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Archive for the tag “gut health”

7 Tips to Heal Yourself from Plaque Psoriasis and Eczema

Andrea Cox psoriasis free

Today I am 3 years psoriasis free!

And NO! I am not posting a leg photo for attention! Just take a look at previous health articles I wrote. Those horrifying photos speak for themselves. One look at those old photos and you’ll see why I PROUDLY am able to wear dresses, skirts and shorts again.

I’ve been vegan 19 years

I’ve been Gluten-free for 13 years

I’ve engaged in Intermittent fasting for 20 years

I’ve was raw vegan for 9 years 

No soda pop for 20 years

No alcohol other than biodynamic wine 1 time in 20 years

I’ve used my Sauna daily for 10 years

I’ve been sun gazing for 15 years

No TV for 15 years

No use of a microwave for 20 years 

No antibiotics for 20 years

No pharmaceutical drugs for 20 years

No aspirin ever

I’ve ever been vaccinated

I’ve never had a flu shot

No eating of dead decomposing animals for 19 years

No animal by-products 19 years

No dairy 20 years

No packaged processed foods 20 years

No sunscreen EVER! 

Although I’m completely grateful to be psoriasis free for 3 years, I must say, I was SHOCKED when diagnosed. Our skin is the largest organ of our body. It takes COPIOUS amounts of stress to show up in the form of psoriasis.

And yes, after all of that clean living, a year of stress woke it up in me.

Here is what I used to rid my body of psoriasis…

1) Daily meditation 20 minutes I began taking 20 minutes of solitude and peace daily! This truly made a huge difference in my overall well being. 

2) Yoga Every Day! I dove even deeper into my yoga practice for an hour every morning at 4am in my living room

3) This tea crushed my food allergies! I grow my own thyme in my herb garden. I love the way it smells and tastes. Drinking thyme tea to reduce food allergies is an ancient practice in my family. Remember, we become allergic to food when we eat during periods of stress! Even healthy foods!

4) I trusted my intuition on the foods I ate and stopped eating before I became full! I began Intuitively eating! Only eating when I was truly hungry and most importantly, I stopped when I was full. 

5) Getting adequate amounts of Vitamin D! I sat in the sun for 20 minutes every other day with no toxic sunscreen {yes sunscreen is FULL of crap}!

6) I eliminated the stress! I learned to recognize what was a major source of stress in my life. I stopped blaming myself. I took action and became more outspoken to ward off environmental stressors (even people) who were toxic in my life. 

7) I healed my gut! I started taking my smiling gut probiotics every morning along with my raw detox formula and my Sexy And Raw hair skin and nails formula. (Shop Andrea’s Supplements Here)!

I hope this helps any of you who have had to deal with this. PLEASE don’t listen to doctors who try to hand you steroid creams, pills and sob stories that this is hereditary. Doctors who say you will be stuck with this for life!
Eliminate the major stress, eat a clean plant based diet, drink plenty of water, meditate or do yoga for stress reduction and relax!

I can’t begin to explain how traumatic of an experience it was to be covered with psoriasis for a year. I remember thinking to myself “no way am I stressed out to the point of causing a head to toe skin rash that keeps me up at night”!

Once I woke up to the fact that I was carrying FAR too much emotional stress, I made it my priority to balance myself and my emotional reactions to situations that were going on around me.
Now days, stress does not affect me! 
I look at the scars on my arms and legs from nights I spent awake, alone itching as battle wounds of victory. 

Have faith, it will get better and eventually be gone!
I love you ~ love yourself

What are the benefits of taking probiotics?

Let’s talk about hair skin & nails! Let’s talk about maintaining a healthy gut flora! Let’s talk about humic & fulvic acid in the form of clay! All three of my vegan organic raw supplements are in a base of clay!

YES! I’m suggesting you eat dirt in order to make your skin GLOW!

To turn your dry hair into a lions mane, getting the proper ratio of minerals is a must! I’m telling you to eat dirt in order to REPAIR and REJUVENATE your GOOD HEALTHY gut bacteria!

The following should be taken together in order to have your dream hair and skin along with HEALTHY FULL bowl movements EVERY day!

Smiling gut pre and probiotic!

This is the only probiotic on the market that is made from soil based organisms, contains humic & fulvic acid from clay and contains a Pre-biotic!

Sexy and Raw hair skin and nails!

It’s 100% PURE humic and Fulvic acid baby! More minerals than you can handle! Your cells and hair follicles will eat it up!

Andrea’s Raw Detox Formula

Clay with a selection or ????organic Chinese herbs! You cannot go wrong with this superfood herbal clay based blend!

Directions ~ mix one heaping TB of the two powdered formulas in tea {shown here} or water. You can add green leaf stevia or sweetener of choice if you feel it needs it. Most people enjoy it raw!

You can find all three items in my shop!

We ship world wide ~ YAY! Free delivery in the states 🙂 I love you, Go love yourself and eat dirt too!


The Only Way To A Flat Tummy!

Why am I smiling so big?

Because two weeks from today the launch of my brand new website will be here! I’ve wanted to redesign my websites for a very long time now! Even though I had spent thousands having them built, they just were not mobile friendly and didn’t display everything my two businesses offer! The news website will not only be mobile friendly, it will also have the following…

My new Pod Cast Show

All of my books ready for you to download!

All of my Alkalize with Andrea Retreat information!

My Digital products

All of my up to date media appearances

My Gallery and latest videos will be up!

My fitness and Yoga page!

New recipes daily!

My new Product line

My amazing blog that will be updated daily!

I’m so excited that I wanted to THANK YOU! There wouldn’t be an if it weren’t for you! You have supported me since my journey began! THANK YOU!!!

To honor you and to help keep you on your detox path here is what I want to give to you! I see it as a special promotion to celebrate my new website! Right now when you order my “colon~smooth” along with my new probiotic “Smiling Gut” you get a free Skype or phone consultation with me! This is valued at over $350! Today, it’s yours for $97 bucks! Not only will you be cleaning your colon out with my colon~smooth but you’ll also be repopulating your gut flora with my probiotic smiling gut, a pre and pro-biotic and the ONLY one of its kind on the market today! You get BOTH products and a FREE consultation! Your total cost is just $97!

To order simply call 1-844-4detox pro to place your order and set up your FREE consultation! I can’t wait to help you get to your healthiest weight and new high vibration lifestyle! Not wanting to speak to an operator? Send me an Email at ~ and I will process your order myself! 


Not sure you need a probiotic or my colon smooth that works BETTER than a colonic? I’m here to tell you that if you are sick and tired of feeling “sick and tired” then you will benefit greatly from these two products along with your FREE consultation!This is truly the only way I and my clients have achieved a FLAT tummy! WITHOUT hours in a gym! 

I’m only offing this sale to the first 100 people that order! This will go VERY fast…so if the line is busy when you call, send an email with your name and number and I’ll get back to you within 24 hours personally!  

Have a beautiful evening and get EXCITED about feeling and looking your best! As always, If you are reading this and know someone that can potentially benefit from this, please SHARE this! They will be thankful and so will I!:)

Andrea L Cox

Andrea L Cox is the owner of  The Healthy Haven &   (Detox, Yoga, Juice fast & Raw Food Educational Retreats!) She is known as “The Detox Queen” and is a woman who walks her talk! 


Andrea is a fitness model turned health coach who has written two books on the raw vegan healthy detoxing lifestyle! Known as “The Detox Queen” She has taken the media by storm & has an impressive social media following with her YouTube channel surpassing 2 million views & her personal Facebook page alone having 20,000 people! 

Andrea has appeared on numerous news stations TV shows and magazine publications in her hometown of Dayton Ohio and now where she lives in San Diego! She has also had national media coverage! Her retreats have become a destination health vacation for several Hollywood celebrities! 

Andrea’s online detox programs may be found at 

Andrea’s retreats can be found at

I WANT TO CONNECT WITH YOU! Find me at the following Social Media Links! 






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