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Archive for the tag “healing”

Secret SOS Self-Care Routine

‪Daily Message ~ Peace is the recognition that everything that happens to you is actually happening for your highest good!


Once in a while I can fall into a routine of no routine. Although I LOVE spontinanty I recognise that not having a crystal clear routine does not work in my favor. Over the past few weeks I’ve been “extra” careful to nurture myself.

My top five tips on getting back to a routine

My every five day organic food haul!

* I load up on fresh fruit and vegetables. I never miss a good farmers market. If I’m super busy however… I’ll just hit the local organic grocery store.

* I take a detox epsom salt sage walnut bath every night. This is great for relaxing my sore muscles after a workout. It’s also a stellar way to ward off any negative juju from anyone who may be “jelly” of my transparency or light.

* I hit my yoga mat daily! Yoga is my moving meditation. Nothing relaxes me quicker than my practice.

* I get tucked in no later than 10pm! Even if I don’t fall asleep, I am always tucked in bed (or sometimes on me couch) by ten pm.

* 4:44 Prayer, Chanting and Meditation Although I only occasionally speak publicly about my spiritual practice, it is responsible for many things I value in life.

My peace of mind

My gratitude for everything I have

My connection with source and my ancestors

Remember, I only want the best for you.

Until tomorrow ~ Andrea

Enjoy my Secret Tips to raise your vibration at the start of each week in the video below!

This is VITAL! Lets heal!

Over the last few days I’ve sent you messages about the body mind and spiritual connection and how important it is for our overall wellbeing. Today I would like to share with you a bit about what helped me make this important connection.

Over the past ten months I went through a very dark time. Through this dark time I awoke to quite a few things in myself I needed to change. Many of these characteristics were brought on by outside circumstances and a few stemmed from childhood conditioning and past life and even past relationship wounding.

I’ll list a few below and maybe you can relate.

1) I realized that although I want to be married and although I have been engaged three times, I am a bit of a commitment phobic. I came to this realization after recognizing I was picking unavailable men. All of these men had one thing in common. They were either hung up on someone from the past, were commitment phoebes or, were not placing time and effort into nurturing our relationship. It was time to begin looking at old wounds that were making me choose these types of emotionally and somewhat sneaky men. Bottom line, if I wasn’t a commitment phoebe, I would be picking men who were available. I had to stop blaming them and take a good look at myself!

2) I realized I needed to rebuild my finances. When I moved to Southern California I was pretty set financially. I didn’t have any knowledge of investments however and roughly five years ago, the money had ran out. This placed me in a position of being anxious and stressed constantly. It also made a relationship that was dear to my heart suffer. Over this past year I have grown a second business. Although the seeds I have planted are just beginning to sprout, I know it will bring in more prosperity as time goes on. What I also began to notice is if I am constantly around people who speak poorly about money or say things like “no wonder you don’t make enough money”, I won’t prosper.

Taking a look at how much money I spend is also a work in progress. I realized that although I don’t blow money on shoes or clothes, I am quite a spender.

3) I realized my self esteem needed a lot of work. Being a former model and always being “the prettiest” when I walked into a room is something you get used to. Moving to SoCal where beautiful women are on every corner puts everything into perspective. Being hurt or betrayed in a relationship really puts a blow to your self esteem too. It has taken me quite a long time to wake up to knowing that when people are cruel, it is a direct reflection of the way they see themselves. I no longer look at it as physical flaws in myself. I see it for another persons reactions to the inability to heal past wounds. I now stop whatever I am doing and send whoever it is who may not be being kind or honest a loving prayer of healing, love and MEGA prosperity!

4) I realized I have a deep need to feel safe and that I deserved to feel loved This was my most profound epiphany! When I feel safe, nurtured and loved, I THRIVE in my business! I THRIVE in my health! I THRIVE in nurturing others in a balanced way. I learned that we really do mirror others. Especially in our closest relationships. If I’m being ignored, mind f****, lied to or spoken “at” in a derogatory way, I react negatively. In fact, we all do. This is because we are facing our shadow in the person we are dealing with.

5) I worked on my negative reaction to others who triggered me Over the past few years I’ve done a loads of work on my self esteem. Bio feedback, detoxing my body, chakra clearing, cleansing my liver, cognitive behavioral therapy, you name it, I have a minimum of five to ten years of having all of these services regularly. All of these helped me clear out my system to become more balanced. Once I came into contact with my past life, childhood wounds, all of that work flew out the door. Within a year, I was acting just as horrific as the person who was triggering me. I’ve had to work DAILY on regaining balance in my life. My health had deteriorated and this was my main drive in regaining this balance I so desperately desired.

Now, if someone comes at me with negativity, I shut them out. It really is this simple. I have zero tolerance for negative behavior. After visiting with my sister last weekend I noticed she had done the same years back. I think this is where I picked up this strength and divine wisdom I have inside of me. No matter how much I love a person, the way the speak and treat me have become EVERYTHING! Of course people will screw up (myself included). At this time, I am simply in observance of how others show up for me and in my daily life. Effort is rewarded and negativity is not.

6) I learned to set boundaries One of the most difficult things to do when you are a triple water sign is to know when to close the door to protect yourself. I have learned to use my Pisces Sun, Scorpio moon and rising keen intuition. If a person displays anxiety around me I realize they may have something to hide. This is their issue, not mine. If someone who I’ve not heard from in quite a while calls me out of the blue I tune into my intuition. I listen to the way they are coming towards me. Are they coming towards me with gentleness and love or anxiety and rudeness.

7) I began to recognize the need and deep longing I have for friends and family After spending a few years with a huge family man, this is something I miss having in my life. I began working on this last week by driving five and a half hours one way to visit my family. It’s a start and I intend to stick with it. I also learned that a relationship between a parent and a child is sacred ground. This always needs to be honored when entering into a relationship.

8) I learned to use my intuition to put an end to mental manipulation I could write a book on manipulation. We all have done this including myself. It’s important to recognize this tendency in others. Have you ever been “ghosted”? This is when a close friend will simply stop speaking to you out of the blue. If you ask them what is wrong they may cut you off mid sentence. You may think to yourself, I’m not a mind reader. You may feel sad or even angry. But what happens if you simply give up? Stop trying. Make no attempt to reach out to them what so ever. Nine times out of ten they reach out. This is mental manipulation in it’s highest form. It’s a push and pull narcissistic behavior that is a result of old wounds not being healed. And it’s childish. In fact, ghosting, shouting, only reaching out to people when you feel the need to have a physical connection and all of these games people play are all a form of what I call “mind fuckery”. Sorry for the cursing but it is. These are old wounds that need healed. By tuning into my intuition and placing healthy boundaries up, this type of behavior has little to no affect on me. Of course, I’m a work in progress. It takes time to go from being ran over to honoring yourself.

9) I learned the importance of being alone In my twenties I spent seven years single and celibate. After repeating this for the past year, I see that this time alone has been a huge time of growth. People who go from relationship to relationship usually do this from a fear of being alone. This is directly connecting to deep rooted abandonment issues. I’ll place a video below on this.

10) I realized it is ok to love someone and not get the love back Ok this one sounds a bit confusing, I know…but this is unconditional love. I learned to say “I accept I accept I accept”! I accept that this person is not treating me as if they love me. I accept this person is not honest. I accept I didn’t set healthy boundaries. I accept I accept I accept!

I hope this helped you, even just a little:) Tomorrow I’ll be sharing with you how we can come together and detox our minds, bodies and our precious souls together!

The most important tools you need today….

Good Morning:) I’m not an astrologer would never claim to be. I am however constantly aware at all times of where the moon, stars & sun are & how they align with one another. I’m not saying that “because I’m a Pisces I’m extra intuitive”. I am saying because of my clean lifestyle & the food that I intake and choose not to intake, I’m ultra sensitive to these things. 
Today is an astronomically important day for all of us! It is the seventh day of the lunar eclipse! The fifteenth day of April! Those of you who love to write like myself, who compose poetry who are singers or highly creative will find this day to be a joyous one indeed! It will be a day of letting go for many of you & a day of extreme bodily energy! I suggest you channel this energy into going to the gym or by taking a yoga class! Take advantage of this energy you have in your body today may be the only day you have it for quite some time! You will create & write like never before! Take full advantage of this as well! 
Those of you who are more business oriented types may want to avoid all types of contracts, especially real estate contracts today. If you don’t avoid them you will undoubtedly live to regret it.

Many become ultra sensitive on day 7. This is normal. Try not to avoid emotional interaction however, especially with those whom you love! Everyone needs support today even those who don’t seem to be sensitive to energy on this special day. The important thing to remember on day seven of the lunar eclipse is that everything you say think & pray for will come into fruition! Be mindful of the words you speak & the prayers you say today! They will materialize over the next few months in some or in all of their capacity! Today is not a day to gossip about your mother-in-law or to speak ill of anyone! Send love from within the deepest part of your heart to anyone you may have had a falling falling out with. They Will feel it, receive & may even respond in some capacity! Treat every text message, email, face-to-face meeting with everyone you see today as if it were the last time you would ever see them again! Today is a very special day and I’m wishing all of you the very best in luck, love & in the discoveries you find that have been inside of you all along! I’m sending you SO MUCH LOVE! 


If you find you are having difficulties today, I encourage you to say this mantra I created to release old stuck energy! Remember, “Our issues live in our tissues”!

Your mantra today! Today I let go of any pain, regret and anger from anytime I’ve ever felt “wronged” in life. I know that these moments were moments of learning, growth and of discovering a strength I never knew was within me. Today I let go, I breathe, I do yoga and I meditate the negative energy out of my body while embracing the positive energy of the days, months and years to come!


Wishing you the most beautiful day ever! Love you!

If you are reading this and know someone that can potentially benefit from this, please SHARE this! They will be thankful and so will I!:)

Andrea L Cox is the owner of The Healthy Haven & (Detox, Yoga, Juice fast & Raw Food Educational Retreats!) She is known as “The Detox Queen” and is a woman who walks her talk!


Andrea is a fitness model turned health coach who has written two books on the raw vegan healthy detoxing lifestyle! Known as “The Detox Queen” She has taken the media by storm & has an impressive social media following with her YouTube channel surpassing 2 million views & her personal Facebook page alone having 20,000 people!

Andrea has appeared on numerous news stations TV shows and magazine publications in her hometown of Dayton Ohio and now where she lives in San Diego! She has also had national media coverage! Her retreats have become a destination health vacation for several Hollywood celebrities!

Andrea’s online detox programs may be found at

Andrea’s retreats can be found at

I WANT TO CONNECT WITH YOU! Find me at the following Social Media Links!






Snapchat ~ AndreaLeighCox | 1

Tumbler ~

A promise a soul exercise & 2 Raw V. Recipes!

Hi there beautiful!

Another week! Are you ready? What if I were to make a promise to you? Yes, a big promise! Read this E-mail from top to bottom and I promise you if you either make one of my recipes or do the “soul exercise” below, You will have the BEST week ever!


Have you ever felt like you’ve been there for someone over and over again? Then, when you need a shoulder to cry on or a listening ear you are shunned away or even worse, screamed at or told you are being ridiculous? Instead of allowing you to FEEL, you are being told your feelings are NOT important!

When someone is in battle with their mind, self~worth or self esteem, treat them with love not contempt. Love works both ways. To be loved you must show up & openly give of yourself without expectations or desiring something in return. Even when you just don’t feel like it! If someone doesn’t allow you to feel your feelings, they are essentially telling you that you don’t matter! Thats not compassion or love! You can have a positive mindset about your life but you will always have down days. Surround yourself only with the people who lift you up when you are at your worst! The ones who are there for you, ready to listen with an open compassionate heart! With that kind of support your down days will become less and less and the good days will fill up your calendar!




Here we are, another beautiful week! More positive posts, quotes etc! What if I told you that I’m not going to stream a bunch of positivity your way this morning? What if I told you that I’m leaving to care for someone who is only in his 40’s with cancer? what if I told you that I feel that virtually all degenerative disease has to do with whats on your plate, the health of your gut flora, your environment & what chemicals you CHOOSE to rub onto your body everyday?

I don’t have to tell you! I have a feeling you already know this and you’re still choosing to make poor choices. You can lead a person or an entire tribe to the truth that you can expect them all to follow!

My only wish, my only prayer that my only vision for all of you on this Monday morning is that you begin to take that true that you all know and apply it in your daily lives! Especially at the meals that you make for yourself and for your family!

Don’t believe the hype you’re being taught in the “Got Milk” ads, the fast food commercials the “high protein” pushers!

Change your food and your life will follow! I believe in you, I’m in your corner and I’m rooting for you every step of the way!



God is my language, acceptance of others is my political view & the Universe is my tribe! If you don’t agree with what I say or do thats Ok! I don’t know about you but for me, criticism only makes me stronger!

This is one of my tribe members “Jack”! He loves me unconditionally! When we love without conditions & drop the judgements we become more accepting of others! That’s when magic happens!


                                          SOUL EXERCISE 

This week I would love for you to try this soul exercise! Think about a time in your life when you were criticized. I know this may be hard but I promise you I’m going somewhere with it! Ok, when you have that moment in your mind, I would like you to think about how it made you FEEL at the time! Were you sad? Angry? Go ahead and feel that in your heart. Once you feel those same feelings again, imagine a white light that enters your body and goes straight to your heart space. It literally is there to clear those negative feelings from your body! Do you feel better? GOOD!

RECIPES! Lately I’ve been getting a ton of questions from you guys about kale chips and coconut chips! They are snacks that are highly available on the market today with a hefty little price tag! I’m answering your questions below

1) Are they healthy? Well kale chips and coconut chips are healthy the store bought brands are often laden with salts and fat! 

2) Do I make my own? Why yes! I do

 My kale & coconut chips-)

Grab these quick healthy recipes here click here

Andrea L Cox is the owner of  The Healthy Haven &  (Detox, Yoga, Juice fast & Raw Food Educational Retreats!)

Andrea is a fitness model turned health coach who has written two books on the raw vegan healthy detoxing lifestyle! Known as “The Detox Queen” She has taken the media by storm & has an impressive social media following with her YouTube channel surpassing 2 million views & her personal Facebook page alone having 20,000 people! 

Andrea has appeared on numerous news stations TV shows and magazine publications in her home town of Dayton Ohio and now where she lives in San Diego! She has also had national media coverage! Her retreats have become a destination health vacation for several Hollywood celebrities! 

Andrea’s online detox programs may be found at

Andrea’s retreats can be found at

If you’ve not checked out Andrea’s Facebook, YouTube, Instagram or Twitter yet FOLLOW her below!!! She would love to see you there! 

I want to connect with you!

Find me on

FACEBOOK HERE –> click here

TWITTER HERE –> click here

INSTAGRAM HERE –> click here 


YOUTUBE HERE –> click here

TUMBLER HERE –> click here

MY RETREATS HERE –> click here



If you are reading this and know someone that can potentially benefit from this, please SHARE this! They will be thankful and so will I!:) HAVE A BEAUTIFUL WEEK EVERYONE! Be Well & Don’t forget to juice!



Kale & Coconut chip Recipes! Why you should make your own!

Hi Beautiful Health Warrior

Lately I’ve been getting a ton of questions from you guys about kale chips and coconut chips! They are snacks that are highly available on the market today with a hefty little price tag! I’m answering your questions below

1) Are they healthy? Well kale chips and coconut chips are healthy however the store bought brands are often laden with both sodium & fat!

2) Do I make my own? I do! They are pictured below and I guarantee you they are 100 times better tasting than any you can get in the store! I tend to make these on my “Food prep Sundays”! I’m shooting a video series on “Food Prep Sundays” right now!


My kale & coconut chips-)

Kale & coconut chips are EASY to make yourself! Just do it! I know you can!



Andrea’s SUPER CHEESY kale chips!
  • 1 tablespoon of coconut oil to every 1/2 head of kale
  • 3 heaping tablespoons of nutritional yeast
  • 1 teaspoon garlic powder
  • 3/4 teaspoon chili powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon onion powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon smoked paprika
  • 1/4 teaspoon fine grain sea salt or pink Himalayan sea salt
  •  (optional) 1TB of sweet miso Directions:
  1. I actually pre heat my dehydrator to about 118 degrese

    Beautiful Kale!

    Kale is FULL of minerals!

  2. Some people remove the stems. If you choose to, you can save the stems for your morning juice. I leave my stems on however. Wash and spin the kale until thoroughly dry.
  3. Add kale leaves into a large bowl. Massage in the coconut oil and sweet miso until all the nooks and crannies are coated. Now sprinkle on the spices/seasonings and toss to combine.
  4. Spread out the kale onto the prepared dehydrating sheet. Be sure not to overcrowd the kale. Just like men~It needs space:)
  5. Dehydrate for one hour, rotate the kale & then place it back into the dehydrator for 1 more hour until the kale begins to firm up. The kale will look shrunken, but this is normal.
  6. Cool the kale on the sheet for 3 minutes before DEVOURING! This really makes all the difference! Enjoy immediately as they lose their crispiness over time.

Feel free to make these in an oven too! Just keep the oven at about 300F and watch them closely! I bake mine in the oven for about 25 minutes total!

 Andrea’s MINERAL RICH coconut chips!

Guess what~I shot a video for this recipe while visiting my sisters home in Arizona! Enjoy it here –>

Yummy coconut chips!

Yummy coconut chips!

I hope all of you will begin making your own kale and coconut chips after reading this news letter/blog post! It really is the healthier more money conscious way to go!

Have a beautiful Wednesday & be well my little health warriors! Feel free to share this blog post~News letter with your social media! Let me know when you do! I just love that! 


                                                                Who is Andrea Cox?
Andrea L Cox is the owner of  The Healthy Haven &  (Detox, Yoga, Juice fast & Raw Food Educational Retreats!)

Andrea is a fitness model turned health coach who has written two books on the raw vegan healthy detoxing lifestyle! Known as “The Detox Queen” She has taken the media by storm & has an impressive social media following with her YouTube channel surpassing 2 million views & her personal Facebook page alone having 20,000 people! 

Andrea has appeared on numerous news stations TV shows and magazine publications in her home town of Dayton Ohio and now where she lives in San Diego! She has also had national media coverage! Her retreats have become a destination health vacation for several Hollywood celebrities! 

Andrea’s online detox programs may be found at

Andrea’s retreats can be found at

If you’ve not checked out Andrea’s Facebook, YouTube, Instagram or Twitter yet FOLLOW her below!!! She would love to see you there! 

 Facebook click here

Twitter click here

YouTube click here

Instagram click here










The Christmas gift EVERYONE will LOVE!

Hey everyone! I wanted to give you a quick Holiday update and also tell you about a FABULOUS giveaway!



If you’ve not heard yet~I just got published in the Huffington Post! YEA! As an artist, writer and detox expert this is a HUGE bucket list item for me! Be sure and check it out on my blog!


Louis & I left Mexico but we had to take a “Good morning Merry Christmas photo for you first! Can you guess where we are now?


Good morning San Francisco! I’ve got you in my blood due to my father who loved you! I’m excited to EXPLORE you! Take me to the places you want me to see!

legs44                                                  DETOX TEA!

I realized I had forgotten any tea bags for my trip:( What did I do? Easy! I simply shaved ginger, turmeric and boiled in water! A squeeze of lemon and a dash of cayenne for my immune system and I had my own little tonic! YEA!



You’ve been asking for it! Here it is! ☆☆☆▪▪☆☆☆▪▪☆☆☆▪▪☆☆☆▪▪☆☆☆▪▪☆☆☆
From today until Christmas at noon I’m giving away a FREE Skype or phone consultation! Now, I generally charge $250 for these! But I want to give back for all of you supporting me & showing the love that you have! I truly have a passion for seeing people increase their quality of life while getting truly healthy!

To get you’re free phone consultation simply purchase my digital detox that I have on sale right now for just $97! {Yep~Crazy Deal!} This is the same program that people lose up to 1 pound a day or 30 pounds a month on! You can do this program for a short as 1 week or as long as a month!

The beautiful thing is you’re eating an abundance of food everyday! Even those who are not vegan can do this program although you’ll probably be a vegan by the time you’re done 🙂 To get my digital detox now cut & paste the following in your browser ~ 
Or simply go to
I can’t wait to see your before and after pictures! It’s never too late to get a brand new start on life!

Andrea L Cox is the owner of  The Healthy Haven &  (Detox, Yoga, Juice fast & Raw Food Educational Retreats!)

Andrea is a fitness model turned health coach who has written two books on the raw vegan healthy detoxing lifestyle! Known as “The Detox Queen” She has taken the media by storm & has an impressive social media following with her YouTube channel surpassing 2 million views & her personal Facebook page alone having 20,000 people! SUR

 Andrea has appeared on numerous news stations TV shows and magazine publications in her home town of Dayton Ohio and now where she lives in San Diego! She has also had national media coverage! Her retreats have become a destination health vacation for several Hollywood celebrities! 

Andrea’s online detox programs may be found at

Andrea’s retreats can be found at

If you’ve not checked out Andrea’s Facebook, YouTube, Instagram or Twitter yet FOLLOW her below!!! She would love to see you there! 

 Facebook click here

Twitter click here

YouTube click here

Instagram click here

Your weekly mojo!


I’m crying this morning as I write this! If I get nothing across in this I want to just say “follow your passion & calling in life”! The photo you see here is of a box I just opened from when I moved to California six years ago to the day! The box read do not open until December 14th 2015! In the box there are 5 newspaper articles written on me & the book I wrote about healing through this raw/detox lifestyle!

I found a sign up sheet for the first raw food class I’d ever given with 48 people on it. Keep in mind I lived in Ohio in a small town! When you said raw food people thought you meant sushi! This box also contained flyers for an organic co-op I ran for 2 years out of my garage! I had 7 farmers that would deliver to me weekly and I would divide the produce into boxes. People would come pick up organic in season produce out of my garage! In Dayton Ohio organic produce at the time was scarce & I knew the value of eating organic food.

What I found tear jerking was that on top, the only laminated article was of a woman with no legs who was an athlete. Reading that article inspired me to run my first marathon in 2009. On the top of the box it simply red “YES, YOU CAN! Don’t open until December 14th – 2015:)”

I would say I have quite the entrepreneurial spirit. I’ll also say I have a fabulous family who supported me emotionally even though they didn’t know what the hell I was doing smile emoticon God however has really been driving this! I knew I was on the right track because I was doing what I LOVED & it felt good!

Never has this felt like work once! To this day I love what I do! I love helping people with degenerative diseases feel better. I love helping men and women lose 20 30 50lbs! I love helping women who are struggling with hormonal issues, their hair falling out and all kinds of body issues feel better! Most of all I love helping the young women & men who have struggled with eating disorders find their path onto eating delicious nutritious healthy REAL food!

This is my calling in life! Yes~ I had to go through several trials and tribulations including a terrible eating disorder to get to this point. You know what, I wouldn’t change it for the world!

The lesson? NEVER give up on YOUR dreams! I went from people telling me I was absolutely crazy to having a YouTube channel that has surpassed two million views a social media following in the millions and now I’m working on my third book. So make your “YES YOU CAN” box TODAY! Because I’m here to tell you, YOU CAN do anything your heart leads you to!

This past weekend in Mexico!

Couples who get pedicures might stay together. Couples who get flesh eating fish pedicures will definitely make it through the rough spots! ‪#‎fishy‬‪ #‎pedicures‬ ‪#‎mexico‬

 The “man~pan~ion” took me to see some beautiful ocean front properties. Fitting for romance or a few million detoxing guests to come through:) It’s good to dream! -)

YOUR WEEKLY MOJO! Opportunities are like sunsets. If you wait too long, you miss them!

Get up~Get moving~hydrate and NEVER let go of your dreams! Not at 24 or 104! I believe in you! You’ve got this! Hey…would y’all do me ONE favor?

Would you grab the vegetables at the market today to start juicing? Even if you’ve never juiced before or just gave it up. PLEASE know that it’s like having a blood transfusion of nutrients to your body! Remember today is the first day of the rest of your life!

Weekly Health Tip!
I just shared a GREAT video on my YouTube channel here -> 

This weeks recipe!

jackfruit yumminess!
On my way to Mexico I decided to create this scrumptious meal! Can someone say Barbecued jackfruit salad? My latest creation for my new book Sexy on Salads! Enjoy your weekend everyone and love someone.♡♡♡

Here is how to make it below

12oz of young green jackfruit
2 cloves garlic, smashed
1 tablespoon olive oil
1/2 cup + extra BBQ sauce, bottled or homemade (NOTE: I make my own and just shot a YouTube video on it that will be out next week!)

Place on a bed of greens and sprouts or you could even put on a gluten-free bread or bun! YUMMINESS!


Andrea L Cox is the owner of  The Healthy Haven &  (Detox, Yoga, Juice fast & Raw Food Educational Retreats!)

Andrea is a fitness model turned health coach who has written two books on the raw vegan healthy detoxing lifestyle! Known as “The Detox Queen” She has taken the media by storm & has an impressive social media following with her YouTube channel surpassing 2 million views & her personal Facebook page alone having 20,000 people! beachy hair

 Andrea has appeared on numerous news stations TV shows and magazine publications in her home town of Dayton Ohio and now where she lives in San Diego! She has also had national media coverage! Her retreats have become a destination health vacation for several Hollywood celebrities! 

Andrea’s online detox programs may be found at

Andrea’s retreats can be found at

If you’ve not checked out Andrea’s Facebook, YouTube, Instagram or Twitter yet FOLLOW her below!!! She would love to see you there! 

 Facebook click here

Twitter click here

YouTube click here

Instagram click here



I’m also about to send out a fabulous news letter! You can sign up for it here ->

Five reasons you should carry a planner.

Hi there:)

Are you a “planner”? Do you use one? my body and personal life in check! You asked & I deliver! The fact is I PLAN!

I know this is not my usual video but it was highly requested! Several of you are ALWAYS asking me how I do it all! With my blog,

Several of you have asked how I do it all! How in the heck do I stay organized while running my YouTube show Andrea Cox TV, The Healthy Haven business, my Alkalize with Andrea retreats, my blog, my ever growing huge social media all the while nurturing a thriving relationship along with getting my butt to the gym! Here it is below in this video!:)

Here are my top five tips on why you should carry a planner!

1) You will never miss an appointment again! Lets face it, if it’s written down, you have no excuse! You’ll be there!

2) Knowing where important items are for up coming events! Keep items like coupons, gift cards and tickets with your planner so you always know where they are! Going to your favorite restaurant with a gal pal on Friday? Stick the gift card right in the pocket of your planner! My planner doubles as a place with important tickets, coupons etc!

3) They’re pretty! Yes, I said that! Lets face it girls~ we like pretty frilly things and planners give us just that! Allow your planner to give you a little bit of your creative childhood back! Take your time while decorating it! Make it your own!

4) No more sticky notes! Does your fridge or office computer look like you invented the sticky note? Enough said!

5) They remind you to dream! Just about every planner I came across had a place in it to write down your goals and aspirations! If your planner doesn’t have this, create it! This has been an extremely helpful tool for me! Let it work for you too!

Yes, planners are ALL the rage on youtube! The truth is, I’ve carried a planner for years! Enjoy this video and let me know your thoughts on how you stay organized!

For more great health, detox, beauty, lifestyle and relationship tips subscribe to my channel above! You can also sign up for my FREE news letter at

Andrea L Cox is the owner of &


Andrea is a fitness model turned health coach who has written two books on the raw vegan healthy lifestyle and detoxification! After healing herself of bulimia and anorexia Andrea set out to spread the word on cleansing on a cellular level to create optimal health! Andrea has appeared on numerous news stations TV shows and magazine publications. She runs yoga juice cleanse retreats both in San Diego and Mexico! Her You Tube channel is approaching close to 2Million views. Her website for retreats is Her other programs may be found at

Five Reasons to LOVE your flaws!

Hi there beauties!:)

For far too many years I didn’t like my body in fact, I hated it! This is why when approached to write for a certain publication that I have a huge amount of respect for I decided to choose “body love” as the subject! Enjoy & love the skin you are in!


Five Reasons to LOVE your flaws!

1) Realize your flaws really aren’t flaws at all! The fact of the matter is we are all uniquely different! Beauty comes in different shapes & sizes. Can you imagine how boring the world would be if we all looked the same talked the same or had the same hair color? What makes us beautiful is what the next person doesn’t have.

2) Remember society’s perception of beauty constantly changes! This is not your job to keep up with. Rather it is your job to recognize your beauty from within! What is seen as a flaw in society today can be seen as beautiful next year (twiggy, big butts, straight hair, curly hair)! Learn to laugh at this ever-changing narrow view of what is “in verses out”! Create your own society with your peer group that allows all body types & flaws to be seen as beautiful!

3) What you see as flawed someone else sees as beautiful! When I first met my boyfriend I was self conscious about my backside. Here I am this tall girl with a backside that can give Kim Kardashian a run for her money! The fact of the matter is he thinks I have one of the “best butts EVER! This is something I’ve always tried to hide

4) You have other positive attributes that don’t have a thing to do with your looks! Are you an artist? Can you surf? Maybe you’re a good writer or maybe you make delicious food! Whatever it is that feeds your soul! Whats your passion? This should become your focus! Your body is the carrier to get you there. It is the tool of your self expression, your instrument! Take care of it & don’t abuse it.

5) Take the emphasis off your perceived flaws & start seeing each & every day as a gift!
When I was in the midst of my eating disorder I woke up one morning to the most beautiful sunset I had ever seen! I can remember having a terrible headache from forcing myself to vomit for hours the night before. As I looked at the sunset everything I thought negative about myself seemed to disappear as the Sun light started to grace itself across my body through the window. I began to see my curves as beautiful my skin as flawless & so it began this love affair to love myself by appreciating the beauty all around me♡

Andrea L Cox is the owner of &

Andrea is a fitness model turned health coach who has written two books on the raw vegan healthy lifestyle and detoxification! After healing herself of bulimia and anorexia Andrea set out to spread the word on cleansing on a cellular level to create optimal health! Andrea has appeared on numerous news stations TV shows and magazine publications. She runs yoga juice cleanse retreats both in San Diego and Mexico! Her You Tube channel is approaching close to 2Million views. Her website for retreats is Her other programs may be found at


Ten ways to detox daily & feel better today!


 1) The Grape Miracle! The Brandt Grape Cure was developed in the 1920s. I’m not going to get into the exact protocol but I am going to tell you how I use grapes below! 

  • Up until last year I actually didn’t care for them at all. I preferred more sweet tasting fruits like figs, dates and cherimoyas! Then a girlfriend of mine popped them in the freezer! WOW! My favorite treat! Took them with me today and ate 3 pounds of them yesterday! If you are going to enjoy grapes, I suggest you eat them as a mono meal! Mmm! I ♡ me some grapes:)

    Here are my top ten reasons you should make grapes a staple food!
    1) Easy to pack ~ great travel food
    2) Divine frozen
    3) Full of antioxidants 
    4) Good way to get your purple food in
    5) Grapes are a great lymphatic detox
    6) Kids Love them
    7) They are easy to digest
    8) They give you energy
    9) Great pre workout food
    10) They produce a mega Bowel movement!   grapes

    2) NAPPING Taking even a 20 minute nap between the hours of noon-3pm has proven to benefit both cognitive function and bodily functions! I try to nap at least 3 times per week. Try to set up a daily nap time in your home or office to reset your bodies rhythm.  napping                                                                                                                        


    3) COLON CLEANSING The way you begin your mornings is vital to how the rest of your day will flow! Due to traveling over the last 3 days, my mornings haven’t been flowing like I prefer them to. This is why I made sure to get up early this morning to clean out my colon and start the day with my favorite lemonade! Colon cleansing is imperative in todays world! Look into coffee enemas and colonics! Be sure to find a REPUTABLE THERAPIST! They are hard to come by! Find what works for you and begin to cleanse your colon!                                                                                                                                                                                              


    4) The Detox Lemonade! This drink is a must to detox your liver! The liver has enough burden as it is. Why not give your liver a break with this easy to make drink! The recipe is below~♡♡♡~Drink 16oz~32oz for optimal digestion, liver cleansing and beautiful glowing skin!  Make this the night before and leave in the fridge to marinate. Enjoy the liver cleansing properties and the energy from the vitamin C shot you will get!  

  •  2 Liters “good water” never tap!

  • 1 drop of Young Living Essential oil of lemon 

  • 1 drop of Young Living peppermint oil

  • The juice of one organic lemon

  • The juice of one organic orange

  • 5 cucumber slices  & a  sprig of mint (optional)                                             


    5) MEDITATION Meditation has been proven to lower blood pressure in individuals with chronic stress. What more proof do we need? During my interview with Meditation expert Tom Cronin I learned a way to “go within” that works for me. I try to aim for at least 20 minutes in the morning and 20 minutes at night. Although meditation does not have the effect that my yoga practice does, I always feel calmer and more centered when I incorporate it into my flow! 

    Meditation is a great way to settle the mind while traveling!

    Meditation is a great way to settle the mind daily!

    6) YOGA   The facts are in! The benefits of yoga far surpass any other exercise out there. For me, yoga is my moving meditation! Ive practiced 3-7 days per week for over 7 years now and find the benefits are long lasting for days after class. Aim for 3-5 sessions per week. 

    Getting my yoga and girlfriend time in all at once!

    Getting my yoga and girlfriend time in all at once!

    7) SPEND TIME WITH POSITIVE PEOPLE  When we surround ourselves with people who love us and who we to enjoy being around our lives begin to just FLOW! We sleep better. We feel more motivated! We just enjoy life more and the little things that tend to bother us simply disappear! Find your tribe and keep it small~ less friends, less drama! You don’t need to have a tribe of 30 to be happy! Two or three close friends along with a positive family is sometimes enough! post1

    8) LOVE ON YOUR FURRY FRIENDS! To love is to have a dog! I truly believe this! Having pets around and the simple act of just holding a dog, cat or bunny really does reduce anxiety! With SO MANY homeless animals in this World why not adopt a pet? The health, companionship and love you will get in return will pay you back for a lifetime!      post2

    9) EAT HEALTHY Eating NON GMO organic fresh in season fruits and vegetables is imperative to longevity and improving the QUALITY of your life! Aim for five servings of fruits and vegetables per day! Your mood, skin and overall zest for life will thank you!post5

    10) JUICE Got Juice? If you do I bet I would be able to pick you out of a crowd! For those of you who say “juicing is not natural~ we need the fiber” I say to you the following! When you give the body a break from digesting by removing the fiber even for one meal per day, you get a blood transfusion that is IMMEDIATELY absorbed into the blood stream within 10-15 minutes! WOW~ NOW THATS A POWERFUL VITAMIN! Yes, we do need fiber but not at every meal! We no longer live in a natural environment therefore it is up to us to detox DAILY! Juicing gives us this power! post6


  • post8Andrea L Cox is the owner of (Home of the Digital Detox~lose 30 lbs in 30 days program) & (home of Andrea’s Detox, juice fasting, yoga raw food retreats)! Andrea is a fitness model turned health coach who has written two books on the raw vegan healthy lifestyle and detoxification! After healing herself of bulimia and anorexia Andrea set out to spread the word on cleansing on a cellular level to create optimal health! Andrea has appeared on numerous news stations TV shows and magazine publications. She runs yoga juice cleanse retreats both in San Diego and Mexico! Her You Tube channel is approaching close to 2Million views. Her website for retreats is Her other programs may be found at Andrea’s YouTube channel is AndreaCoxTV

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