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Archive for the tag “health tips”

7 Stress Reducing Health Tips

I can’t make any promises…

Over the next few months I am packing up my entire life from a home I have lived in for almost a decade and moving a great distance. I’ll try my very best to shoot my Tasty Tuesday’s Wednesday’s wisdom and occasional Detox Q&A and Spiritual Sadhana Sunday’s videos. But if somehow I should disappear for a month or two just know I am creating a beautiful new oasis and literally trying to build Rome in a day!

No one is here but me to put this dream in place.The only difference is that this time my creation will be all my own with no outside interference trying to toss blockages in my way. Those days are finally over.

Over the past month I’ve been qualifying to buy a home! Sounds exciting right? Not really! Purchasing a home is a huge deal! Moving from a home I’ve lived in eight years is not easy! I have people pressuring me from several angles. And I’m doing the very best I can to deal with my client load and all the beautiful messages y’all send to me.

So if I don’t get back to you over the next few months know that I am not ignoring you. I am literally rebuilding my life! Brick by brick, piece by piece and tile by tile.

I would never ignore any of you because you are the ones who were there for me in my darkest hours. And you will be there with me during my brightest moments. I appreciate each and every one of you. I’ll see you in my videos even if they are a bit random over the next few months!

I also want to share with you what’s been helping me immensely over the past few months get through these trying times. 

So here are my Top 7 Stress Reducing Health Tips

1) Get on an excellent herbal regimen!

Look folks this is a must! If you’ve been with me any length of time you know that I promote an AMAZING adaptogenic herb company! Interested? Take your FREE health assessment here!

2) Load up on burdock root and Thyme tea!

When you are stressed, cortisol is released and mast cells release histamine. Thyme tea is a great way to calm those mast cells down! Without pharmaceuticals!

3) Start taking both a pre and a probiotic! 

Look, I don’t want to boast but my pre/probiotic I created ten years ago is made from soil based organisms! What’s this? It means it feeds the good bacteria in your gut while starving the yeast and candida! In fact, most of my clients order three bottles at once! Get your bottle here!

4) Minerals, Minerals Minerals!

Over fifteen years ago I created to products that work synergistically together. These mineral based humic and fulvic acid clay based minerals work to balance you out on a cellular level. Most of my clients that take them together report that they have better sleep, thicker longer hair and skin rashes seem to disappear.

5) Spend time in nature!

For at least two hours per day I am outside and unplugged. I’ve practiced this for years! Every morning my first hour of the day is spent in nature. It’s the same with my evening walks. There is truly no better way to balance the body. Mind spirit and soul!

6) Move your body!

Ah how I miss my hot yoga since the lockdown occurred. This doesn’t stop me however from getting a powerful sweat on in my own back yard. Whether it’s rebounding, using my elliptical or hopping into my sauna, a closed gym doesn’t keep this girl from sweating daily!

7) Meditation

Meditation is something I introduced a year ago. Waking up prior to the sun has always been something I’ve done. This extra hour of time is me time! A time to nourish my spirit! This has changed my entire outlook on life! Some day’s I simply sit in silence. Other days I chant. And there are days I play my favorite calming music. 

Andrea Cox - 7 Tips to reduce stress

Cilantro kisses

I Love you, Isn’t it time you love yourself?

~ Andrea

Health Secrets!


Hello beautiful friends:)

Sorry I’ve been MIA. I’ve been cleansing my emotional house along side of my body. Today I want to share a little healthy secret that may not be secretive these days but it was when I got rid of gluten 18 years ago.

I have so many clients who come to me with itchy skin rashes, hair that is falling out and extended tummies who have not a clue as to what is going on with them. Nine times out of 10 they have a gluten intolerance.

People don’t understand how highly processed wheat is in our country. I believe that almost everyone is gluten intolerant and that there are so many different replacements for bread outside of the fake gluten-free breads.

Yesterday I made these delicious avocado Nori cashew cheese wraps. Instead of bread I used collard greens. A lovely and loving your own body alternative!

Remember we get one body in this lifetime if you are not treating your body like a temple you will not be invited into the temple of abundance, love and all that is truly in store for you. You must honor and love our bodies before we can love ourselves. And we must love ourselves before anyone else can truly love us.

Want to learn how to make AMAZINGLY DELICIOUS Raw Vegan Gluten – Free dishes? Subscribe to my FREE YouTube channel here! 

Love you

Please love yourselves

Here’s to embracing SO MUCH LOVE!I

I only want the best for you

Please love yourself and stay humble

Until tomorrow


High Carb Vegan Diet


About last night, It’s vegan sushi!

A note about the HIGH carb HIGH consciousness “diet” I eat!

A) It’s not a diet at all! There are zero restrictions as far as portions, chocolate, and carbs! I simply DON’T eat dairy, dead decomposing animals or their byproducts.

b) FACT: Once you get rid of the dead animals, packaged products containing white flower, sugar, colors and additives you CAN FREELY eat carbohydrates without restriction!

C) It’s better for the planet

D) In my opinion there is a HUGE DISCONNECT when people say they are “an animal lover” or that they “love their dog or cat” yet they put a cow, pig, chicken or fish on their dinner plate!

E) About fish – Our oceans are full of plastic! And since Fukushima happened the waters are tainted with cancer causing chemicals. We really should not be eating fish. Fish is full of mercury! On top of that, fish feel too! They have eyes and a face I don’t eat anything with a face!

F) Those eggs – Eggs have been directly linked to cancer. Both the egg and dairy industries are amongst the CRUELEST on earth! You are not lacking ANYTHING you will find in a chicken embryo!

G) What I eat – Fresh fruits in abundance! HUGE avocado salads! Rich dark chocolate! Vegan pizza and burgers made from cauliflower or sprouted quinoa. Hemp seeds, fresh organic cold pressed juices such as orange juice, carrot juice and celery juice! Baked beets, sweet potatoes with salsa. Organic gluten-free cookies! Dressings made from pure ingredients! Baked squash topped with cinnamon. White rice, Vegan apple pies, cherry pies and raw vegan no bake brownies!

Please stop making excuses and put the animals on this earth in a place where they are not tormented any longer. You do this by not contributing to their abuse! By not supporting the dairy egg or meat industry in anyway shape or form!

I am vegan for the animals but I am also Vegan because I know it’s the best for my health. It is never too late to start your journey.

I love you, Please love yourself

Two things that have a HUGE impact on your health!


How I do mornings!

I’ve always worked out first thing in the morning! There is something about waking up and making an elixir tonic to nourish my adrenal glands along with my hormones that has always made me feel great!

This morning at Equinox, I had the sweet team at the juice bar make my tonic for me. I then moved my body for 45 minutes. It doesn’t take much time or effort when you choose to move your body daily!

Moving daily is key! Moving upon waking is key in order to pump our lymphatic system!


Today’s Hydration! 

I thought it would be great for you to see what I drink before taking in any solids. You see, hydration is a key factor in our health! We are 80% water! We must consume a minimum of 80% water filled fruits and vegetables along with good quality water daily!

Fruit water ~ A mix of fresh in season fruits with spring water poured on top!

Elixir tonic ~ A special blend of herbs and adaptogens to stabilize my hormones and boost my adrenal glands.

Green juice ~ A mix of fruits and vegetables juiced for maximum absorption!


Let’s cut the bullshit!


Last week I shared in a live video that I had {for the first time ever} fired or “let go” of a client I was working with. This person was acting as an energy drainer and time sucker! I simply could not allow her to take from my life or my other clients lives.

The sad part of this equation was I had sank more time and energy into this person (double the time actually) than I ever had at any other client!

When it came time to bill her for the second half of her payment, I was met with drama and excuses. Here we had a person who I graciously discounted my program for and allowed her to split the payment into two portions yet, she didn’t value me enough to follow through.

On top of this, the drama was just too much! Instead of our sessions being calm, they were always full of drama that was occurring in this young ladies life. I began to become a part of her life (as I always do when I work one on one with my clients). When I noticed the drama in her life creeping into my sacred mind space during the day, I knew it was no longer a good fit!

Her drama (thank God) was unable to affect me. My boundaries with others are just too strong.

I learned a VERY VALUABLE LESSON in this! NEVER DISCOUNT YOUR SERVICES! This leads to someone not valuing you as a service provider!

Had I said “NO”, from the beginning when I was “worked” for a lesser amount as my fee, she would have known to have her second payment ready! Instead, she disrespected, me and herself by “accidentally over drawing her account”.

Instead of waiting around for her to come up with the second payment she had magically blown knowing about our agreement, I simply said “this isn’t a good fit”, goodbye!

Ya know what, it felt SO GOOD! Later that day I was blessed with a new client! This is how the Universe and God works!

Energetically I drew this girl to me to teach me the lesson of NEVER discounting my services again!


I hope you learn from my mistake. You are worth it, you are valuable and you deserve to be compensated fir the good honest work you do!


Have you ever heard of this?


You’ve heard the expression “The Early Bird Gets The Worm”, Right?

The fact of the matter is there is a lot of truth in that statement! One of my New Years resolutions was to get to sleep no later than 10pm and to wake at 5:30. I realized how much time I was wasting getting to the gym at 9 and sometimes 10am! As business owner I get to choose my own hours however my hours in the day were getting shorter and shorter! There just wasn’t enough time to handle my clients, retreats, doggies and my personal life.

I’m happy to say that I’ve gotten up and out of the house and yes, even out of the gym by 8am every morning!
The fact of the matter is there is a lot of truth in that statement! One of my New Years resolutions was to get to sleep no later than 10pm and to wake at 5:30. I realized how much time I was wasting getting to the gym at 9 and sometimes 10am! As business owner I get to choose my own hours however my hours in the day were getting shorter and shorter! There just wasn’t enough time to handle my clients, retreats, doggies and my personal life.

I also began supplementing appropriatly to support this new healthy habit that used to be a ritual before I got into my current relationship. It’s not Will’s fault, heck he wakes at 5am every morning! I just became to comfortable. I can tell you from experience that NO MAGIC happens when we are comfortable!

Join me on Facebook live tonight at 6pm in “the love room”! I’ll be sharing with you my tips that I’ve used to be worked out, showered, dressed and ready between the hours of 7-8am!




See you tonight at 6pm Pacific!

Tis the season to NO MORE BINGE!

Tis the season to give from the heart!tis-the-season

I was out exchanging a lipstick color the other day for one that suits me better when I was stopped dead in my track! I couldn’t believe the hustle and bustle, the rudeness and the sheer carelessness on the behalf of others. I mean people were honking left and right, I heard a man cursing at a woman over the last pair of shoes he was “going” to buy for his daughter of a particular style the woman had apparently grabbed.

To be honest, I couldn’t wait to just get home! In fact, I posted a shameless selfie (to the left) and my caption was “People out here blowing cash on junk & Im just trying to get home to my rescue dogs! TY/God for life lessons”!

Doesn’t anyone know what Christmas means anymore? My only goal is to convince “the man-pan-ion” to allow me to rescue another dog this Christmas to complete my little hairy family! Geesh!

See this post here

Today’s LIVE Vide5-tips-on-preventing-a-bingeo

How to prevent a Binge this Holiday season! 5 TIPS in the video!


Click here to watch the live recording!

Missing my winter wonderland! 😦

Believe it or not this photo was taken looking out the window of my sun room 6 years ago today! Days later I would move to Sunny So Cal! I never thought I would live to admit this….I miss my winter wonderland in Ohio! Snow is like the rain! The only difference is it’s angelic white color washes away any sadness or sorrow. I hope you enjoy the photo.


LIVE Video – Five Tips to have a Healthy Happy week!

Hi beautiful:)

It’s Monday and I want you {more than anything} to have a happy healthy week!

In fact, I want everything you do this week to turn to GOLD!



So this is my promise to you! On this week long countdown to release my new website ~ I’m shooting my Facebook live show EVERY day this week! 


Here’s a link to today’s show click here On today’s episode I give you five tips on having a happy healthy week! We even do a short meditation at the end! Enjoy!

Oh, one more thing, be sure and hit the “follow” button on my Facebook page so you get an alert as to when the next show is! Heres a hint, tomorrows show is at 6pm Pacific time!

I’ll see you then! 🙂 Have a great day!



If you are reading this and know someone that can potentially benefit from this, please SHARE this! They will be thankful and so will I!:)
Andrea L Cox

Andrea Leigh Cox is a fitness model turned health coach who has written two books on the raw vegan healthy detoxing lifestyle! Known as “The Detox Queen” She has taken the media by storm & has an impressive social media following with her YouTube channel surpassing 2 million views & her personal Facebook page alone having 20,000 people!

Andrea has appeared on numerous news stations TV shows and magazine publications in her hometown of Dayton Ohio and now where she lives in San Diego! She has also had national media coverage! Her retreats have become a destination health vacation for several Hollywood celebrities!

Andrea’s online detox programs may be found at

Andrea’s retreats can be found at


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How to Make a Quick Anti-aging Energy Boosting Tonic~Your weekly mojo!

Mmmm! What am I drinking on this beautiful Sunday morning? What do I drink every morning? Delicious antioxidant packed, anti-aging Matcha tea! I feel that I owe a huge part of my skin health to drinking this tea daily for the last decade!

And rightfully so! Just look at all of the health properties in matcha!

1) Sustained energy for a minimum of 4 hours!

2) 10 times more antioxidants than other teas!

3) It’s anti aging!

4) It lowers LDL!

green tea

So how do I make this into a POWERHOUSE anti aging tonic? I mix it with other anti agers in a tonic!

First off lets talk Brands! I prefer the following!

The Republic of tea “Ginger Matcha” or “Matcha Love” by ITO EN!

Now, lets talk concoctions! Here is my anti-aging beauty recipe! 

2 tsp (Japanese tsp) of Matcha (always organic)!

2 tsp Maca powder

A pinch of Astragalus

Half a packet of each of the following teas by

“Four Sigmatic” ~ Reshi & Chaga!

Let me tell you that you will be flying by the seat of your pants all day long on this tonic! I go from a run to the gym to yoga write books, make love and then read a novel after drinking this baby! Not to mention HAVE YOU SEEN MY SKIN LATELY? I don’t want to boast but JEESH! People are telling me that I’mGLOWING! Alright, go get on it and hey, be sure and tell each company where you learned about them from and NO I’m not paid for any of this! I just LOVE their products!


I did my first solo headstand!


Always believe in yourself knowing “as you think, you will become”! Yesterday was a tough day for me! What started off as a positive ended up as one of the worst days ever. Still, I managed to force myself to go to yoga. My mind needed an escape from the endless chatter going on around me.

Head stands are NOT my strong suit! I have what is called a reverse cervical spine. Basically it means my neck is bent almost in the opposite direction. This happened after a severe car accident a few years back when my head hit the windshield. I have no scars no visible injuries and so to the average person I look normal. But when my neck goes out I’m down for days. And doing a headstand just isn’t always the best thing for a reverse cervical. That being said a few years back I met a fellow Yogi who had mastered his headstands and he too had a reverse cervical! His was much worse than mine. This motivated me to know that this was all in my mind that I couldn’t do this… This headstand thing. 

Yesterday after class I asked Tracy one of the owners of the yoga studio I go to Yoga Tropics to help me. To be honest with you other than a photo shoot about a month ago I’ve never been able to do it on my own. She tried to teach me how to do it just by putting my head down first and then allowing my body to lift itself up feeling weightless. She then tried to show me a second method when I failed at the first. I’m not sure but I think she could tell that I had a weak neck and upper arm strength. She placed the blocks under my shoulders and I was off and running!

I cried the entire way home. And although I didn’t return home to loving open arms, smiling faces and friendly chatter I will say that yesterday’s accomplishments has me motivated to build my upper arm strength and to see a chiropractor on a more regular basis to get my neck back in the best shape possible. 

To finish, complete and to succeed! They really are the only things I know how to do! No other way is acceptable! SO MANY have much worse injuries than mine! Once you see someone who cannot walk, stand or jump…. There aren’t any excuses! I truly believe ALL of us can do and create AMAZING things…ONLY if we believe we can! Remembering that as we think, we will become!

bottoms up2

I’m headed to the gym to get my pump on with the man~pan~ion!  Did I mention that matcha gives me a hands down advantage in my workouts too?! Sure does! Have a beautiful productive week! Hit the farmers market today & drink your green juice! Oh and drink your matcha too!

If you are reading this and know someone that can potentially benefit from this, please SHARE this! They will be thankful and so will I!:)

Andrea L Cox


Andrea L Cox is the owner of The Healthy Haven & (Detox, Yoga, Juice fast & Raw Food Educational Retreats!) She is known as “The Detox Queen” and is a woman who walks her talk!

Andrea is a fitness model turned health coach who has written two books on the raw vegan healthy detoxing lifestyle! Known as “The Detox Queen” She has taken the media by storm & has an impressive social media following with her YouTube channel surpassing 2 million views & her personal Facebook page alone having 20,000 people!

Andrea has appeared on numerous news stations TV shows and magazine publications in her hometown of Dayton Ohio and now where she lives in San Diego! She has also had national media coverage! Her retreats have become a destination health vacation for several Hollywood celebrities!

Andrea’s online detox programs may be found at

Andrea’s retreats can be found at

I WANT TO CONNECT WITH YOU! Find me at the following Social Media Links!






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Tumbler ~


The most important tools you need today….

Good Morning:) I’m not an astrologer would never claim to be. I am however constantly aware at all times of where the moon, stars & sun are & how they align with one another. I’m not saying that “because I’m a Pisces I’m extra intuitive”. I am saying because of my clean lifestyle & the food that I intake and choose not to intake, I’m ultra sensitive to these things. 
Today is an astronomically important day for all of us! It is the seventh day of the lunar eclipse! The fifteenth day of April! Those of you who love to write like myself, who compose poetry who are singers or highly creative will find this day to be a joyous one indeed! It will be a day of letting go for many of you & a day of extreme bodily energy! I suggest you channel this energy into going to the gym or by taking a yoga class! Take advantage of this energy you have in your body today may be the only day you have it for quite some time! You will create & write like never before! Take full advantage of this as well! 
Those of you who are more business oriented types may want to avoid all types of contracts, especially real estate contracts today. If you don’t avoid them you will undoubtedly live to regret it.

Many become ultra sensitive on day 7. This is normal. Try not to avoid emotional interaction however, especially with those whom you love! Everyone needs support today even those who don’t seem to be sensitive to energy on this special day. The important thing to remember on day seven of the lunar eclipse is that everything you say think & pray for will come into fruition! Be mindful of the words you speak & the prayers you say today! They will materialize over the next few months in some or in all of their capacity! Today is not a day to gossip about your mother-in-law or to speak ill of anyone! Send love from within the deepest part of your heart to anyone you may have had a falling falling out with. They Will feel it, receive & may even respond in some capacity! Treat every text message, email, face-to-face meeting with everyone you see today as if it were the last time you would ever see them again! Today is a very special day and I’m wishing all of you the very best in luck, love & in the discoveries you find that have been inside of you all along! I’m sending you SO MUCH LOVE! 


If you find you are having difficulties today, I encourage you to say this mantra I created to release old stuck energy! Remember, “Our issues live in our tissues”!

Your mantra today! Today I let go of any pain, regret and anger from anytime I’ve ever felt “wronged” in life. I know that these moments were moments of learning, growth and of discovering a strength I never knew was within me. Today I let go, I breathe, I do yoga and I meditate the negative energy out of my body while embracing the positive energy of the days, months and years to come!


Wishing you the most beautiful day ever! Love you!

If you are reading this and know someone that can potentially benefit from this, please SHARE this! They will be thankful and so will I!:)

Andrea L Cox is the owner of The Healthy Haven & (Detox, Yoga, Juice fast & Raw Food Educational Retreats!) She is known as “The Detox Queen” and is a woman who walks her talk!


Andrea is a fitness model turned health coach who has written two books on the raw vegan healthy detoxing lifestyle! Known as “The Detox Queen” She has taken the media by storm & has an impressive social media following with her YouTube channel surpassing 2 million views & her personal Facebook page alone having 20,000 people!

Andrea has appeared on numerous news stations TV shows and magazine publications in her hometown of Dayton Ohio and now where she lives in San Diego! She has also had national media coverage! Her retreats have become a destination health vacation for several Hollywood celebrities!

Andrea’s online detox programs may be found at

Andrea’s retreats can be found at

I WANT TO CONNECT WITH YOU! Find me at the following Social Media Links!






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