous news stations TV shows and magazine publications in her hometown of Dayton Ohio and now where she lives in San Diego! She has also had national media coverage! Her retreats have become a destination health vacation for several Hollywood celebrities!


Andrea’s online detox programs may be found at

Andrea’s retreats can be found at

I WANT TO CONNECT WITH YOU! Find me at the following Social Media Links!






Snapchat ~ AndreaLeighCox | 1

Tumbler ~

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