Andrea cox

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To be held…

Recently I had the opportunity to take a new path. This path showed up in the form of a new person. Sure, I’ve had other opportunities, many in fact. This opportunity was different. He was young, well established, kind and gentle. He is a humanitarian who does good for others. He knew of my personal situation and has a good grasp of it due to knowing both myself and my partner on a personal level.

He could see me struggling

He could see my pain

He wanted to comfort me in a way that I needed.

I didn’t know what to make of this beautiful man who stood before me. I didn’t know what to make of his advances. His star like quality had me bewildered. I felt as though I wasn’t good enough for such a beautiful offer of a person simply wanting to show me unconditional love because they could see my pain. I was left asking myself where all of this pain had stemmed from. I had to take a look at what I had undergone over the past 7 months. It brought me to my knees in tears.

Sometimes when we don’t have the answers we can be consumed by the fear of not knowing. Confusion sets in after a significant length of time. A time of Unnecessary traumatic events occurring on an going basis. And for no apparent reason. A time of not having our love received or reciprocated. A stream of events that takes us from being madly in love and spending time with who is the love of our lives, to feeling abandoned, broken and sad. I began to question my own actions. Then I thought back. Back to listening to the man I love repeatedly admitting to self sabotaging any relationship that neared commitment. Remembering how sad this made me feel inside my heart. Ever since I met my partner three years ago I only wanted to love and eventually marry him. He had everything I had ever desired in a man. He was the first man who didn’t make me desire anyone else.

He was affectionate, he desired to take care of me, he was a good father who had raised a man with a good heart. He was a good provider who made sacrifices for his family. He was a fabulous lover. He was charismatic and loved to socialize. He had a dark side (as everyone does) that I felt we would eventually explore together. I had truly found “the love of my life” that I would grow as a person with. My best friend. This handsome soul who I adored.

But early on, things began occurring that felt so unnecessary to me. Things that carried a self sabotaging energy. My loves ex’s (ex wife and ex girlfriend of 14 years) were aloud to interfere. There were constant texts by his ex wife he hadn’t even seen in ten years. There was ongoing harassment from an ex girlfriend that heavily affected my social media. I suddenly felt like I had to be on some type of “high alert”. I can remember locking myself in a hotel bathroom in an LA hotel room we were staying at after seeing a message from my loves ex wife that was completely inappropriate. I cried through the door and begged him to place boundaries up to protect our love. He promised, I trusted only to find this scenario repeating a month later as we stood fighting in front of my home over the exact same scenario. We began repeating a pattern of me being verbally abused and my love making up for it financially. This was unhealthy and I take FULL responsibility for my part.

That “middle part”!

Then there was a “middle period”. A time where we loved one another and made love to one another often. We called each other “love” when we would send text messages. When he would walk through the door, I got excited. He made me feel loved and truly happy. I saw however that we needed more integration with others. We needed friends, we needed to socialize. We both were in need for change. But communication was impossible. Even the simplest question turned into being shouted over. Yes… shouted over! I had lost the person I had been. The strong beautiful proud woman who stood for love, peace and all things healthy. I became angry because I was being silenced every time I would speak. Even my body became ill. I resorted to behaviors I had not partaken in since I was a teen. I was displaying anger in order to defend myself from verbal damage. It wasn’t until I sought therapy that I learned I was in a constant place of PTSD.

When you are verbally abused for a period of time you begin to question yourself. Why is he always searching for the next “fix”? Why does he scream at me Why does he scar me with words I’ve not heard since riding on a school bus? You begin to look in the mirror and not recognize yourself. You begin to shy away from leaving the house. You begin to sleep a little longer. You stay awake at night searching for answers. There were days when I dreaded him walking in the door. What would be the “dark doom” of the day today?

Then it clicked!

I remembered him sharing early on that this is how he was treated by a person growing up. He had been in pain, wanting to run and hide. He had been shouted over and called names. I remember thinking, “why were you not protected”? That was the day I realized I needed to protect myself. But I loved this man dearly. I knew everything was not lost! I knew we could make this work! Then I realized that we both needed help. He needed childhood wounds healed and now I had fresh open new wounds that needed fixed.

Then the ball dropped! But had it really? Or was this just another episode of what happened in the beginning?

Confusion is the darkest place where the mind leaves no stone unturned. It’s a place I’m trying to get out of. A place I’ve been alone in for far too long. Confusion will give you faith and faith will keep you stuck for far too long! What would he be unhappy with? Unsatisfied with? What was not enough? Maybe it’s me… Maybe I’m no longer his light that led him out of the darkness. Maybe I’m not pretty enough Young enough Old enough Maybe I need to hit the gym more Or maybe the same light that drew him to me would cast a light on all that is hidden. The things he needed to see The darkness he needed to face Every time he came back we were both damaged a little more I became angry like him He became more closed off. The hot and cold, here and gone, near and far was exhausting! My weight dropped My friends fled My heart became a wall surrounded by swords I became a woman I no longer recognized. He hadn’t failed me I had failed myself And then one of us closed up completely There was no getting in No returning to the beautiful love story The Picasso painting we were creating. My heart felt there was something wrong but I was given no answers.

My Dark night of the soul!

Like a Phoenix rising from the ashes, I rose from a very dark place. A place that consumed me not for days but for months. Seven months to be exact! This place consisted of a room with lit candles, salt lamps and crystals. A room with two dogs, a bible and a woman who no longer had faith in mankind. There was a way out of this room. But I didn’t hold the key. The key was a key of truth. Wanting to know, needing to know, asking & yes…eventually begging to know the truth. The key was held by a man who said “he loved me”. A man who three times in three years brought up marriage. A man who knew the suffering I was undergoing due to not knowing the truth that only he could speak.

Opportunities can shed light on our worth, even the ones we don’t take!

This beautiful young established man showing up in the innocent manner he did took guts! Not only because of who I am but because of who he is! Although he wasn’t the only man who showed up, he is the one that had the most to lose by stepping up. He was also the only man who wasn’t stepping up with the wallet first. His tenderness and open heartedness is something I will never forget. He restored my self esteem by showing me an absolute PERFECT 10 (in both looks and heart) still desires me at my most broken state of being.

Instead of jumping in. Instead of tossing out three years of a BEAUTIFUL and not so beautiful thing, I asked this young man if he would just hold me instead. Innocent holding. Not in a bedroom, not unclothed, I just desired to be held. And being held is what I got. Three hours of strong arms around me as I went in and out of crying, talking and healing my heart.

Advice from a woman who feels as though she has failed…

Stay close… Never turn your back on love! Never face away from the one you once lived for! Remember the nights you stayed awake in bed Laughing, screaming, touching …learning to love each other. Yes, life will come in but it doesn’t have to ruin a beautiful thing! Sure there will be bills that need paid, Dogs that need walked, families that need tended to. But does it have to get so bad? Do we need to throw away everything we have? I felt (for the first time in any relationship) that I was forced to fight from the beginning. All I wanted to do was to love this beautiful man. For three years, I tried to do just that. Not for the beautiful “things” he could offer. Because loving him was my truth. Caring for this man who was my hero was what my heart said I needed to do.

I love you, Please love yourself and love your partner.


Mexico love

I Almost Died on Saturday! :(

Accidents happen!


My beautiful car is not so beautiful any longer.

It had been 20 years since I had an accident. Twenty long years since feeling scared out of my mind! Saturday evening, I was on my way to dog beach with my rescue dog Rodger when traffic stopped suddenly on the highway. I stopped however not in time. Five minutes later I found myself petrified, on the side of the road holding Rodger in my arms. My nose was bleeding heavily and both Rodger and I were shaking. The gentleman I hit also had rescue dogs in the car. He was a kind man. His car had little damage. My car however was totaled. We were both SO grateful our dogs were all ok! Life is so short. I watched mine flash before my very eyes. I think the worst part about the situation is that I had no one to turn to in my time of need. That is when we must look up, have faith and know that everything will be ok. My insurance covered the gentleman’s car however not my car. This was a lesson to me to never allow certain aspects of my dealings to be handles by others. It is now my responsibility to face a Mercedes that I paid cash for being a total loss. I am forced to remember that EVERYTHING happens for a reason! EVERYTHING! The beautiful news is that although my airbag FAILED to deploy, I was wearing my seatbelt and had also just picked up a carseat for little Rodger! The officer said it could have been MUCH worse! I agreed with him and as Rodger sat on my lap in a dirty AAA tow truck, I felt full of peace that everything was going to be BETTER than OK!

Whatever you are going through…Someone has it worse!

Today I surrendered into the fact that I cannot “fix” the world! In fact, at times I cannot fix my own problems. I’m going through a lot of heaviness lately and I am proud to say that after struggling with an eating disorder over a decade ago, I am not allowing that heaviness to be placed upon my plate! I’m dealing with things as they come and allowing people who have “shown up” for me in the past to show up again. I’m also opening the doors for new people to lighten the load by being there for me in ways I never knew (or cared to admit) that I need. One thing I learned today is that someone always has it worse than we do! Always! So we may as well face our troubles head on rather than hiding from them. Hiding makes anthills into mountains! Facing situations that we really want to run from creates a sense of inner strength that cannot be found anywhere else. Go face your fear and watch as unexpected hands and the grace of God lift you up to places you thought were impossible!

rodger-dodgerRodger wanted me to let y’all know that we are healing and relaxing as we put out small fires one by one! I made a divine pineapple smoothie and he is just “chill~axin” with sweet little Louis! Lets all be thankful as we go through our day to day lives! Another day to live and to breathe!

Pineapple Smoothie on next blog post! 

Let’s cut the bullshit!


Last week I shared in a live video that I had {for the first time ever} fired or “let go” of a client I was working with. This person was acting as an energy drainer and time sucker! I simply could not allow her to take from my life or my other clients lives.

The sad part of this equation was I had sank more time and energy into this person (double the time actually) than I ever had at any other client!

When it came time to bill her for the second half of her payment, I was met with drama and excuses. Here we had a person who I graciously discounted my program for and allowed her to split the payment into two portions yet, she didn’t value me enough to follow through.

On top of this, the drama was just too much! Instead of our sessions being calm, they were always full of drama that was occurring in this young ladies life. I began to become a part of her life (as I always do when I work one on one with my clients). When I noticed the drama in her life creeping into my sacred mind space during the day, I knew it was no longer a good fit!

Her drama (thank God) was unable to affect me. My boundaries with others are just too strong.

I learned a VERY VALUABLE LESSON in this! NEVER DISCOUNT YOUR SERVICES! This leads to someone not valuing you as a service provider!

Had I said “NO”, from the beginning when I was “worked” for a lesser amount as my fee, she would have known to have her second payment ready! Instead, she disrespected, me and herself by “accidentally over drawing her account”.

Instead of waiting around for her to come up with the second payment she had magically blown knowing about our agreement, I simply said “this isn’t a good fit”, goodbye!

Ya know what, it felt SO GOOD! Later that day I was blessed with a new client! This is how the Universe and God works!

Energetically I drew this girl to me to teach me the lesson of NEVER discounting my services again!


I hope you learn from my mistake. You are worth it, you are valuable and you deserve to be compensated fir the good honest work you do!


The key to happiness that is often overlooked!

I woke in a bed with running water, clothes to wear & food to eat! I am blessed! The majority of the population don’t have the luxuries that you and I do! They aren’t scrolling their news feed! They’re out looking for food for their families! They’re worried about where they will sleep tonight! Don’t ever take life or your health for granted! The Bible says “Do not boast about what you have today for you don’t know what tomorrow will bring”! Life can turn on a dime! Stay humble always!

Enjoy this beautiful day that God has given to you! What a gift! Andrea


5 reasons to drink coconut water & a side of me you haven’t seen!

Hi there beautiful!

I hope all of you had a lovely holiday! I whipped up a lil spread for William & Oliver {our lovely care taker & friend}. The menu consisted of the following. 

  • Fresh squeezed orange juice
  • Young Thai coconuts
  • Jackfruit
  • Fresh watermelon
  • Loquats
  • A big salad 🙂
  • My special anti-inflammatory guacamole
  • Organic salsa
  • Baked root vegetables {butternut squash}
  • Non-GMO corn tortillas
  • Raw chocolate bark

It was a beautiful day with the ocean, Oliver & the doggies!

Today I wanted to share with you my all time favorite way to hydrate! Its with coconut water! Notice that its not one of those white young Thai coconuts! This is do to so many of them being dipped in formaldehyde! Thats right! I avoid them like the plague! Here is why I LOVE to drink coconut water! 

  1. It’s high in beneficial magnesium and potassium!
  2. It contains copper! An essential mineral you don’t hear about to often that everyone needs!
  3. Coconut water contains A LOT of antioxidants to ward off free radicals!
  4. Got cytokines? Whats that you ask? Cytokines are compounds (found in coconut water) that slow the aging process and have been known to fight off cancerous cells.
  5. Its a sweet treat thats actually beneficial and low cal!

I hope this article entices you to begin drinking more coconut water! Just be sure and get it from a reputable source! I never trust a tetra pac or a white coconut unless I’m in the Caribbean!

 Love the Mexican coconuts!

A side of me you haven’t seen! 

I’m hoping you find benefit from the above information. I love coconut water and drink it daily!

I wanted to share with you a place where I am very candid! It’s a side of me you won’t find on my Youtube channel or here in my news letter. Its called Snapchat! Its a free social media platform for sharing 10 second videos and photos! Here is a little clip of a day and a half on my Snapchat show at the bottom of this email! Enjoy!

Oh and of course, here is the link to follow me there! I can’t wait to see you over there! Be sure and send me a message to say hi! 

Heres the link ~

A Mother’s Love is a Gift!

Hi there:)

You and I both know that my Email title is VERY true! “A mothers love truly is a gift”!

Guess what’s just around the corner! MOTHERS DAY! I had to put a sale up for all of the beautiful mothers out there? Heck, we {LITERALLY} wouldn’t be here without them! Tonight until midnight on Mothers day I’m offering 10% off of any of my four new products for all of the FABULOUS moms out there! As a BONUS, if you let the operator know that your mom is pulling “double duty” meaning she’s a single mom, she will get my Juicing for Beauty book for FREE! YES! Lets just say I have a special place in my heart for those double duty mama’s out there!


The first thing you should knows that clay  (specifically the clay I use in my products) has all the vitamins and minerals the body needs to THRIVE! The great news is that they are not in an isolated form! Therefore they won’t throw the rest of the body out of whack!

The Raw Detox Formula $93.50 Three months supply & toss all your other supplements away! Its got EVERYTHING you need!

Sexy and Raw Hair Skin and Nails Formula $60.50 If your mother or wife has thinning or dry and brittle hair this is for her! I owe my sexy long locks to this 100% PURE from the Earth product!

Andrea’s Colon Smooth $47 Just like the bottle says, it’s “A colonic in a pill”!

Andrea’s Smiling Gut Probiotic $44 My probiotic formula has both PRE and PRO biotic life! I believe it TRULY is the best probiotic you will ever take!

All products can be taken together! In fact, when taken together they create a synergetic gentle detox and replenishing affect on the body! and we ship all over the world! 

The number to call is 1-844-4-DetoxPro

So what are you waiting for? Your mother and the mother of your children matter! So does your health! Whether you are getting this top of the line vegan supplements for yourself or for your mother or wife, know that the quality is top notch! The mother indoor life will be a happy woman!

If you are reading this and know someone that can potentially benefit from this, please SHARE this! They will be thankful and so will I!:)

Andrea L Cox
The Healthy Haven

Andrea L Cox is the owner of The Healthy Haven & (Detox, Yoga, Juice fast & Raw Food Educational Retreats!) She is known as “The Detox Queen” and is a woman who walks her talk!

Andrea is a fitness model turned health coach who has written two books on the raw vegan healthy detoxing lifestyle! Known as “The Detox Queen” She has taken the media by storm & has an impressive social media following with her YouTube channel surpassing 2 million views & her personal Facebook page alone having 20,000 people!

Andrea has appeared on numerous news stations TV shows and magazine publications in her hometown of Dayton Ohio and now where she lives in San Diego! She has also had national media coverage! Her retreats have become a destination health vacation for several Hollywood celebrities!


Andrea’s online detox programs may be found at

Andrea’s retreats can be found at

I WANT TO CONNECT WITH YOU! Find me at the following Social Media Links!






Snapchat ~ AndreaLeighCox | 1

Tumbler ~

How to Make a Quick Anti-aging Energy Boosting Tonic~Your weekly mojo!

Mmmm! What am I drinking on this beautiful Sunday morning? What do I drink every morning? Delicious antioxidant packed, anti-aging Matcha tea! I feel that I owe a huge part of my skin health to drinking this tea daily for the last decade!

And rightfully so! Just look at all of the health properties in matcha!

1) Sustained energy for a minimum of 4 hours!

2) 10 times more antioxidants than other teas!

3) It’s anti aging!

4) It lowers LDL!

green tea

So how do I make this into a POWERHOUSE anti aging tonic? I mix it with other anti agers in a tonic!

First off lets talk Brands! I prefer the following!

The Republic of tea “Ginger Matcha” or “Matcha Love” by ITO EN!

Now, lets talk concoctions! Here is my anti-aging beauty recipe! 

2 tsp (Japanese tsp) of Matcha (always organic)!

2 tsp Maca powder

A pinch of Astragalus

Half a packet of each of the following teas by

“Four Sigmatic” ~ Reshi & Chaga!

Let me tell you that you will be flying by the seat of your pants all day long on this tonic! I go from a run to the gym to yoga write books, make love and then read a novel after drinking this baby! Not to mention HAVE YOU SEEN MY SKIN LATELY? I don’t want to boast but JEESH! People are telling me that I’mGLOWING! Alright, go get on it and hey, be sure and tell each company where you learned about them from and NO I’m not paid for any of this! I just LOVE their products!


I did my first solo headstand!


Always believe in yourself knowing “as you think, you will become”! Yesterday was a tough day for me! What started off as a positive ended up as one of the worst days ever. Still, I managed to force myself to go to yoga. My mind needed an escape from the endless chatter going on around me.

Head stands are NOT my strong suit! I have what is called a reverse cervical spine. Basically it means my neck is bent almost in the opposite direction. This happened after a severe car accident a few years back when my head hit the windshield. I have no scars no visible injuries and so to the average person I look normal. But when my neck goes out I’m down for days. And doing a headstand just isn’t always the best thing for a reverse cervical. That being said a few years back I met a fellow Yogi who had mastered his headstands and he too had a reverse cervical! His was much worse than mine. This motivated me to know that this was all in my mind that I couldn’t do this… This headstand thing. 

Yesterday after class I asked Tracy one of the owners of the yoga studio I go to Yoga Tropics to help me. To be honest with you other than a photo shoot about a month ago I’ve never been able to do it on my own. She tried to teach me how to do it just by putting my head down first and then allowing my body to lift itself up feeling weightless. She then tried to show me a second method when I failed at the first. I’m not sure but I think she could tell that I had a weak neck and upper arm strength. She placed the blocks under my shoulders and I was off and running!

I cried the entire way home. And although I didn’t return home to loving open arms, smiling faces and friendly chatter I will say that yesterday’s accomplishments has me motivated to build my upper arm strength and to see a chiropractor on a more regular basis to get my neck back in the best shape possible. 

To finish, complete and to succeed! They really are the only things I know how to do! No other way is acceptable! SO MANY have much worse injuries than mine! Once you see someone who cannot walk, stand or jump…. There aren’t any excuses! I truly believe ALL of us can do and create AMAZING things…ONLY if we believe we can! Remembering that as we think, we will become!

bottoms up2

I’m headed to the gym to get my pump on with the man~pan~ion!  Did I mention that matcha gives me a hands down advantage in my workouts too?! Sure does! Have a beautiful productive week! Hit the farmers market today & drink your green juice! Oh and drink your matcha too!

If you are reading this and know someone that can potentially benefit from this, please SHARE this! They will be thankful and so will I!:)

Andrea L Cox


Andrea L Cox is the owner of The Healthy Haven & (Detox, Yoga, Juice fast & Raw Food Educational Retreats!) She is known as “The Detox Queen” and is a woman who walks her talk!

Andrea is a fitness model turned health coach who has written two books on the raw vegan healthy detoxing lifestyle! Known as “The Detox Queen” She has taken the media by storm & has an impressive social media following with her YouTube channel surpassing 2 million views & her personal Facebook page alone having 20,000 people!

Andrea has appeared on numerous news stations TV shows and magazine publications in her hometown of Dayton Ohio and now where she lives in San Diego! She has also had national media coverage! Her retreats have become a destination health vacation for several Hollywood celebrities!

Andrea’s online detox programs may be found at

Andrea’s retreats can be found at

I WANT TO CONNECT WITH YOU! Find me at the following Social Media Links!






Snapchat ~ AndreaLeighCox | 1

Tumbler ~


The most important tools you need today….

Good Morning:) I’m not an astrologer would never claim to be. I am however constantly aware at all times of where the moon, stars & sun are & how they align with one another. I’m not saying that “because I’m a Pisces I’m extra intuitive”. I am saying because of my clean lifestyle & the food that I intake and choose not to intake, I’m ultra sensitive to these things. 
Today is an astronomically important day for all of us! It is the seventh day of the lunar eclipse! The fifteenth day of April! Those of you who love to write like myself, who compose poetry who are singers or highly creative will find this day to be a joyous one indeed! It will be a day of letting go for many of you & a day of extreme bodily energy! I suggest you channel this energy into going to the gym or by taking a yoga class! Take advantage of this energy you have in your body today may be the only day you have it for quite some time! You will create & write like never before! Take full advantage of this as well! 
Those of you who are more business oriented types may want to avoid all types of contracts, especially real estate contracts today. If you don’t avoid them you will undoubtedly live to regret it.

Many become ultra sensitive on day 7. This is normal. Try not to avoid emotional interaction however, especially with those whom you love! Everyone needs support today even those who don’t seem to be sensitive to energy on this special day. The important thing to remember on day seven of the lunar eclipse is that everything you say think & pray for will come into fruition! Be mindful of the words you speak & the prayers you say today! They will materialize over the next few months in some or in all of their capacity! Today is not a day to gossip about your mother-in-law or to speak ill of anyone! Send love from within the deepest part of your heart to anyone you may have had a falling falling out with. They Will feel it, receive & may even respond in some capacity! Treat every text message, email, face-to-face meeting with everyone you see today as if it were the last time you would ever see them again! Today is a very special day and I’m wishing all of you the very best in luck, love & in the discoveries you find that have been inside of you all along! I’m sending you SO MUCH LOVE! 


If you find you are having difficulties today, I encourage you to say this mantra I created to release old stuck energy! Remember, “Our issues live in our tissues”!

Your mantra today! Today I let go of any pain, regret and anger from anytime I’ve ever felt “wronged” in life. I know that these moments were moments of learning, growth and of discovering a strength I never knew was within me. Today I let go, I breathe, I do yoga and I meditate the negative energy out of my body while embracing the positive energy of the days, months and years to come!


Wishing you the most beautiful day ever! Love you!

If you are reading this and know someone that can potentially benefit from this, please SHARE this! They will be thankful and so will I!:)

Andrea L Cox is the owner of The Healthy Haven & (Detox, Yoga, Juice fast & Raw Food Educational Retreats!) She is known as “The Detox Queen” and is a woman who walks her talk!


Andrea is a fitness model turned health coach who has written two books on the raw vegan healthy detoxing lifestyle! Known as “The Detox Queen” She has taken the media by storm & has an impressive social media following with her YouTube channel surpassing 2 million views & her personal Facebook page alone having 20,000 people!

Andrea has appeared on numerous news stations TV shows and magazine publications in her hometown of Dayton Ohio and now where she lives in San Diego! She has also had national media coverage! Her retreats have become a destination health vacation for several Hollywood celebrities!

Andrea’s online detox programs may be found at

Andrea’s retreats can be found at

I WANT TO CONNECT WITH YOU! Find me at the following Social Media Links!






Snapchat ~ AndreaLeighCox | 1

Tumbler ~

7 Healthy Habits That Lead To a GREAT Sex Life!

A promise a soul exercise & 2 Raw V. Recipes!

Hi there beautiful!

Another week! Are you ready? What if I were to make a promise to you? Yes, a big promise! Read this E-mail from top to bottom and I promise you if you either make one of my recipes or do the “soul exercise” below, You will have the BEST week ever!


Have you ever felt like you’ve been there for someone over and over again? Then, when you need a shoulder to cry on or a listening ear you are shunned away or even worse, screamed at or told you are being ridiculous? Instead of allowing you to FEEL, you are being told your feelings are NOT important!

When someone is in battle with their mind, self~worth or self esteem, treat them with love not contempt. Love works both ways. To be loved you must show up & openly give of yourself without expectations or desiring something in return. Even when you just don’t feel like it! If someone doesn’t allow you to feel your feelings, they are essentially telling you that you don’t matter! Thats not compassion or love! You can have a positive mindset about your life but you will always have down days. Surround yourself only with the people who lift you up when you are at your worst! The ones who are there for you, ready to listen with an open compassionate heart! With that kind of support your down days will become less and less and the good days will fill up your calendar!




Here we are, another beautiful week! More positive posts, quotes etc! What if I told you that I’m not going to stream a bunch of positivity your way this morning? What if I told you that I’m leaving to care for someone who is only in his 40’s with cancer? what if I told you that I feel that virtually all degenerative disease has to do with whats on your plate, the health of your gut flora, your environment & what chemicals you CHOOSE to rub onto your body everyday?

I don’t have to tell you! I have a feeling you already know this and you’re still choosing to make poor choices. You can lead a person or an entire tribe to the truth that you can expect them all to follow!

My only wish, my only prayer that my only vision for all of you on this Monday morning is that you begin to take that true that you all know and apply it in your daily lives! Especially at the meals that you make for yourself and for your family!

Don’t believe the hype you’re being taught in the “Got Milk” ads, the fast food commercials the “high protein” pushers!

Change your food and your life will follow! I believe in you, I’m in your corner and I’m rooting for you every step of the way!



God is my language, acceptance of others is my political view & the Universe is my tribe! If you don’t agree with what I say or do thats Ok! I don’t know about you but for me, criticism only makes me stronger!

This is one of my tribe members “Jack”! He loves me unconditionally! When we love without conditions & drop the judgements we become more accepting of others! That’s when magic happens!


                                          SOUL EXERCISE 

This week I would love for you to try this soul exercise! Think about a time in your life when you were criticized. I know this may be hard but I promise you I’m going somewhere with it! Ok, when you have that moment in your mind, I would like you to think about how it made you FEEL at the time! Were you sad? Angry? Go ahead and feel that in your heart. Once you feel those same feelings again, imagine a white light that enters your body and goes straight to your heart space. It literally is there to clear those negative feelings from your body! Do you feel better? GOOD!

RECIPES! Lately I’ve been getting a ton of questions from you guys about kale chips and coconut chips! They are snacks that are highly available on the market today with a hefty little price tag! I’m answering your questions below

1) Are they healthy? Well kale chips and coconut chips are healthy the store bought brands are often laden with salts and fat! 

2) Do I make my own? Why yes! I do

 My kale & coconut chips-)

Grab these quick healthy recipes here click here

Andrea L Cox is the owner of  The Healthy Haven &  (Detox, Yoga, Juice fast & Raw Food Educational Retreats!)

Andrea is a fitness model turned health coach who has written two books on the raw vegan healthy detoxing lifestyle! Known as “The Detox Queen” She has taken the media by storm & has an impressive social media following with her YouTube channel surpassing 2 million views & her personal Facebook page alone having 20,000 people! 

Andrea has appeared on numerous news stations TV shows and magazine publications in her home town of Dayton Ohio and now where she lives in San Diego! She has also had national media coverage! Her retreats have become a destination health vacation for several Hollywood celebrities! 

Andrea’s online detox programs may be found at

Andrea’s retreats can be found at

If you’ve not checked out Andrea’s Facebook, YouTube, Instagram or Twitter yet FOLLOW her below!!! She would love to see you there! 

I want to connect with you!

Find me on

FACEBOOK HERE –> click here

TWITTER HERE –> click here

INSTAGRAM HERE –> click here 


YOUTUBE HERE –> click here

TUMBLER HERE –> click here

MY RETREATS HERE –> click here



If you are reading this and know someone that can potentially benefit from this, please SHARE this! They will be thankful and so will I!:) HAVE A BEAUTIFUL WEEK EVERYONE! Be Well & Don’t forget to juice!



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