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Could the Coronavirus Crisis be creating more healthful habits?

As unemployment and gun sales spike and Quarantine recipes circulate the Internet, it’s easy for me as a holistic health coach and detox specialist, to focus on all the noninfectious ways that the media is not affecting our health.

“I’m so scared to let my elderly father out of the house” one client said to me during our Facetime call yesterday. Another client told me how sedentary she had become since the lockdown went into effect in Chicago a week ago.

But, to my surprise, not everyone is reporting a decline in self-care since the start of the pandemic. They are the people who are lucky enough to have access to food and safe housing, and not be away from their loved ones. In fact, there are many indicators that the pandemic itself, and the massive shutdown it has triggered, is forcing the adoption of more-healthful behaviors. And hopefully the adoption of more pets in need of safe homes too! 

Before I give you my take on this “situation” we are in, I want to remind you not to judge! People are suffering even those who don’t appear to be on the surface. Be mindful of how you treat others at this time. Sensitivities are heightened. 

Andrea Cox, green juice

Here is my take on it!

This is not a dress rehearsal we are living in! Critical thinkers are an endangered species!

For 10 years I’ve demonstrated a beautiful plant-based lifestyle to you.

I’ve told you that you must go plant based. For the animals, this planet and for your health.

You must begin juicing every day.

You must grow your own food.

You must begin taking your health seriously.

We are at a critical time folks! If we don’t truly adopt the lifestyle that myself and many others have been living and teaching, many will perish.

We truly are living in the day of age where it is survival of the fittest.

No, this is not to say that if you have a degenerative disease or are not in tiptop shape that you will not make it. This is more about
* governmental control
* forced vaccinations that contain poison
* lies they have been feeding you about how to properly eat for decades!

News Flash They’ve been feeding you lies! And this post is not fake news!

Please head to my advice…

1) Start juicing! Juicing is different than blending as it removes the fiber creating a blood transfusion of vitamins and minerals that goes into the bloodstream within minutes.

2) Start a vegetable garden. Even if you live in an apartment you can still create a garden in a grow box.

3) Hydrate with quality water and invest in a high-quality water purification system.

4) Get your hands on an infrared biomat to reduce muscle soreness and help you sleep better during these stressful times such as the ones I sell here 

5) Hire a holistic health and life coach such as myself or one of the ladies I have worked with in my squad.

6) STOP using chemicals and parabens on your face and body! Use cruelty free skincare such as the ones I created and use here 

7) SAY NO to Big Pharma’s deceptions and get your mind and body right!

Take my free herbal assessment to get you on the right track! 

It’s time to start investing in your health and the health of your loved ones. Because at the end of the day you get one life and one body it is never too late to start treating it well.

I love you

Please love yourself and drink your juice!


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