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Another successful retreat & 3 FREE Gifts for you!

Wednesday was a big day for me! I had six beautiful ladies and one man check into the resort to detox and cleanse on a cellular level! Among them…

A doctor

A student

A bio molecular scientist

A proud wife & mother of two

A pro 🏀 basketball players wife

A clothing designer

An entrepreneur

I actually turned down two people from coming to this retreat. After listening to their reasons, I felt it would be a waste of time to take them under my wing as they both only wanted to fit into dresses for the holidays. I pride myself on ONLY taking on clients who TRULY want to learn this lifestyle! Bottom line, it’s a waste of both my time and theirs to have it any other way!

My pre greeting raw vegan cereal ~ oat groats & freeze dried blueberries with dried bananas covered in walnut milk!

Gift #2

1 C soaked oat groats

2 C freeze dried wild blueberries

1 C banana chips

2 C walnut milk

Place oat groats, banana chips and freeze dried blueberries in a bowl. Cover with walnut milk and enjoy!


Another successful retreat!  retreat-meals

This mornings set up at Alkalize with Andrea Detox retreat! My raw detox clay formula followed by my Rainbow juice! Brunch will be these delicious fruit salads with raw vegan coconut chia truffles! YES, you can release toxins & weight while eating abundantly👍

GIFT#1 Rainbow juice recipe

4 stalks of celery

1/2 of a large cucumber

1/2 inch of ginger

2-3 Granny smith apples

5 cranberries

Juice and devour knowing you are cleansing your body! 

Learn More about my retreats here   

Gift #3 A gift of poetry

She didn’t need much, fresh juice, a few dogs to sing to, her garden and a strong shoulder to rest her head!

It’s the holiday season and we ALL go through our ups and downs! I do just as I’m certain you do too!

This is why I’ve created a special section on my new website of my poetry for you to enjoy! There are several poems about love, the earth, self love and everything you can think of! ENJOY!!!!

Enjoy my Poetry here! My gift to you! 


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