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Archive for the tag “greens”

Foraged Wild Edible Salad Greens with Heart Healthy Omega 3 Dressing

Hey Luv,

In the springtime wild greens are fresh and tender for the picking, making them the best addition to your salads. These greens have been unaltered by man and are typically more nutritionally dense by containing more minerals and vitamins than hybrid vegetables.

I’ve been eating wild greens since I was a little girl in Ohio. My favorite thing to do would be to nosh on dandelion greens in the spring and summertime. Last summer, when my summer garden was nothing but a dried up bed of dreams. There was only aloe plants and a tomato bush. Not a single vegetable I had planted in the garden was growing well, which angered my midwestern ancestors above. Had I created better compost, this never would have happened. Oh well, live and learn!

Yesterday while looking over at the weed patch that I hadn’t pulled up yet, I decided to just eat them. Mostly out of desperation of not wanting to have another depressing grocery store trip. The coronavirus has the produce shelves looking like one of my ghosted boyfriends from last summer. So I plucked them, pulled them and tossed them into a bowl with my tasty fermented peppers and some nutritional yeast! After all, I did at water that patch all year while praying for a watermelon!

Fresh rosemary from my garden, Wild flowers picked on my hike Wild edibles from my baron patch of garden (chickweed, lambsquarter, dandelion greens and plantain leaves) Fermented peppers and sun dried tomatoes I grew, fermented and dried myself!

Growing a vegetable garden sure teaches a person a lot about nutrition and the importance of eating an alkaline diet. Even though our stomach needs an acid medium to digest food, it sure is worth the trouble to get fresh air and sunshine. It amazes me how the health of my soil relates to the health of the my body. After all, I come from pure good soil and loving Ohio roots! I’m just trying to make my Grandma La Golda proud!


Salad greens preparation
Collect and wash your choice of wild edible greens. I love to use the following, plantain, chickweed, lambsquarter, dandelion.

Omega 3 Wild Dressing

3 cups, or less Wild Harvested Greens
2 cups Red Leaf Lettuce, optional
1/2 cup Hemp Hearts
1/4 cup Spring water (only use water in glass)
1/4 tsp Grey Sea Salt
1/3 cup apple cider vinegar
1/8 tsp orange or lemon Zest
3 Tbsp Fresh Dill

Make the dressing by blending all ingredients except for the greens in a blender. Pour dressing over salad greens and top with dandelion blossoms and hemp seeds and avocado. I added nutritional yeast too. Dressing will keep for two days in a sealed container in the fridge.

Stay woke folks

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TheDetoxIntuitive {Monthly astrological Intuitive Readings ~ Spiritual Messages}

I really do love you

Only want the very best for you

Please love yourselves

Stay Safe!

Stay home!

Take your vitamin C and your zinc

Get fresh air and sunshine!

Find unique ways to move your body daily

Be there for the elderly and your pets

Be there for people

Give of yourself and of your gifts

Be kind

Be loving

I Love you

Please love yourself

Until Tomorrow, be the change you wish to see in others ~ Andrea

Chakra Balancing Post workout smoothie!

My Favorite post workout smoothie!

Hey friends!

I know you’re busy!

I know you have jobs, children, deadlines and fitness to keep up with!

I know you’re concerned with loosing weight, maintaining good skin & lifting energy blocks!

This is why I shot a live video the other day on Facebook of my FAVORITE smoothie recipe!

This is a FABULOUS Chakra clearing smoothie!


Watch the full video below!


Persimmon Salad

Andrea's Persimmon Salad 


Andrea’s Persimmon Salad!

Serves 2

30 minutes or fewer

Pick up persimmons while doing your fall produce shopping at the local farmers market and you won’t regret it. They taste like Christmas! Sweet yet spicy, and with a gorgeous color.

Hachiya and Fuyu are the two types of persimmons you’re most likely to find. When ripe, heart-shaped Hachiya are jelly-like, while the squatter Fuyu stay firm. Save the wispy fronds from the chopped fennel bulb to garnish the salad!  

  • 2 tsp. Dijon mustard
  • 3 cups mesclun greens
  • 4 ripe persimmon, halved and cut into fans
  • ¼ cup chopped fresh fennel bulb
  • 2 Tbs. dried dates, coarsely chopped
  • 2 Tbs. chopped raw walnuts

1. Wisk together dates and mustard in small bowl. Season with salt and pepper, if desired.

2. Arrange mesclun greens on 2 salad plates, and divide persimmon fans, fennel, cranberries, and toasted walnuts between them. Drizzle dressing over salads and indulge without guilt or shame!

7 Days to Feeling More Vibrant and Looking More Youthful

Look more vibrant and youthful by following my easy 7 day formula!

I understand the lure of convenience foods that come in packages. Even raw food has so called “convenience food” now, and much of it comes in boxes! Most of these foods don’t require any preparation at all.  

I also understand the draw of fast foods especially when you have children and a husband to feed. They want to be fed NOW! Unfortunately, eating that way could be making you and them sicker.

What if I told you that you could prepare all of your food in an afternoon! 


Try taking an afternoon one day per week (mine is Sunday after I’ve picked up my food from the farmers markets). Just take a few moments to wash your greens, store your fruit and make a couple of quick convenience foods for yourself and your family that are healthier versions of what is in the super market! You have several recipes on line to choose from so go for it and use your imagination! 

Okay, so let’s get to my 7 day formula to looking more vibrant and youthful…

Day 1: Wake up and drink a glass of warm water with fresh squeezed lemon in it. This will open up the pathways of elimination and dissolve mucus in the body. 

Day 2: Begin your day with a fresh pressed vegetable juice! I’m not asking you to leave out your eggs, I’m trying to teach you to eat light to heavy! Starting your day off with a green juice teaches you to get into this healthy habit!

Day 3: SWEAT, SWEAT, SWEAT! I’m not even asking you to move your body here folks! Find a local gym or spa that has a sauna and get your sweat on! 

Day 4: If you are still eating dairy switch to raw unpasteurized dairy! Let me get one thing straight here. I am a vegan (no dairy of any kind). HOWEVER Raw unpasteurized dairy has several health benefits according to the Weston A price foundation. So if you do love your milk, cheese, etc and don’t want to switch to nut versions such as almond milk, then GO RAW with your dairy! 

Day 5: DON’T BE DENSE! If you are on a raw diet or transitioning to a raw diet and find you have a halt in your weight loss goals etc. Then toss the dense nut and seed based dishes. You are better off eating some steamed veggies with marinara or having a big salad with a piece of low mercury baked fish than you are eating a raw nut loaf!


Day 7: SLEEP! You have heard this a million times! No sleep no progress…8 hours minimum! If something or someone is preventing this …..say goodbye!

BONUS DAY! GET YOUR GREENS ON! Salad 101 – Learn the basics in my sample recipe below and mix it up nightly! A high raw high green salad is the basis of a healthy living food lifestyle! It acts as your bullet proof vest before your “naughty food choices” so eat away at those high green salads! 

Andrea’s High Raw High Green Salad!!!


  • 4 Cups baby Romain/spinach mix
  • 4 Roma tomatoes
  • 1 avocado cubed
  • 1-2TB Dulse granules
  • Juice of 1 lemon
  • 1/3 TB olive oil
  • 1/2 tsp dried oregano
  • 1 clove garlic
  • Handful of broccoli sprouts

Instructions: Place greens in a bowl, slice Roma’s and place on top of salad, cube avocado and place on top of the salad along with the sprouts. Sprinkle with the dulse. Take the juice of lemon, garlic clove, oregano and olive oil and blend in a mixer. Pour mixture over the top of the salads and devour without guilt or shame:)

Enjoy, and Be Well. 

Andrea Cox

P.S. In the coming weeks you’ll see more informative newsletters such as this one along with opportunities to get access to my digital library of products, attend raw food and cleansing retreats/classes, and participate with me via live webinars/teleseminars. 

I look forward to hearing your stories and journeys. 

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